Monday, June 06, 2011

I Just Got The Memo: Drug Tests for Bloggers. By Geniusofdespair

Yes bloggers in Florida must now submit to drug tests. We join welfare mothers and those known common criminals - yes, the unemployed, who also must be tested. We are in good company.


Anonymous said...

I can not tell if you are joking. If you are not please tell us more I do not know anything about a Blogging provision in the Bill. If you are joking sorry to take you so serious.

Geniusofdespair said...

It is hard to tell reader because Florida rules have gotten so absurd.

Anonymous said...

Chaz Stevens said...

Thank goodness I live part-time in California and have a medical reason for the bong in my fridge.

Chaz Stevens

Anonymous said...

Are they screening for Geritol?

WOOF said...

Heads of household who fail the drug test will have their monies administered by a relative.

Bloggers are tested after all sisters,uncles, aunts, and second cousins have failed Rick's wife's $35 drug test.

Anonymous said...

- and your mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters who have inadvertently lost their jobs. Government workers won't even have the authority to use their discretion. Don't get me wrong, I feel there should be a provision that a worker can use his/her discretion to do this. I don't think we should be supporting people on welfare who aren't trying to live responsible lives. However, I don't think we should be testing everyone. This IS A MISUSE OF TAX PAYERS' DOLLARS. Furthermore, I wonder who is getting the contract on the testing itself.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a blogger, but I most certainly "wanna to be sedated" dealing with our local and state elected officials!

Youbetcha' said...


You are on to something that creates jobs!

Instead of taking away the money, the state can license overseers for the welfare households as form of jobs creation.

Using Florida Workforce, people can go to training classes and learn how to spend other people's money.

GoD, I will lend you some pee...if they are not checking for rabies. Otherwise, I will have think of some other way to help.

Anonymous said...

There's a ton of money being made by the "beat the test" industry. Funny thing is that the "bad" drugs, such as cocaine or meth, leave your system quickly. Prescription drugs are fine as long as you have a script. The only one that is difficult is weed. So, if the person having the test is on hard drugs, they just have to chill for a few days. Marijuana takes weeks.
Just remember, dilute, dilute, dilute. Then add back some vitamins. Info is all available on-line.
Do you think Rick Scott has money in the "beat the test" industry? That would not surprise me.

Geniusofdespair said...

I think WE have to pay for the testing not the government.

Anonymous said...

Correct....we, the taxpayer, are paying for this. So, your Aunt Suzie, who lost her job at the church is going to get a test whether she wants it or not, and the person who processes her paperwork won't be able to look at her and say "you know, I am not going to make you take the test". She is going to be treated just like the guy who stumbles in with the jaundiced eyes and the tracks on his arm. I think this is being lost in the dialogue. Testing can be good, but again - who is getting the contract to do this testing and how much did he or she contribute to Gov. Scott's campaign? For a bunch of Republicans who don't like overreaching government, this seems a bit overreaching, don't you think?

Jswcat said...

I just want to know, which part of Rick Scott I can leave a "sample" on?

Anonymous said...

Lets go all the way! If you draw a pay check from the Government than you have to submit to drug testing. I want to know what drugs the Florida Legislature and Gov Rick Scott are on.Don't You.

Anonymous said...

I think the eye in the logo has too much pink in it. Looks high. Air brush some white in there.

Anonymous said...

The people of Florida are getting exactly what they deserve. Who the hell put them in office? The Republicans. Bunch of putzes is what they ALL ARE. And now, Republicans, can wait for the 2012 election to get a Republican in the presidency. Keep voting for these CONS, A-HOLES. You should all drop dead! If we should trade you all for manure, we'd be making a profit. It's more profitable to have manure than to have any of you! That's how much you're all worth!

Anonymous said...

Please read the pieces on voting machine computer manipulation and absentee ballot fraud and there's little wonder how these people got in office. It's not the honest people stealing elections!

Anonymous said...

people who post in the names of Woof and Youbetcha should be drug tested

Anonymous said...

By the way, the addendum to the bill states that if you collect a Federal check, such as social security or medicare, you have to go get a urine test every time they give you an annual living increase.

Florida is on the leading edge!


Anonymous said...

Exactly how can we get a piece of this testing action? A lot of money is going to be made, and I want some. It is a money machine, pure and simple. Has nothing to do with anything else.

Anonymous said...

If you have a badge and a gun you should be tested for more than just drugs. Steroids and DNA sample too. Google alert Law Enforcement Misconduct and you will see why. Including the evidence room actions.