As much as I didn't want her elected, I never thought County Commissioner Lynda Bell would be quite this bad so quickly. She is launching a holy war against DERM. She might as well be in bed with FPL as she is kissing their asses. I believe she would like to dismantle the Department of Resource Manangement or clip its wings from managing the fragile environment in Miami Dade. She has launched a misguided resolution based on faulty data about how EPA standards hurt Miami Dade County. (see read more for a discussion on that)
The ACLU is angry with her and has asked the city of Homestead to investigate whether Miami-Dade County Commissioner Lynda Bell orchestrated the cancellation of a concert of musicians from Cuba:
"Before the concert in Homestead could take place, Bell told Miami’s Radio Caracol (1260 AM) on Feb. 7 that she would do “everything within my power to stop that,” suggesting the event would be controversial among Cuban exiles."
If she doesn't get her act together and she continues to step in shit, her district support will be eroded badly, setting her up for a well-funded recall when her first year in office is up. You can have free movie nights all you want Lynda, but if you hurt the environment, environmentally minded supporters will be up in arms and most happy to support a recall. There are plenty of us around...and some of your most ardent supporters, during the election, have voiced disappointment with your reign so far. That is REALLY not good news for you. You are losing your base too. They don't like your staff, they don't like your support of 3 or 4 term limits, your worry about cost over drinking water safety, etc. I get it all in emails to my blog. (Hit read more):
page 9 of the report shows a map of all the states that have adopted various levels of numeric nutrient criteria already - the resolution of Lynda Bell implies that we're being singled out. There are at least 18 states with standards already (as of 2008, so there may be more).
In 1998 The US EPA started a “national strategy” for developing nutrient criteria. In 2004, FDEP and the US EPA began working on standards for Florida. In 2008, Environmental groups sued EPA for not moving fast enough. EPA agreed in 2009 to stop dragging their heels, and finally brought proposed standards to the public in January 2010. The EPA agreed to delay final implementation of the final rule (adopted November 2010) for 15 months – March 2012.
According to Clean Water Action (and others), implementation / compliance with the standard stretches over 20 years.
These standards only apply to Florida "class 1" (drinking water supply) and "class 3" (fishing, swimming, natural habitat) surface waters.
It applies to those class 1 and 3 lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams, and springs and explicitly excludes the drainage system of South Florida, meaning that it will have no negative impact on South Florida. If anything, having sources of pollution cleaned up north of us, means less down-stream pollution to deal with.
Lynda Bell's resolution also repeatedly states that the EPA didn't use "sound science" in determining these standards, when in fact they've taken local concerns into account using reams of data and the final rule allows for variations in geology and soils in setting the standards, allows “site specific alternate criteria” that take unique characteristics of a water body into consideration. DERM was on record saying that there were "disputes over the science" which allowed the notion that it was a "lack" of science in development of the standards.
The University of Florida Agricultural Science division - the folks who run the statewide agricultural extensions - published this report explaining the impact of the standards on the state and basically said that this wouldn't affect agricultural interests already partnering with FDEP through their Best Management Practices and goes into detail about the exemptions for South Florida. The discussions around those standards are starting now.
We're gonna live with this mistake for a long time. She is shrewd, cunning and can play the victim very well. The "soccer moms" eat out of her hand and believe her every word like it is gospel. She got Leisure City out to vote like never before.
She will fill Dominatrix Seijas's shoes easily.
Love the art. Maybe we can make an American Girl collection for her. The doll can come with three basic ensembles: miniature excavation equipment with overalls and a hardhat; a little church pew with a modest suit and a miniature Bible; and campaign clothing with oversized, illegal campaign signs. G.o.D., you can write the stories.
She wants DERM gone. It is very obvious. Her townhall meeting with Derm leaders was a setup. She is even worse now than she was as Mayor of Homestead.
Anon #1 - Lynda's church - New Beginnings is in Leisure City and was a polling place. The absentee ballot problems should have been investigated, but he was hand picked by the unreformable majority, so he did nothing.
She does not have a mandate on soccer mom's, unless they are Sara Palin Stepford voters.
Yes, she'll say and do anything to get elected for whatever. However, she didn't get "re elected" as Homestead Mayor, and that term was only two years. She left major problems and the millions spent on a pile of dirt which was supposed to be her Taj Mahal.
Environmentally, no one is surprised with her, except with how far she's going public with her real goals, that's pretty stupid if you ask me.
She will be recalled after November, she will lose "running against herself" as another writer described Seijas. Hopefully, she will not be able to do too much damage. I'm pretty sure even Martinez is wary of her, along with Diaz. Bell seems to be clinging on to Moss for dear life right now. Her short reign of terror will be just that.
Nicely said, previous anon. From your keyboard strokes to G-d's ear. Just so you all know, if derm goes away, I am switching to bottled water, even is it is bottled by Nestle. I am thankful that I don't have a well. I feel sorry for the Redland people, even those who voted for her.
Is there a subliminal message being sent here? What's with the two chicks climbing all over the mother of G-d?
They are two submissive chicks dressed in chamber maid costumes fawning over their mistress. Didn't you read what I wrote below it?
The leather collar on Lynda helped me 'get it.'
The Bell Taj Mahal was planned from before she was ever elected. The thing was to revitalize downtown. Never would have happened it's like Central America at that spot.
Truth be told it was all planned and purchased by 2006, she was not Mayor until late 2007.
I would like more info on the nutrient rules regarding water. Only one of 12 commissioners voted against Bell's resolution, plus she had DERM and WASD backing her motion. Carlos voted for it as well.
The ACLU garbage case is a publicity stunt and fishing expedition and we know that because they asked the big thief of Homestead to look into it. That mayor will soon be in a cell if the ACLU actually helped with civil liberties they would have stepped in when ACORN registered 880 false voters in Homestead in 2008.
