Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Homestead Run For Mayor. By Geniusofdespair

So far Steve Losner (pictured left) has raised $9,300 and he has spent $6,926.15. Steve Bateman the incumbent has raised $65,500 and he has spent $23,253.67. Bateman also has a committee called Better Florida Coalition. It has no contributions to date but it spent $7,200 on billboards. I don't know how that could happen, but it did. Ask the Chairman Ernesto Perez or the Treasurer Nancy Watkins how they spent money they didn't have.

The Dade County PBA gave Bateman $500 in October. He also got money from Bob Epling, Usually don't see gas expenses on campaign reports but this is Homestead so anything goes I guess. Bateman even charged his campaign for a $497.47 campaign meeting at Sailfish Landing -- but isn't this a liquor store? He also had Campaign Meetings at Longhorn, Applebees, The Big Cheese, Capri, Chilis, Royal Palm Grill, Sunny's Bar B-Q and Outback. This guy loves to eat. I wonder where he would bring his pal Rick Scott to eat.

Losner gave his campaign a loan of $2,500 last cycle and previously $2,000. He got a $500 donation from his dad's buddy over at Alger Farms and Rick Torcise (the family that bank-rolled Lynda Bell) also of Florida City Commons. Losner apparently doesn't cotton to eating like Bateman, didn't see any meals on the reports I looked at.

Waldman got money from some people that make me wince:
Demetrio Perez
Jose Fuentes Lobbyist
Wayne Rosen Developer ($2,000)
Wayne's Pal Michael Latterner
Prime Homes (Hollywood)
Alger Farms


Anonymous said...

Genuis, you're smarter than this. Do you really think Losner doesn't have funds on the sidelines, which won't be deposited until the last financial filing? And, of course, that funding won't show up on his report until AFTER the election.

Come on, his daddy the Banker and his buddy's know how stupid this town can be.......Alger also donated to Losner. If you cannot remember that relationship, the EoM archives had a post when both Losner (daddy) & Alger wanted to increase their holdings in 1st National of South Florida.

I well remember how daddy Losner controlled County hall through Steve Losner, and anyone can go through the Herald archives or City of Homestead archives to look at Losner's voting record. It sucks.

Anyone who's lived down here prior to the housing boom (which was created in part by Losner) knows the real deal with him.

He makes Bateman look like an angel.

Anonymous said...

Ernesto runs Dade Medical College which is currently buying up parcels in the downtown area. Mrs. Bateman (real estate) is said to be getting exclusive commissions.
Bateman allowed the City of Homestead to be sued by the Air Force after passing vested property rights to the Algers. Algers are heavily invested in Bateman and Waldman this election. If the Air Force wins the Algers will sue Homestead. Some believe that the deal has already been made knowing the city will lose.
The Redland Company lawsuit with Pinky Munz was another pre-arranged lawsuit of convenience as was the Latterner/Rosen $5,000,000 settlement Bateman and Waldman concocted.
Prime is building another hotel with all manner of city perks. In Homestead all actions are part of campaign contributions. This is the lifeblood of Homestead's politicians.
The fact that Steve Losner has integrity and will do what is right for Homestead and not his bank account is why he should be the next mayor.
In the words of David Berrones,"when Bateman was elected Mayor, his horse came in." This was a quote from an investigation into Bateman ordering more than $11,500 in city utility bills wiped clean of people who supported him.
Bateman must go he has abused his office.

Anonymous said...

"The fact that Steve Losner has integrity and will do what is right for Homestead and not his bank account is why he should be the next mayor."

Well, his bank account got pretty fat when he was sitting on the Homestead Council approving all the development interests, leading Homestead at the forefront of the housing bust! Then, once he was done with that, he support a BS "moretorium" because, quite frankly, there wasn't much left to approve for development.

Losner is and has always been self serving and part of the Homestead "good old boy club".

No thank you to Losner. He's done far more damage than Bateman ever could or would do.

Pick your poison, as I've deemed this election, but please don't waste my eyes reading "losner has integrity" - right, and Homestead doesn't have a foreclosure problem or underwater mortgage problem!

Geniusofdespair said...

