Thursday, July 07, 2011

Who Gave to the Mayoral Campaigns. By Geniusofdespair

All the lobbyists showed up in force for Gimenez's inauguration but some did not support him financially. However, there is another campaign report due so they could be late bloomers - in other words they saw the tide was turning and scraped together some bucks for Gimenez. (The last report online ended 6/23/11).

Rodney Barreto and Brian May's Corporation only gave to Robaina. (Brian May pictured).

Jose Fuentes (right in photo) gave to Robaina. Ron Book (left in photo) was conspicuously absent from both reports. Arriola, (in the middle of photo, lost a lot of weight) might have given. There was a Miami Beach Arriola on Gimenez's report.

Alex Hector's law firm Shutts & Bowen gave to both candidates. Dusty Melton, here on the right, said he gave to and raised money for the Gimenez campaign.

Al Maloof also didn't give to either candidate but he might have given to one of the PAC's or through a corporation. Others could have given to the PAC's too. Very hard to follow the money.


Anonymous said...

What a line up Genius... You must be proud!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it Brian May who called Alex Sink on her cell phone during the TV debate, breaking debate rules? Wonder what he's driving now.

Geniusofdespair said...

??? Proud that a bunch of lobbyists gathered for a photo op for me? Yes I am feeling important.

Anonymous said...

Brian May gave money to Robaina's campaign and not a cent to Gimenez? He has some nerve showing up at Gimenez's event.

This is the same Brian May who pushed the Marlin's deal and it's $3 BILLION loss for the taxpayers.

miaexile said...

could you imagine faces any more untrustworthy as these? it's like looking at the cast of the next great horror flick "pigs at the county trough" ..

Anonymous said...

Brian May's phone call to Alex Sink may have cost her the election and given us Rick Scott.

I am surprised that dumsh!t is showing his face anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Your statement that Rodney and Brian only gave to Robaina is inaccurate. If you look at the financial report for Gimenez's Common Sense Now PAC, Rodney and his wife gave it $7,500. Brian, along with pal Courtney Cunningham, gave the PAC another $6,500. So yea they had reason to be there.

Geniusofdespair said...

I said --- if you read the blog to the end -- that they could have given to a PAC. If you look at the the TITLE you will see that I was talking about

The title was:

Who Gave to the Mayoral Campaigns. By Geniusofdespair

Anonymous said...

Funny how all the lobbyists want to be on the winning side now. Bragging about their PAC donations which are so illegally large.

Anonymous said...

It would be refreshing if Carlos Gimenez would just ban lobbyists getting meetings with him.

No lobbyist zone.

No Francois Illias. No Garcia-Toledo. No Brian May.

Carlos - make us proud.

Anonymous said...

Genius, and last Anon, don't pull an Alphonse d"Amato with me because in the end, it was Alphonse who wound up looking like the real putz. You're obviously a couple of ignorant goyem; a putz is a putz, it's a putz. Perhaps, you both think a putz is a schmuck, and THAT is not a putz. Learn your yiddish, and don't use the terms incorrectly!

Geniusofdespair said...

on this blog...a putz is a person not worthy of a response.

Anonymous said...

From the Yiddish Dictionary:
Putz: literally, a diminutive form of penis; a prick. Used, as we do in English to describe a nasty, unlikable man. A putz generally has no real power, except to make your life miserable or at least unpleasant, often in a passive-aggressive way. Whereas a shmuck can be thought of as a large, erect prick and putz, a small, limp one.

Anonymous said...

Please Carlos Gimenez,
Don't let the sleazy lobbyists tell you what to do. That includes your lobbyist son.

Start firing County employees now if you intend to reduce expenses. Fire all the staffers who did "due diligence" on the Marlins deal/scam.

Taxpayers are fed up.