Monday, September 12, 2011

Michelle Spence Jones plays pot farmer, in "Weeds"? ... by gimleteye

Michelle Spence-Jones, Miami's latest city-commissioner, hasn't had the time to tune in to Miami city business while she was on hiatus ... doing what? EOM thinks she has been working for a hit TV series "Weeds", under the alias Tonye Patano. Either that, or, Spence-Jones and 'Patano' who plays Haylie, pot farmer, are sisters for re-al. (Photo credit to straw

I am entranced by the idea of Weeds: "... an antihero serving as the protagonist while retaining their own moral code, which usually goes against the norms of society." Reader, you be the judge.


Anonymous said...

Spence-Jones - I've been saved by "jesus" (and Carey-Shuller, a good team of lawyers, a want to get re elected prosecutor, Dunn pissing off too many constituents, and lobbyists/development interests galore)

If anyone buy's this I haven't been following the stuff going on in Miami, I have a whole bunch of infomercial products to sell you, I swear they work as advertised!

Anonymous said...

Spence admitted that over the past 2 years she was banished she never had the curiosity to keep informed on
what was happening at her old job - the City of Miami.

Uneducated? Ignorant? In it for the money?