Saturday, July 16, 2011

Great Recession or Long Emergency? by gimleteye

The lead NY Times article begins, "The rancorous debate in Washington over whether to raise the federal debt ceiling is alarming many of the nation’s governors from both parties, who fear that whatever the outcome, much-needed money will almost certainly be drained from their states." Duh.

The problem is that we are stuck in a place we have never been: a superpower grounded by the myths of American exceptionalism. At the very moment we most need wisdom from our politics, what is thrown at us by large corporations funding political campaigns is the lowest common denominator. Their ultimate aim: to keep Americans passive consumers. What is our purpose?

In Miami, we retreat into family enclaves. Tribes and tribal politics. Here, these are default mechanisms of an undeveloped city. What passed to the nation, from the Great Depression in the 1930s, as the social fabric and common good never quite materialized here. Now, it is being further hacked to pieces by the further myths of free market fundamentalism: that the public interest is better served by self-interest (greed) than regulation or government policies. Through the prism of the conservation movement (that ought to be a conservative bedrock principle), the past decades have been a 40 Year War on the Environment. We have literally designed government to fail, in order to protect polluting industries. Big Sugar is Exhibit A, with the attachment of the constitutional amendment Floridians passed in 1996 by state-wide majority that the Florida legislature, dominated by Republicans, never enacted. Exhibit B, changes to the Everglades Forever Act promoted by Big Sugar and Jeb Bush in 2003, judged by a federal court to be illegal in 2008, that still remain unaddressed. Two small examples (with billion dollar impacts) how misdirection dominates the political landscape.

We are seeing how other examples work out, right now, with the head-long rush to cut deficits without raising revenues or accountability brought to the thieves and crooks who caused the national crisis. That crisis, in Florida, manifests as the massive, crushing effects of a real estate nightmare unleashed by industry that claimed-- all the way to the cliff-- it was providing "what the market wants".

Paul Krugman, Nobel economist and NY Times columnist, is virtually alone decrying the abysmal consequences for our economy that-- in my view, forget statistics-- never recovered from the horrendous consequences of serial asset bubbles: first in internet stock and then in housing.

Jim Kunstler, a fellow skeptic, coined our crisis, "The Long Emergency". I agree. Under the cover of confusion, GOP majorities in Tallahassee and Washington are taking a hatchet to the safety net in order to protect trillion dollar fiefdoms. In this long, hot summer that is becoming clearer and clearer except where it counts: voters.


Anonymous said...

Please can you tell me how a small nation that was founded by ordinary people doing ordinary things became the most prosperous nation in a little over 200 years.? It is a result of one element and that is freedom & the concept that our rights are given to us by gasp, God and not a government made of humans who are imperfect. This what is makes this nation "Exceptional". (I see you rolling your eyes right now, but study history & you will find this to be the case).

You seem to always point your finger at Big business, Republicans or special interests for our problems. The truth is that We, each as citizens own this problem. we demanded the houses, the development & the consumerism. We all have a choice.

Unfortunately, I see guys like Krugman who blame everyone else, but then Krugman goes and says our solution is to spend even more money on stimulus to get the economy going. So it is bad for the consumer for the consumer to spend he or she does not have, but the government, who has no money either is apparently more moral and knows what is best?

You can execute all the special interests (& that is a real inclination of humanity) and still not get utopia. It does not exist in this world. The quicker we come to acknowldege that reality & focus on improving what is inside our souls, the sooner exceptional things will begin to happen again.

Geniusofdespair said...

I am rolling my eyes big time. Is the God you speak of the one that lives up in the clouds and sits on a throne and has blonde hair and wings and has a big book with x's and check marks? God give us prosperity and freedom? give me a break. Wasn't it your God who said:

“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”

Doesn't sound like your God was much on politics or success or riches.

Anonymous said...

God through the Church amasses land and property while paying no taxes. Sweet deal.

Get government services and pay no taxes.

Anonymous said...

Since you are talking about God and freedom, and the press, about 20 minutes ag the Herald website deleted a whole article about the Murdoch empite, and the possible collapse of even FOX News. I wrote this comment, and the censor gave me the window "under review", and right after they deleted the piece. This is what I wrote:
"I want to ask those who comment on this website what they think about this: If the right wing is the Christian right, then how come God has allowed that Rupert Murdoch – the "TV FATHER OF THE RIGHT" – sees himself involved in a scandal of such proportions that it is now threatening his EVIL TV EMPIRE, FOX NEWS? What are God's children – the Republicans and the Tea Partiers – going to do when they see themselves without such a defense force? Isn't it odd that God is allowing all this to happen? In Great Britain, the press has announced that every person who had their phone hacked is filing a lawsuit against Murdoch! Maybe, he'll sell Fox and George Soros will buy it! LOL And how about the second most important stockholder of the News Corporation, a Saudi member of the royal family? Maybe, this is the reason God got mad at Rupert! LOL"

Anonymous said...

The County and the City need to drastically reduce pay and benefits now. Elected officials and inbred administrators need to show fiscal discipline. There is no more money coming from the Federal government and local taxpayers are fed up with the massive pay and benefit packages handed to public sector workers like water.

Stephen Malagodi said...

Quite the excellent post. I too read Kunsler's blog and while I often disagree with this predictions, his analysis is spot on.
And speaking of tribalism, it's not just in Miami/S. Florida physically, it's also in the political environment nationally. I am so disgusted and disheartened at the political tribalism so blatantly practiced across the spectrum. The Obamabots vs the Firebags vs the lunatic crazies of the right. It's all so pathetic.
Everyone is so focused on personalities and narrow ideological (tribal) positions that they can't seem to identify the structural causes that you so name so well.
It is not Republicans or Democrats who have created this mess, it is an industrial system run amok in tandem with a political system that operates as a coalition government whose purpose it is protect that system at all costs. It is, as Hobbs so well illustrated, a Leviathan.
It has become a stumbling blind giant, unable to see or think. It is a creature that can now operate only by its sense of smell. It moves toward whatever smells like money.

CATO said...

Take it Easy G.O.D. maybe that first poster was referring to you.

Regardless except for his reference to that imaginary bearded fellow in the clouds he was right. The "Your A peans" came to this country fleeinf burdensome and tyraical guberments.

He was observent how many on the left are critical od consumerism except when it come to defending keynesian stimulidity.

I would ad those on the right are all foe cutting spending except when it comes to bringing home da Bacon.

We are DOOMED!

Anonymous said...

This is a great assessment of rock mining. We need to protect our resources. I am hoping that the commissioners and Mrs Edmondson vote to protect our future. Mrs. Lynda Bell now is your chance to begin to vote like a human being with the others that support no rockmining in sensitve area of our county. However. it will surprise me if you do. Put your vindictiveness and retaliation aside and vote against your miners.

Anonymous said...

Commissioners Edmonson and Monestime should always vote to URBAN infill.

Paving the Everglades is stupid.