Tuesday, July 26, 2011

U.S. Rep. Allen West: Sleeper Agent? By Geniusofdespair

Remember the movie the Manchurian Candidate, if not here is part of the plot from Wikipedia:
Communists have been using Shaw as a sleeper agent, a guiltless assassin subconsciously activated by seeing the “Queen of Diamonds” playing card while playing solitaire. Provoked by the appearance of the card, he obeys orders which he then forgets.
I think Allen West fits the plot except instead of being a sleeper agent for the Communists he is a sleeper agent for the Tea Party, and instead of being an assassin he becomes a hate monger, and instead of being activated by the appearance of the queen of diamonds he is actually activated by the appearance of his Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.


Anonymous said...

West is insane.Obviously he has no respect for his office or women.How he got elected shows how mindless voters have become.All you need is a catch phrase and your in.People really need to be informed before they vote.

Jkregg@att.net said...

This guy scares me. There was no reason to react like that.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is the answer, informing people before they vote. We need to inform the people that DWS voted to put an end to the Shuttle program and to take $500 Billion from Medicare and put it into Obamacare. Senior citizens need to be aware of this fact. (She said Paul Ryan's plan was a death trap for seniors)

By the way, she said calling Obamacare on the House floor was a violation of House rules because it was disparaging to the President.

Also, we should share with the voters that DWS told voters that we should buy American cars while she is zooming away in her Infiniti. (In case voters don't know, they are Japanese).

While we are at it, it would be nice for Allen West to stop being mean to women. He should be more respectful like Bill Maher is to Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman.

Anonymous said...

I also hate Republican speak - like Obamacare and right to life. Good for you Debbie!

miaexile said...

Crazy sells, folks. Crazy also apparently garners votes. Crazy grabs media attention. The U.S. leads the world in Crazy. Crazy needs to be taxed. It would immediately eliminate our national debt without cutting spending or raising taxes.

Anonymous said...
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Geniusofdespair said...

This blog is not a vehicle for Debbie haters. Go find a like minded blog to spew your nonsense.

Sparrow said...

I think Michelle Bachmann should play the role that Angela Lansbury played. Both portray stony faced ideologues with no qualms about lying and committing other transgressions in the name of their cause.