Monday, May 02, 2011

Bring our troops home! ... by gimleteye

Bin Laden is dead. He deserved his end, whether it happened yesterday or a year ago. But don't imagine his murder changes our trillion dollar errors in fighting far flung wars or signifies a change in our problematic, unsustainable relationships in the Muslim world. Al Qaeda morphed long ago; folding the Taliban and tribal thugs into a stateless enemy that has gotten immensely rich selling drugs, exhorting Muslims to hate Israel, extorting the United States Treasury and taking aim at nations that supply oil we need. It is not a conventional enemy and can't be fought with a conventional military. For a very long time, we will need to pile our investment into human intelligence, counter insurgencies, and domestic policies that reduce the underground drug economy. Our military industrial complex now includes a massive support infrastructure provided by US corporations. President Obama appealed to American exceptionalism in his speech last night because its themes are resonant with the conservative right. True conservatives would be offering ways to cut back on conventional military spending and trimming our military industrial complex so that our nation does not go bankrupt, not cheering a dead man's head on a pike.


Anonymous said...

Nice new look on Blog Genius.

Anonymous said...

This headline was copied from CNN's web site:

"No indication Obama tried to surrender; posters on radical sites vow to continue; Clinton: "You cannot defeat us." there a editor over there?

Anonymous said...

I’m in shock. Disappointed and frankly pissed off. Were supporting Julio Robaina TGO, He’s fought against abusive homeowner associations, and fought for the regular guy or gal. We can use his leadership at the BCC.

I just saw Vanessa Britto was paid $2,000 for starters by the Xavier Suarez camp to her firm Myami Marketing. I know you support her and that’s fine. But I get the feeling that her intentions may not be as noble as we are led to believe. She is evolved in a host of election camps and making good money throughout the county. Which is also fine. I’m a capitalist. But let’s call a spade a spade. This whole front of civic engagement and doing it for the people is beginning to stink. She is in it to make a buck and to be a political hack who will work for the highest bidder. Xavier Suares, Frank Lago (chief of staff for Mayor Marono of Sweetwater) and the list goes on. Please Genius look into this. I have supported her efforts largely because of you and I just want to make sure she is not trying to get a bunch of people elected (that suck) to make an easy dollar.

Geniusofdespair said...

give me a break. you supported her efforts because of are so transparent...i supported Vanessa because she was getting rid of Natacha, she could have been Ron Book and I would have supported her anyway.

Anonymous said...

That’s fine. I guess the end justifies the means. But where do we go from here…

Anonymous said...

Where do we go from here? We are waiting until November to recall Lynda "pave the 'glades" Bell. Straighten out district 8 now that the tea party fiasco is shaking out.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Gimlet, but I'm afraid we will have to wait for a while. At least, we got the bastard's head, so this should mark the onset of the withdrawal... HOPEFULLY!

Rick said...

Maybe I'm missing something, but what do half the comments above have to do with the post?


Geniusofdespair said...

Rick our readers are unruly - they don't care what we write about-- if they want to comment on something unrelated they just do.

persnickety pedant said...

big tent, little tent and bivouac pete

the bleats go on

Anonymous said...

Yes, we want our troops home. Please remember that Afghanistan is a NATO operation, and many other soldiers from other countries have fought alongside our troops. We should not withdraw until there is a NATO agreement.

Now, Iraq is another story. This was the bogus war and other countries were not as stupid (except for the Brits) in believing that this corporate war was about going after Al Queda. Troops in Iraq is all about oil.

Two different issues. If we want our troops home, we need to start broadcasting each and every dead soldier as they are returned to his or her parents. In Canada, each and every one is honored and is all over the news. The entire country grieves for each individual soldier, as it should be! You can bet that they will be first at the table to get out of Afghanistan.