Friday, August 26, 2011

You Will Not Believe This - Homestead Housing Authority. By Geniusofdespair

I went to the Homestead Housing Authority Meeting Wednesday, just for a little while. It was an eye opener. Their budget is $20.3 million dollars. What was one of the things they voted on - to meet every other month instead of every month. One of the Board Members asked, at the meeting, what was the purpose of the housing authority. Really! He also hadn't even viewed his packet as he asked for something that others said was in it.

In my opinion, this was a dysfunctional Board. I have seen more professional boards with $2,000 budgets. One of the things they were discussing was a land swap near the airport because they had Section 8 housing in the danger zone. A Board Member, Lois Jones, was miffed because she didn't know anything about the new land being considered North of the airport even though fellow Board Member David Berrones and Executive Director Oscar Hentschel had already been to see County Commissioner Moss about the deal and it appeared from the conversation the Commissioner was going to prepare legislation on it. From what I gathered this was land slated for economic development. They are going to use it for Section 8 Housing? I asked to see a survey of the land being discussed. They didn't have one. But that isn't the story I am here to report.

When the subject of a second raise for the Director came up (he has been there 6 months and has no housing experience) Jones asked for a legal opinion on whether David Berrones and Oscar Hentschel had a conflict of interest as they have a Corporation together. The Miami Herald in a MUST READ article said:
"New board member Ian Iglesias, whose first meeting was Wednesday and who had to ask what the purpose of a housing authority is, made the motion to dismiss Jones’ request, citing the potential cost. “I don’t see the need. I don’t seed the need to spend $1,000,” he said, estimating the attorney’s bill, which would cost $200 per hour.

The authority’s 2011 budget is $20.3 million."

OMG, what are we doing with our Federal dollars? The qualifications for two of the Board Members:
"All board members are appointed by Mayor Steve Bateman, although Jones is a holdover from former Mayor Lynda Bell. Bateman said he appointed new board members because the previous board was “tired,” and that he appointed Berrones and Chairwoman Audelia Martinez because both had spent time in migrant housing as children."

Is he for real? Maybe you can qualify 1 Board Member but 2? Does that mean because I spent time in my father's real estate office as a child, I am qualified to be on a Real Estate Board? Note to Feds: You had better guard our $20 million dollars. Note to Lynda Bell: Your appointment asked the right questions. I guess Bateman will try to dump her too. Lois Jones also pointed out that another Board Member is related to Berrones and a second one works for a daycare run by his brother. And, the article said Barrones and Bateman had a business together. Ick. Why is Homestead so inbred?

Song Lyrics: " about Papa doing some store front preaching / Talked about saving souls and all the time leeching / Dealing in debt and stealing in the name of the Lord."


Anonymous said...

This is the tip of the iceberg that will sink Bateman. He and Berrones have a long business history together and the thought of doing some construction together is too much to resist for these two scoundrels. Land swap? That is the big story, do I smell another MASSIVE hud project like the ones along the busway in Naranja ? Moss has such a great record, NOT. The other Berrones venture is far more than a "day care" as it is called in the Herald. It is Le Jardin, a multi million dollar head start prgram funded by county, state and federal money. Audelia Martinez is the CFO there and is on the HHA board. Well, you know what they say in the south, "Incest is best." Anyone notice that all of the blacks and anglos on the board have been replaced with Mexicans. Diversity, Mayor Bateman ?

Anonymous said...

The multifamily development in Naranja is not a HUD project and it actually looks nice. We're supposed to be building housing near mass transit. The project isn't in Moss' district and it is a million miles from Homestead.

As to the actual issue of the Housing Board, it is very disheartening to see how sloppy they operate and clearly have a very loose grasp of ethical behavior.

Thanks EOM for filling in the details and for attending the meeting!

By the way, the Herald ran the story in print too. Nothing on the land swap, just the conflict of interest part.

Anonymous said...

WTFE, the stuff in Naranja is low end and is a means by which the folks in Liberty City and Overtown get moved to South Dade so that redevelopment can occur up there for the fat cats. WE are so far gone here, who cares that the slums are moved to the south ?

Geniusofdespair said...

It might be in print in your neighborhood, not in my paper that I saw. I'll look again. The housing development they were talking about was getting people living in the Homestead Airport danger zone out of it. Apparently the Feds objected to housing low income people in a crash zone. They were talking about trading for another swath of land NORTH of the airport.

Anonymous said...

