Wednesday, August 31, 2011


jeebus said...

oh dad...

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

proud to be an Episcopalian.

Anonymous said...

How powerful! LOL Not even the churches want this schmuck! LOL This is one hell of a picture to use in a campaign against him. LOL
Thank you, G & G, for publishing this. You are the 'bomb"!

Anonymous said...

I am so tired of politicians and Teabaggers who think they have a direct pipeline to GOD and speak for him. This sign says a lot.

Anonymous said...

Praise be to Allah!


Anonymous said...

another church not taxes because they are apolitical

Anonymous said...

I don't think any politician believes they have a "direct pipeline" to God. What they want is for the voters to believe they do. The sad part is that too many voters believe it.

Same old thing: rulers using religion to control the masses. It's been going on since the beginning of time. People are stuck in their religions because without them, they are faced with such questions as "Why am I here?" and "What happens to me when I die?" Religion gives them the same comfort as the child that wonders on Christmas morning "How did these presents get under the tree? Oh yeah, I was good and I believe in Santa Claus!". People are rewarded by their religions even though it goes against any grain of rational thought.

David said...

When did christian bashing become acceptable in this country? Heaven forbid you should say anything slightly askance concerning a Muslim, but Jesus Christ is fair game?!

I am agnostic myself, but tolerance and dignity is a two way street.

By the way, concerning airport security; if touching my pee-pee or seeing my fat ass naked under my clothes means my plane won't get blown up by a Muslim, touch and stare away. I'm an adult with a little perspective on what's important and what's just noise.

Anonymous said...

Well said David.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Even David has been convinced that our 'safety' is worth our liberty. We're screwed.

Anonymous said...

Why? david is always on the wrong side of issues.