Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why Are All These PAC's Helping Julio Robaina's Absentee Ballot Collection? By Geniusofdespair

This is the PAC that is helping to pay for Sasha Tirador ($49,000), who is doing absentee ballot collection for Julio Robaina. The Miami Herald mentions her in an article today (Robaina interests paid $161,287 to G&R Strategies, her company) focusing on absentee ballots. Another PAC, Citizens for Clarity gave her company over $100,000.
It is very hard digging up what is going on. They say the contribution was "in kind" from Floridians for Conservative Values, but the money collected just happens to be about the same amount. You try and make sense out of why all these groups from out of town are helping Julio Robaina. (I previously reported on Dade County Government Citizens to Reclaim Miami)

Get your friends to vote people. Don't let the rest of the State manipulate our election!


Cirze said...

You seem to be alone in doing the hard work of illuminating what is going on behind those "conservative" (actually "radical") scenes.


You are saving democracy.

And there aren't many of you out there.


Anonymous said...

So the "Citizens to reclaim Dade County Government PAC" is headquartered in Tampa?

I smell Republican Party Operatives at work...


Jay said...

those $10k donations are from the owners of those illegal gambling machines. they are reputable businesses and not connected to organized crime. (wink.)

Anonymous said...

You mean, don't let the rest of the country manipulate our election. I was doing research last year and found checks coming from other states form PACs. Those checks had lots of zeros after them.

Geniusofdespair said...

You are right about that. Rubio was getting money from retired people from all over the country. They were doing monthly payments.