And, now people realize why we it's name is "Hudstead"! I can't imagine them needing more section 8 housing with the high vacancy rate of existing housing - WTF build more, South Dade is saturated!

It's just shocking that someone so unqualified not only doesn't get the "sunshine" law, but his buddy's want to give him a raise for being totally unqualified!

This is just a redux of the Homestead CRA or the Krome Avenue redevelopment (whatever they're calling it now) blowing millions of dollars in to the Seminole theater and now bankrupt entities in the same area!

No matter who is Mayor or who is on the council, grants, I mean - OUR TAX DOLLARS, are blown to insider's, opportunity is squandered and Hudstead turns slummier and unlivable every day.

Anyone paying County or Federal or any type of tax is picking up the tab for their insider party.

Note to the Feds: Arrest them all, then sort it out, going all the way back to Steve Shiver and the Andrew bail out money. Rundle is too busy arresting low levels to actually go after elected officials. She needs the campaign contributions.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Hillbilly Bell has been trying to remove Jones from that Board through Bell's bff & Councilwoman Wendy Lobos.

Not that Bell gives a crap about anything other than Bell, but because Jones is suing Bell for discrimination.

Anonymous said...

Having the line "You will not believe" and Homestead is really an oxymoron.

Yesterday, I was singing "Superfreak" all day stemming from the pictures of Loser & Humbolt & Bell & the Farm Bureau as "Dignitaries", now today I need to think of a new theme song for these clowns!

Geniusofdespair said...


Le Jardin is owned by EDDIE Barrones not DAVID. Brother.
Sorry you are right the article is in my was so far back to the obits I didn't see it.

Anonymous said...

FBI needed a long time ago to go in and sweep out Homestead. Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

What is not to believe ? It IS Homestead.

Anonymous said...

One property has the infrastructure the other one doesnt figure it out. The mexican cartelero if you get a property graded filled and piped but yet you the agency someone pockets that amt.

Anonymous said...

Guys sorry havent slept just keep thinking like a criminal.

Anonymous said...

"What is the purpose of a board like this?" Seriously?

The "purpose" of the board is obvious. Like most such "boards" here its purpose is to divert money into the hands of your rulers by various means. This is, in fact, now the "purpose" of all local and county regimes, er, governments.

Peasants like Genius need to stop annoying the the rulers with stories like this that may result in a less efficient transfer of wealth from the subjects to the royalty. You cannot POSSIBLY still believe you live in any sort of republic, let alone a democracy.

"What is the purpose. . . " ROFLMAO!

Anonymous said...

I am proud of Lois for bringing this to the forefront. The last board was just as corrupt. I would go so far as to say all these housing authority boards need--all nine in Miami Dade need the FEDS to take a close look through a forensic audit. Many times they are getting their marching orders from our corrupt elected officials.
Lois is an honest and straight forward person when it comes to doing the right thing. Thats the reason she could not go along with Lynda Bell and her wayward ways. That was exhibited in the meeting here in Homestead with the Dignitaries and excluding all of us smuts. The smuts will define Lyndas destiny in about 75 days. RECALL Mrs, Lynda Bell.

Anonymous said...

Why the Feds....Why not Rundle investigating....ops what a dumbass, I though MiamiDade justice was blind. Anyone have the FBI's ph#?

Anonymous said...

In response to the anon above the last board at the housing authority was awful. THe executive director Ed Carrera was the treasurer, secretary and CEO of the Homestead Housing Authority at the Redland Site. I had not ever heard of this until I read the so call minutes that was placed on the Homestead web site. One of the board members steered building projects to the Imperial Banker Losner. Richard Alger Imperial Land Baron, Sally Strudley Imperial Real Estate Dignitary, Billy Chambers tried to make things better until then Mayor Lynda Bell kicked him off the board. Lois Jones has done the right thing by bringing this to our attention. Lynda, I bet you did not expect your appointment to show how mean,nasty vindictive and disgusting you are through filing a discrimination lawsuit. We all believe you were retaliatory against Lois.

Anonymous said...

Berrones and Bateman do not do business anymore? they own property together they are high school friends.
For godsake the FDLE And the federal agencies are all cock blocked by union pba guys blocking them.

Migrant housing is not section 8

its incredible the conflicts of interest

Berrones, Bateman
the Charter schools,
landscaping jobs,
personal favors,
own a property together in ft.pierce,
owened a motorhome together,

There trips to costa rica for business.(if your filming a porn)

Yes they both screwed me so this has to be the nail in the coffin i have waited and i pulled the trigger.

