Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Urban Development Boundary: whatever developers want it to be ... by gimleteye

If Miami Dade voters had a chance to vote on the Urban Development Boundary and whether it should be protected from rapacious development, an overwhelming majority would vote to Hold The Line. Unfortunately, Miami Dade voters are dumb as ox, returning to the state legislature, the governor's mansion, and to the county commission decision-makers who hate holding the line because doing so is perceived as a brake on campaign contributions; the mother's milk of politics.

The Miami Herald reports on the importance of the upcoming mayoral election in Miami-Dade today, relative to the UDB. This is territory Eyeonmiami and readers know very, very well.

"The legislation takes the power from Tallahassee and puts it more in the hands of local officials,” said T. Spencer Crowley III, a land use attorney at the law firm Akerman Senterfitt in Miami. “It doesn’t mean the UDB will automatically be moved, but it will be easier because of the state’s limited involvement in objecting to changes." Easier?

Just watch. The floodgates will spring open like the ones restraining the swollen Mississippi because the local officials know that there is no penalty holding them back. None at all. In the past, it took vast amounts of civic effort, energy, and money cobbled together from disparate sources to fight land use changes to the UDB that developers sought. (I know, because I have the callouses to show it.) Now those developers are deep underwater in their investments purchased at the top of the real estate bubble; investors who sometimes even built banks like US Century (we have also written about) to fill their wallets at the expense of our quality of life and environment.

They need to be bailed out, before the government comes in and closes their banks and their mortgages down. Watch how fast the UDB disappears, now that the legislature and our barely legal governor hacked state regulatory authority into pieces like chunks of tarpon thrown to a hungry hammerhead. And remember at the ballot box: "R" is for race to the bottom.

(uncredited photo of recent Islamorada tarpon catch ending with a hammerhead attack)


Anonymous said...

I do not get the warm fuzzy's with either candidate on the UDB issue. The Herald missed a lot on this issue because, I'm assuming, length.

I openly support Gimenez for Mayor, and Robaina will be the worst of the two on the UDB.

But, I didn't like the article in speaking about Armando Guerra (Sedano's/Krome Gold, et al)and Sergio Pino (Century Bank/Parkland, et al). Anyone taking a few minutes could have seen Gimenez's voting record on issues these two and their cohorts brought to the County Commission. Gimenez voted in favor of Krome Gold - outside the UDB, but was considered and unusual use because of the 100's of acres of rock mining needing to be done before they built houses! (see if that's going anywhere - not in this economy!)

I believe Gimenez also approved the Homestead Speedway Application outside the UDB, though not really in the productive Ag Area.

I state this to be more fair to both because it almost seems as if the Herald shied away from this, and it is public record, as are all Commission Voted on Zonning/Planning issues.

With that being said, Robaina will certainly be more than happy to pave everything to the Everglades, which will make Pepe le Pew and Joe "I'm not a crook" Martinez pretty happy.

I still support Gimenez, but like full disclosure and he will be the best man for the job in regard to our budget and really understanding County Hall. He will get things done and I truly hope he will veto every application outside the UDB, if nothing else, due to common sense that we don't need to go there for a very long time!

Anonymous said...

Even if these candidates don't care or understand Everglades issues, keeping development within the UDB is the financially prudent thing to do as county funds for everything from bus service to schools to parks to basic infrastructure like roads and sewer lines within urban areas are already insufficient.

Anonymous said...

States rights means giving in to the local thieves and scoundrels. Why not ask why shiver's ex is now working for bovo? It's money to keep her quiet for what she knows. Not that Rundle would do anything. But the FBI, might.

Anonymous said...

You mean Cire left Artiles ? She is a probably a better fit with the Commissioner from Hialeah than the Representative for Medley and Sweetwater (Homestead/ South Dade is screwed).
Note to wives of staffers: watch out, cougar in the house

Malagodi said...

Uh huh. Now I seem to remember something called the Hometown Democracy Amendment, #4, wasn't it, that both parties and the Miami Herald warned us would completely shut down economic growth and cost enormous sums for special elections.

Thanks Miami Herald. Thanks corrupt party apparatus.

Geniusofdespair said...

Until Audrey Edmonson and Barbara Jordan wise up and realize these sprawl developments take money AWAY from their districts, nothing good is in the UDB's future.

Anonymous said...

I think Edmonson may be. She's been doing a lot more questioning of applications outside the UDB and directly confronted Pepe on the 8 1/2 sq mile issue (see Eye on Miami archives).

Remember, Jordan is related to Otis Wallace of Florida City and Shirley Walker, et al. Her ties to opening up the UBD are whatever Otis and the Developers want, though, I am hoping she changes her thoughts like she has on Incorporation.

Anonymous said...

I have said, and will repeat -- to GoD's displeasure -- that when it comes to developers, such as Sergio Pino, Codina, Lennar, electing either candidate WILL MAKE NO DIFFERENCE. Why do I say this? Because I am a close friend of people involved in "the possey." Sorry, Genius, you might get the explanations "approved for public consumption," but I am very aware of everything that goes on behind the scene.

Bill C. said...

Great post!

Geniusofdespair said...

And I say again that you apparently aren't listening to me reader A few above -- I dont think Carlos is a lot better on enviro issues than Robaina but he is, without a doubt, better if given a choice between both candidates. Listen to the video of Carlos talking about rhe UDB that I posted a few weeks ago. He at least understands the economic folly of moving the line even if he doesn't fully get the environmental arguments.

Geniusofdespair said...

Carlos Gimenez talks about the UDB

Anonymous said...

Obviously, you missed the "approved for public consumption"... need I say more?

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, Lynda Bell continues with her efforts to cut the 'nads off of DERM.

Anonymous said...

Edmunson gets it now. She was the only one that voted against the Homestead UDB expansion for the race track.

Now with VNS gone, she also has less to worry about by way of reprisals.

Burrell said...

Cire Andino cougar in the house. LOL!