Genius you are smarter than this?

My report was what I saw in the campaign reports. The only noteworthy thing I saw in the campaign report was that Bateman likes to eat at every restaurant in town-- except the glaringly omitted Mexican establishments. I also saw a committee spending funds it has not collected. I didn't veer from what I saw. That is smart.

Anonymous said...

You guys hate both candidates. So... Who do you suggest. Perhaps "genius of despair" can refrain from complaining and throw his/her hat in the ring and see what type of job he/she can do.!

Anonymous said...

Vote for Genius? Are you nuts? Thanks anyways, lets just deal with the mess we have got!

Losner is as crooked as any politician, and given the chance, he will surely prove it to you! There is no doubt his $ has deliberately not been reported yet.

Geniusofdespair said...

YEAH ARE YOU ALL NUTS...I can't get out of Homestead fast enough.

Anonymous said...

Vote against Bateman. Vote against anyone endorsed by the PBA.

Anonymous said...

"Mrs. Bateman (real estate) is said to be getting exclusive commissions."

Do you have any proof of this? Dade Medical College has literally livened up what used to be dead end Krome Avenue downtown. All those students have to go places to eat, then they shop, etc.

It is an economic engine that's actually NOT destroying our environment or paving over wetlands, farmland, everglades, etc.

Genius, I'm not sure why you're covering Homestead, and the picture with Bateman & Perez with the Gimenez story is a little weird.

We get it, you don't like Bateman because of the Housing Board thing. Too bad you never watched Losner in action and his crap from his City Council days.

Geniusofdespair said...

I always cover campaign reports and report odd things I find. That is something I have been doing since this blog was started. I am not covering the Homestead campaign anymore than I am covering the Hialeah, or city of Miami campaigns.

Out of sight said...

Hey, they look like brothers! Both have dimples and similar eye brows... Could it be?

Anonymous said...

"covering" and painting a picture with your skewed words are different!!!

obviously, you have an agenda!

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes I have an agenda: Lynda Bell for mayor. Get her out of the county. I don't like the deal Bateman made with Muntz and I don't like what is going on with the appointments Bateman made to the housing authority. I didn't endorse because I haven't followed Losner's political career. But I am not going to judge him badly because his father is a buffoon. My father was an asshole too.

Anonymous said...

There are 2 things Steve Losner has that no one can take away or deny, that is honesty and integrity! Sometimes, he is brutally honest, and while you may not always be on the same side of an issue as him, you can be sure you know where he stands and I’d take that any day over the squirrelly Bateman. Losner knows right from wrong, he has morals! Bateman obviously doesn’t even know what morals are!
I view the campaign reports as a good barometer of integrity and character. You have Bateman spending about 20% of his campaign expenditures on food and liquor, a total of $5000! Sailfish Landing, by the way, is a liquor store and Bateman has spent $1,000 there. Exactly what kind of parties is he having with the donors’ money? If I were a donor, I’d be embarrassed that I supported a candidate making these kinds of frivolous expenditures! And what is with the $3000 spent on office equipment from Best Buy? Is that even proper? It is only if he donates that purchased equipment to charity following the election. But we all know the answer to that one. Bet he has a new computer and iPad at his house courtesy of the blind donors!
Losner’s expenditures are basic: mailers, signs, and standard fees. Why? Because he seems to understand the concept that rules apply to everyone, including people holding elected office! So let’s get rid of the impropriety and nepotism running rampant in Homestead these days with Bateman at the helm. November 1st needs to be Bateman’s last day of giving Homestead the perpetual black eye it has been sporting the past 24 months!

Geniusofdespair said...

Is it true Sailfish Landing is a liquor store?

Anonymous said...