Just another gloryhound do nothing group.
Keep on dissing Miss Lynda and she's liable to chuck a Bible upside your head.
BTW, nice pic. But I'm still struggling to erase the mental image of Her Highness dressed in a dookie chain and biker shorts from the Luke post.
Dominatrix/Deliverance/Dingbat Bell sandwiched between two maidens is kinda hot.
Does anyone know why the M-D State Attorney's Office dropped charges against Jennna Bell for the 2010 Super Bowl Sunday domestic violence/gun brandishing baby mama drama?
As to the Hudstead Taj Majal defender - Lynda was on the Homestead Council in 2006 and voted to approve this! Keep trying to spin it though.
The City basically paid Nelson to go away, giving him a fraction of what his Borges Supermarket property was worth.
And Bell was in on it.
Kathy Fernandezx Rundle made it go away?
I believe they all voted to approve the new city hall. Water under the bridge now. Bateman and Robbing are ruining what's left of Godamned City.
The short-term goal with respect to Bell should be to contain her legislative and political damage.
The long-term goal is to mount a recall. Bell's 2010 campaign has been analyzed in minute detail. All the features of her campaign management are known. In other words, "we won't be fooled again."
She won the race with less than 51% of the vote and was swept in by the Tea Party Tsunami. Her victory was an anomaly and her hold on the electorate is tenuous at best.
There will be a well-funded and well-organized recall effort after November driven by heavy hitters and shocked voters suffering from buyer's remorse. Until then, she should be caged and muzzled.
Truth be told it was all planned and purchased by 2006, she was not Mayor until late 2007.
BUT she was on the city council during that period of time.
Also, there was another operating business on that city hall parcel that to be bulldozed as well.
Yes, Washington Ave, is quaint and has the feel of a small town in Central America... Instead of embracing that atmosphere and ramping it up to be like a Chinatown, full of interesting things to see and eat,they were trying to snuff it out with a city hall. Downtown Homestead is a dirty mess.
I actually felt some compassion for Miss Lynda on a personal level regarding the deleted post.
Maybe a change will do her good.
I did not want to see someone attack her family. I had to delete.
The cancellation of the Cuban music festival is another example of Bell's "It wasn't me!" episodes; just like the Confederate Flag issue. When confronted, Bell protested that she did not see the Confederate Flag in the Veteran's Day Parade. Photos revealed that she was standing in a car right behind the flag in the parade.
She abolished the Homestead Human Relations Board for bringing the issue to the public's attention; typical of her pattern of retaliation, and by the way, another free speech issue.
It would be difficult to deny her influence in the cancellation of the event. The event was scheduled by the racetrack, Bell made her public comments, and then the event was cancelled. The racetrack's management has land-use legislation in the County pipeline. In my opinion, the racetrack doesn't want a County Commissioner angry at it and cancelled the event.
The voting public is experiencing "buyer's remorse" with Commissioner Bell. Her tactics of retaliation and warped public policy are well-known in Homestead and will soon be well-known in the larger County district.
"How do you spell relief?" R-E-C-A-L-L.
Hippie chicks are way hotter. Trust me.
Anthony SOB enough with the hippie chicks.
Thanks for the Fiore post in comments...but I couldn't print it. I NEVER LIKED HIM.
Too bad about about the Fiore thing. It's going to hit the fan. Since he didn't get DCF approval to run or hold office he's getting his friends AKA republicans in the legislature to bail him out to keep his job and office. Political influence is a wonderful thing especially when all it costs is political payback at the peoples' expense.
BTW - I researched your Comments...and I am writing a blog about it.
Fiore? Scurge of Kendall. Always sculking around in the dark recessed of rooms. Looks like the kid that just did something bad but is getting away with it. Fiore? The guy who worked a bit behind the scenes in political campaigns doing telemarketing and other things? Fiore? Don't trust that guy at all. I think he is bad news. I look forward to the blog, G.o.D.
Fiori? The guy who had non-english speaking "residents" going around collecting absentee ballots in Palmetto Bay?
Person I keep erasing:
First what is the NUBIA thing? Second you are making comments i can't substantiate. You want to sign your name and give me contact info I will be glad to publish it. Frame your comments better without the gossip and then I can publish them. But I have been researching your bills. Just the facts when you are making accusations.
By the way, I was at someone's house when two "residents" came to collect an absentee ballot. I seen it wi me own eyes. FIore, move to Chicago. You would fit right in.
Check out Rep. Jose Felix Diaz's bill HB4041 and Sen, Garcia's SB1362. Also, DCF rule CF60-05 revised as of 2000 clarifies the situation. The entire DCF employee manual as well as the quoted portion is available on line (google). The Bills are available on Bill Tracker. You can also google his Office of the Inspector General's report on the conflict of interest and computer useage from DCF. Google will also take you to the articles and reports on his activities regarding the conflicted voting. However, he contends the $'s were $200,000 while the news reports $180,000. As he says, it was OK because he used the money to invest in Palmetto Bay. Gossip I don't do.
BTW, Nubia is the child who died while DCF failed to properly supervise and review the adoption of her and her twin brother. Didn't do the follow-up the week she died after multiple complaints to DCF. They were overworked and overburdened. I've heard that before somewhere. The perks of public office seem to be more important to some than doing their job.
Nubia's brother was doused with acid, not pest control chemicals. That is what caused the burns. I believe it was hydrochloric acid, but I might be mistaken. I met a paramedic who had just gone off shift right before they found him. The guys were very shaken up by it.
DCF has some good people, I believe, but some broken policies. I don't want to paint with a broad brush.
As far as Fiore's position, huge opportunity for conflicts of interest. This is the guy's second time. Take notice, voters.
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