Sunday, May 01, 2011

Osama bin Laden Dead. By Geniusofdespair

It's about time we got him. I think it is amusing that the President's announcement about it interrupted Donald Trump's show The Celebrity Apprentice. Karma return? Lots of Karma exchanges tonight.

I hope this guy doesn't turn into a martyr...who am I kidding, that is exactly what he will be in death. I expect the violence will ratchet up for a while around the world in retaliation. But we will never forget 9/11. At least 2,985 people died in the September 11, 2001, attacks, including:

* 19 terrorists
* 2,966 victims [2,998 as of Spring 2009]

All but 13 people died on that day. The remaining 13 later died of their wounds. One person has died since the attacks, of lung cancer. It is suspected to have been caused by all the debris from the Twin Towers.

There were 266 people on the four planes:

* American Airlines Flight 11 (crashed into the WTC): 92 (including five terrorists)
* United Airlines Flight 175 (crashed into the WTC): 65 (including five terrorists)
* American Airlines Flight 77 (crashed into the Pentagon): 64 (including five terrorists)
* United Flight 93 (downed in Shanksville, PA): 45 (including four terrorists)

There were 2,595 people in the World Trade Center and near it, including:

* 343 NYFD firefighters and paramedics
* 23 NYPD police officers
* 37 Port Authority police officers
* 1,402 people in Tower 1
* 614 people in Tower 2
* 1 NYFD firefighter killed by a man jumping off the top floors of the Twin Towers


Anonymous said...

Will the death of Osama Bin Laden have any impact on the price of gas? I just paid $47 for 11 gallons of gasoline!

Geniusofdespair said...

Are you really thinking about your pocketbook right now?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YES WE DID ! ! ! ! !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm proud to be an American. Must admit that I got choked up at the great news.

Anonymous said...

I'm honestly very happy we got him, but watching the news was unbearable because each station was putting some type of political spin on it.

The mission will not be accomplished until our troops come home. And, I have to wonder, why did the intelligence take nine months? How many of our troops have died since Aug 2010?

Anonymous said...

FauxNews wouldn't do that.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like the coverage outside the whitehouse of all the people hooting and hollering. It will not play well with on Pakistanee TV.

Anonymous said...

I heard that they snuck up on him while he was watching the wedding!

Mike LaMonica said...

Thanks for gathering the facts in such a timely manner. They speak for themselves.

This whole thing has given me perhaps the strangest mixture of feelings I've ever had. Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

What makes me sad is that we went to war in Iraq over those towers. I fear that we will create thousands of little Bin Ladens from his martyrdom. However, I am glad he is gone.