Sunday, July 10, 2011

The New Face of Miami: Tow Truck Operator William V. Lopez ... by gimleteye

Great story in the Sunday Herald, about tow truck entrepreneur William V. Lopez. Over a lifetime, who hasn't had a run-in with tow truck operators in Miami or on Miami Beach? My own interactions with local tow truck operators have all been unpleasant. Retrieving a car damaged in towing. Pleading with tow truckers to release a car that had not even been fully linked up to the towing equipment. And paying hugely for the privilege. Lopez, featured in a Herald photo below, seems made for the role, his eyes bleary from too many cups of coffee or something else. Many of the comments on the Herald website are great and right on the mark. If Eyeonmiami could select an ambassador most representative of officialdom Miami, it wouldn't be the Estefans. It would be William V. Lopez. Here is the face of Miami.


Anonymous said...

Several of the bloggers on the Herald site are looking for this creep and they promise to commit serious bodily harm. That would be a public service.

Anonymous said...

Complain as much as you want. This is the face of Miami: Thug, Rude, Dishonest, Corrupt, FU.