Monday, September 26, 2011

Why I Hate Fried Eggs and Foreign Movies. By Geniusofdespair

I read Stieg Larsson's book "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Forgetting I don't like foreign films I ordered the movie version from Netflix. My problem with foreign films is I actually like WATCHING a movie. When there is an intricate plot, my eyes do battle between the words and the picture, not knowing what to do. I get so tired of the fight, I fall asleep. That's what I did at 8:30 p.m. last night until I turned the movie off. Also, what is with the Swede's? Don't they have any good looking actors? I'll wait for the English version. "Walkabout" was the last foreign film I liked. It was Australian (almost English) and it had very light dialog.

I hate fried eggs since the spouse buys fake butter. Eggs just don't taste the same and the watery fake butter makes the eggs stick to the pan so you always get a broken yolk.

My Also Hates: Tony Bennett duets, power point presentations and getting a new printer (I am on number 3 this year). What are you hating today?


Rick said...

Monday mornings.


Anonymous said...

"What are you hating today?"


Anonymous said...

I am hating people who put the wrong items in the recyle bins.

Youbetcha' said...

I dislike ....

Mornings for one thing. The duplicity and evilness of Politics for another....

And lately, my schedule...


I am thankful for friends always.

Anonymous said...

..the fact that I didn't win the Lottery and I have to go back to work today..ugh.

Sparrow said...

I hate American movies. And TV. G.O.D. you may hate ugly actors but I respect the fact that foreign filmmakers usually cast people who can ACT, not because they look good. American movies cast attractive people who can't act their way out of a paper bag. They've ruined prime suspect by casting someone who tries to act like a plain Jane but obviously is a pretty, educated actress unsuccessfully pretending to be plain and "working class." Helen Mirren was not made into an international superstar because she was cute - her acting was incredible. I lived in Britain when the first P.S. came out in '91 and I was BLOWN AWAY.

WOOF said...

Life's too short for fake butter.
You don't get much butter with your eggs.
Live it up.

Anonymous said...

I hate that I ran out of weed! Also hate that the season of "Weeds" is ending tonight!

Anonymous said...

I hate refried beans... no let’s move away from this trivial exercise... please

Geniusofdespair said...

No let's stay with this trivial exercise. I need a break sometimes and I plan on taking it with or without your readership.

I have had enough of you and your friggin' refried beans. Start your own blog.

Anonymous said...

I have to start my own blog and the west Kendal thugs can hang out here all day long? dont discriminate. Refried Beans and proud. Viva Mexico Carajo!!!

Penny said...

Poor "spouse" for using fake butter. Next time I see you, I'll buy you some real butter!

miaexile said...

have to disagree with you about the "Girl..." movies - what I appreciated the most in the first film ( I think it was the first? ) was the lead actor and his girlfriend in bed -- 2 average looking real people with real bodies --beautiful! and while now that I'm older I do find subtitles more tedious ( my eyes are so fckd after years on the 'puter..)I really enjoyed these I guess I hate the fact that I'm getting older and my eyesight sucks.

Anonymous said...

I hate that you use fake butter!
Splurge and buy yourself some Lurpak and use it sparingly.
And isn't there an American version of "the Girl..." in the works? I think they started with the second book and then someone else was going to make the first?
Great books either way.