Tuesday, May 03, 2011

If Money Rules: Hialeah Julio Will Be Hard to Beat. By Geniusofdespair

Hialeah Julio now has a whopping $767,075 in his campaign account with less than half of that spent. His report is a who's who of developers, i.e. Century Homebuilders (Sergio Pino) gave him $3,000, Wayne Rosen gave him $1,500 (often partner of Lennar). One developer gave him $5,500 from different companies - Roberto Cayon (address 3839 W. 16th Ave.). Maurice Cayon controlled companies gave him about $7,500 (address 3857 W. 16th Ave.). They must want him pretty bad. He got LOTS of gambling money too.

Looks like the developers are betting on Julio as Gimenez's report is devoid of them for the most part. Carlos has about $100,000 left in his account. While Julio is fundraising, Carlos is doing debates. If money is the key, we can expect Hialeah Julio to be our next mayor. Only you can help, if you ask your friends to email other friends and facebook it...maybe you can change the tide of this election. I figured we could actually get a worse mayor than we had...that is why I never supported the recall. Don't let my prediction come true! Make this a word of mouth campaign. Send them to this link.


Anonymous said...

If money equated to winning, Jose Cancela would have been Mayor in a lindslide.

Remember, he was the "Developers' Guy" too.

I actually got a robo-call from some group trying to slam Gimenez for taking Developers' money.

Robaina's folks are trying to throw as much crap as possible.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget about Rolle - he lost, the community was too pissed off, as they are now.

I'd be concerned about Llorente, he's an unknown.

Anonymous said...

So I feel like this is the gigantic elephant room, but where is community savior and steward Norman Braman in all this?

He swore this Alvarez thing wasn't personal and it was all about a golden brick road to reform...2 months later we have a few piddly initiatives on the ballot, are down 3 elected officials and its looking more and more likely that we will be replacing honest Alvarez with a publically celebrated crook like ROBAINA.

Thanks a bunch Mr. Braman! At least the 3 latest polls are all showing Llorente winning.

Geniusofdespair said...


Anonymous said...

One of your past posts inspired me to research the entire campaign up until now, and I eventually wrote an article on it which can be found here:


Julio needs to be called out on all fronts; the only way he'll take any sort of meaningful hit is if he's outted about his under-the-counter dealings with people like the owners of the Maquinita gambling machines, while at the same time forced to face the debates/forums he's been ducking.

-Ryan McGrath

Anonymous said...


Can be removed by administrator, but the 3 polls, including Miami Voices.

Geniusofdespair said...

Gimme a break the Miami Voice straw poll was totally ridiculous and I told Vanessa that. Farid Khavari, who also ran for governor by the way, got 69? And Roosevelt Bradley got 83 - fired from the county?

This was the dumbest poll I have ever seen. The Telemundo poll has Julio at 10%? How could that be accurate? And I can tell you Luther Campbell is definitely not at 1%. Where are they polling these people from? I don't take stock in these two ridiculous polls.

Anonymous said...

Don’t know what your overall point is on the money. It’s not about the amount of money raised. It’s about how the money is spent. Gimenez has raised over $550,000 dollars between hard and soft money. Not necessarily chomp change Genius.

Geniusofdespair said...

Don't remind me about PAC money. I don't like PAC funds.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about PAC’S, but that wasn’t the point . Gimeneze’s is not broke, was my point regarding your comment about Julio Robaina’s money. Gimenez has raised over $ 550,000 dollars. Again. Not necessarily chomp change Genius.

Geniusofdespair said...

Where did I say he was broke? I said if funds translate to votes Robaina has the upper hand. What could be simpler to understand? We all knew he was going to raise the most especially with LBA money.

Anonymous said...

you know what you meant... Poor Carlos... being out spent... special interest and Robaina, bla, bla, bla...

The fact is that Carlos has over half a million dollars and counting and it was not given to him by the Vatican, mother Teresa, the Urban League or the Audubon society.

Anonymous said...

Another Gimenez endorsement.


milly herrera, hialeah said...

I did my own mini survey asking around and found that Robaina is at the bottom of the barrel, so if he gets a lot of the absentee ballots, someone should investigate this!

Trust me folks, you DO NOT want this man for county mayor. He couldn't even count 15 flamingos at Hialeah Park when he had the historic stables demolished. Apparently, he cannot count. There were close to 400 flamingos!

Vote for Gimenez or you will get Robaina.

Anonymous said...

Call me crazy but the idea of electing a loan shark for mayor does not seem like a very good idea

Anonymous said...

I think Genius, the anon's point is that Gimenez is rolling in money too. Just my take.

Anonymous said...

Robaina got one thing very right at the KFHA meeting. After the meeting, I spoke to Llorente and Gimenez about it too. Robaina pointed out that the devil is in the details with the Charter Amendment Committee (appointed by the mayor and the commissioners) having the ability to put amendments directly on the ballot.

Here is my feeling: right now the Charter Review Task Force is ignored because they have no power. Their suggestions are taken, twisted and put on the ballot with onerous language, creating loopholes and doing real damage. If a Committee were formed with any real power, you would not be seeing academics and intelligent every-day-citizens on that committee. You would be seeing a shadow government of lobbyists, with incredible influence, writing language that serves themselves (and their appointees). This will fundamentally change the Charter in very dangerous ways.

As it is today, we elect officials and they have to sit on that dais and be accountable. We can vote them in and out. We can recall them. While that is not easy, the paradigm is shifting. I believe the Miami Voice experience taught us that.

Have we been able to affect good Charter change yet? No. Are we a Facebook Nation now? Yes! Did we recall a mayor in a landslide and make history? Yes. I feel it would be a terrible tragedy to hand the keys to the kingdom to our government with this as we are on the verge of learning how social networking can start to right what is wrong in this county and state. I fear that when you give the hammer to these guys, we will be the nails.

I wish everyone would reconsider this referendum and debate its merits and downfalls and I would value your comments here on this blog sight.

Jane Walker

Anonymous said...

You would also be creating a glitch with Sunshine laws. For instance, once someone is appointed, they may not be able to talk to the one that appointed them. However, if they work in industries that will be affected by Charter reform, they will essentially be immersed in a community that is using them to do a commissioner's bidding. If the public gets angry, the commissioner can just point and say "he did it, not me - that's what you wanted, right?" Therefore, it can be said that the industry has direct access to the commissioner, by proxy and that the appointee may or may not be subject to the stringent ethical constraints that elected officials endure. This is a disaster.

Geniusofdespair said...

These comments are getting so stupid I don't even know how to reply...."not subject to the stringent ethical constraints that elected officials endure..."

are you out of your mind? Julio Robaina is running for office HELLO??? Who were you talking to Jane? You believe anything he tells you?

Get a grip. I am supporting the charter reform amendment that would allow the committee to put charter changes on the ballot. The Commissioners subvert them...don't want them near them. You two are drinking the Kool Aide.

Anonymous said...

There is no charter review committee it has been sunset. You are believing a man under a federal grand jury probe. He would be better to put charter changes on the ballot?

Geniusofdespair said...

Ryan I appreciate you are trying to get readers but no links here please...

Anonymous said...

G.o.D. I came to this conclusion before Robaina talking about it. I talked to someone who's specialty is constitutional law who agrees. There are issues here. Like you, I want to see good Charter Reform. I don't want to see Charter Abuse, Chapter II. I am not comfortable with it. That's where I stand. No Kool Aid involved here. Perhaps an occasional glass of Merlot.