Someone suggested taking a look at Losner’s voting record. I did my homework and there is nothing shameful. The man stood up to developers consistently, he was known for that, it is no secret. He and Bell were often in the minority against what the town had termed the “Fab 5,”the other 5 council members that repeatedly voted in favor of high density projects. And as an attorney, Losner knew when to abstain from voting due to conflict of interest, unlike Bateman who wouldn’t know a conflict if it bit him in the butt. He even appoints his friends to city boards, such as the HHA (just one more scandal in the works). Being a real estate attorney, as he is, during the “boom” was indeed profitable, but other professions were experiencing similar success, and you can’t claim it was because they were all on city councils. The truth is most people were doing better back then before the economy went bust. But times are tough now for many, and yet Bateman still wants to build, build, build when Homestead has enough vacant homes in their community that need to be filled. And I won’t even touch upon the cost over-runs, like Roscoe Warren Park (now a mud-hole) that Bateman used as an opportunity to cushion his old pal, Mestre’s pockets. Spewing lies about Losner is a sign of desperation. Hmmm, wonder who feels threatened? The Bateman campaign is running on over-drive today!

Anonymous said...

Genius, Losner would have made the same deal with Munz (Redland Company). Their families are way to close and have been for years. Losner would have also done whatever Alger wanted done, same deal.

As to Losner's record, I'll give you a glance - look east of the Turnpike starting at around SW 288th. He approved all of those annexations of the Williams family (his buddy) and then all of the crappy development which ensued.

That's just a very small snapshot of the damage Losner & his "good old boy club" did, without his Daddy interfering.

Anonymous said...

Yes, google it. It's formally called Sailfish Landing Fine Wine & Spirits, located in Florida City

Anonymous said...

If you want to do in Bateman, print the investigation of him: Case # PCIB 10-014.001. Possible sexual assault by the Mayor.

Anonymous said...

To the Losner supporter (probably Bell supporter too), I should remind you to go a little further back in your research. Losner didn't find the anti development button until AFTER all his friends developments/annexations were approved. Homestead is ground zero in South Florida of the housing crash as this blog has repeatedly covered. Losner approved all of it when he was on the council until one day, as he was preparing to run for Mayor, he kind of found the people were really pissed off for all the over development. This was long after the "horse has left the track"!

Anonymous said...

Munz DESPISES Steve Losner, why do you think they are funneling money to Bateman's campaign!? Losner sat on council for several years battling Munz and the Redland Co. AND the families are far from being friends thanks to Losner sticking his ground and not bowing to the special interests! The lies that are trying to be spun here about Losner are so outrageous, but that is indicative that the Bateman camp is desperate and has no other recourse than to dream up this crap.
As far as Algers go, true they are family friends but you see, this is where you can distinguish the character of Mr. Losner because regardless of friendships, he does what is right for the city and residents. I've even been told that Alger asked Losner not to run per Bateman's request...why do you think he would do such a thing? Maybe because he knew Losner has such integrity and would side with the city on a pending legal matter.
And since you dredged up the Williams' annexation, let's set this straight. Waterstone, which sits on the former Williams' property, is not shoddy construction! The Williams family sold to reputable developers that built quality homes. The family is gone from here now, so it's a dead issue really. All they did was hire an attorney that they've known for years and could trust, who just happened to sit on council at the time. At least Steve Losner knew to recuse himself and not vote, but the votes that took place and were voted on by the other council members were unanimous, they were no-brainers!
Stick to the facts!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Genius! Why does Losner have to keep getting blamed for and thrown into the same category as his father. Steve is a family man, who cares about this city! He does not have a hidden agenda. He is a property owner and tax payer in this city and could have bailed when properties were stupidly priced. No, he hung on, because he loves this town and he was always worked (volunteered) hard to make it a great place.

People, stop associating Losner with all the old timers and their mistakes. He has hung on when he could have cashed out! And, whoever thinks that Losner is a fan of Munz-watch some old broadcasts. Seriously!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Losner for Mayor. Bateman has damaged the finances in Homestead. The liquor store in Florida City is a second home to Bateman. It is called Sailfish Landing.

Anonymous said...

Well, which one is better looking, has better hair and is dressed better. We are always objectifying women politicians. Let's even up the score here.

Anonymous said...

Bateman has the better hair, for sure! That photo of Losner has to be at lease 10 years old, and the one of Bateman is current, so that's kind of hard to determine the currently better looking one.

As to the family man statements about Losner, Bateman is too, so that would be split decision!

I just had to play along.......

Anonymous said...

See page 7B of the Herald today.