The property they want to swap for already has all the predevelopment upgrades done sewage roads electrical. Which they wouldnt have to pay for the they way they have told several people when they get drunk. Is bill for it and nobody woukd ask it is needed so inturn david who is on the board and is using the guys who built his house to funnel back to him.

Am to old to type perfect lynda bell really isnt this bright. But bateman berrones ripoff extroadinares.

Berrones and Bateman untouchable attitude.cocky bastards

Any federal prosecuters any federal agents your to busy wasting money following drug dealears low level all down here three different sweeps and the criminal enterprises that fund them are working in city halls right down the street,

Berrones neighbor busted for trafficking drugs things that make you go hmmmm.

Now citizens if you want to do something call up HIGHER LEVELS OF AUTHORITY OUTSIDE FLORIDA.



Anonymous said...


Yes they both screwed me so this has to be the nail in the coffin i have waited and i pulled the trigger.

I dropped the hammer. Booooooooom

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Bill Losner's creation.

Anonymous said...

huh ?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone get it now!!!

That is the reason Bateman and Judy fired the prior city manager, deputy city manager, and several directors. Bateman Judy wanted to have a new manager and staff to just rubber stamp their corruption …

Do not waste your time calling the FBI, staff was handed to them about corruption with Roscoe Warren’s council and nothing was done.

Read the prior Manager’s whistle blower lawsuit and get to know the truth.

The people who are always getting away with “S**t” are Maria and Cip Carza, they are the ones who benefit the most from this board. That is why they went crazy when Bell started to change the board members, against the Carza’s wishes.

The Carza’s want all Mexicans (and I’m one) to be ignorant and be their slaves forever.

I hope something get done in my life time to Homestead and it corruption.

Did anyone check Bateman’s, David Berounes, and Judy’s little angels’ accounts? Lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

To the last anon, Bell is not immune, don't excuse her which you are doing by not addressing her nonsense. She did plenty bad down here, hence a 1 term 2 year mayor!

Anonymous said...

The Herald did a follow up opinion piece. Now, if only someone with arrest powers steps in or they revamp that entire board or the fed's hold back the housing money.......

Anonymous said...

This isn't the first Rodeo courtesy of the Bateman and Berrones team. Check out the new Charter High School built on Public land.

Bateman made the deal and Berrones winds up as a consultant to the project while the two are business partners.

This is truly a mess!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Berrones and Bateman said they have not benefitted financially from any of the board member appointments nor from any housing authority contracts. Berrones acknowledged he contributed to Bateman’s campaign and bought investment properties with the mayor prior to his election, but the two are no longer business partners, he said.

“Why would it be a conflict?” Berrones asked


That is one of many reasons Mr. Berrones!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The new version of the Killer B's need to be swatted down.

Anonymous said...

correction for previous post Eddie Berrones DOES NOT OWN Le Jardin,(likes people to think he does lol) he's the Executive Director, a cushie job with a big salary, for not going to work most days, and that Audilia is his CFO, she ran for counsil couple of years ago, thank God she didn't get in!
Plenty of conflict of interest!!!

Anonymous said...

DO NOT RE ELECT STEVE BATEMAN....unless you want more of the same

Anonymous said...

more of the same? same improvements? same success? would that be so terrible?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Hialeah, Executive director with a GED and no housing expirience, former campaign manager to the mayor of Hialeah, confilcts of interest everywhere you turn. HUD, SAO, WTF?

Anonymous said...

"...more of the same, same improvements, same success..."

REALLY? What has Bateman done that no one else with half a brain could do? His successes are lame and his embarrassing mistakes far outweigh them! He is a liability for Homestead that can not be afforded. Let's get someone in the Mayor's race that has more than half a brain along with morals and integrity!

Anonymous said...

rite on.......

Anonymous said...

The Homestead Housing Authority has never been on the spot light like this. Ed Carrera was not a Bateman appointee, he was the Executive Director for 14 years,
the new guy is just another one of Bateman's and Berrones key to get as much as they can in their pockets from the Homestead housing Authority... what are his credentials??? yes he knows how to work the numbers....

Anonymous said...

OMG this is ridicoluos so much corruption, even at the Federal level??? if this is federal money, why havent the feds stepped in??
and what happened to Ed Carrera??
he kept the housing authority out of the spotlight, I say bring him back, and clean up....