Friday, May 06, 2011

Don't Believe the Robo-call About Eye On Miami And Carlos Gimenez...By Geniusofdespair

I think Keith Donner is doing the robo-call saying that Eye On Miami said that Carlos wants to...I am not going to say what the robo-call says because then it will be on the blog. Suffice it to say it is NOT TRUE. It is probably something they cobbled together out of context. We endorsed the man! We endorsed the BEST candidate: Carlos Gimenez. Actually I think this is very funny. Who ever heard of Eye on Miami anyway? Our 20 readers? Now all the robo-call recipients know of us. Thanks Keith, but next time get your story straight.

I thought I would leave you with a scenic photo of Hialeah. Enjoy! Isn't that Catherine Cue in that car?
Someone said the PBA is funding the attack ads. Not this happy fat guy. Couldn't be. The police wouldn't be putting out inaccurate ads, would they? Never. They just put out stupid songs. Right? You make us hate unions.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You're famous now, G.o.D.

As a regular reader and commenter here, I am sending a shout out to the newcomers. Come on in for a hefty dose of politics.

Did you have to pay them for this free publicity?

Anonymous said...

With all of problems within Miami Dade including Jackson Hospital and the transit system how can any see fit to vote for Carlos Gimenez?

He has been on the scene since 2001, he owns this mess.

A vote for Carlos is truely more of the same.

I keep waiting for Robaina to be elected by the FBI first.

Can he receive office/home arrest release if convicted?

If you are leaning towards a young attorney/ politician just watch C-Span for acouple of days.

Listen do not pick a candidate that was chosen for you.

Pick a candidate that still had his soul when elected.

Anonymous said...

I received two robo calls this week from the same group attacking Carlos. The second one which mentions eye on miami sounded like it was recorded in a bathroom. I made me giggle because it was barely audible but when it mentioned the eye, I thought - who is doing the research for Hialeah Julio.

I have not been 100% sold on Carlos, but now, the thought of Hialeah Julio anywhere near the 29th floor of County Hall just cemented my vote for Carlos.

Anonymous said...

When the Administration keeps critical informaion from Commissioners on a daily basis, I have no idea how you can say that Gimenez "owns" the problems... He voted against the Stadium, Union Contracts, and the last 3 budgets. Was given an award for being a champion of holding the line. Has fought for accountability. He is the right guy at the right time.

Anonymous said...

I don't put anything past the PBA. Didn't they do a similar thing supporting Seijas during her first recall? As I remember, they had a press conference saying the recall people were crooks. They have money and no ethics. Steer clear of anyone supported by the PBA and/or the LBA.

Milly Herrera, hialeah said...

This photo is nothing compared to other sites around our city, mostly East Hialeah and portions of the West. Julio Robaina has nothing significant to improve our quality of life. And.... millons received from federal stimulus monies were spent on a new recycling program that includes media expenses to Cue, thousands of giant green recycling bins (the most expensive ones according to the manufacturer), and very expensive automated trucks that eliminated jobs. The prgram is costing A LOT more. Why not have used the federal money to fix up some of our streets. Hmmmm... I wonder why? Is somebody getting some pocket money?