Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thank you and welcome to Miami, President Obama ... by gimleteye

Dear President Obama, welcome to Miami-Dade, the most electorally powerfully county in Florida. I am glad the birthers won't have your imaginary birth controversy to kick around any more. These times are too serious to leave to the carnival barkers, in your words. We have a different brand of carnival barker in our state. They dominate the legislature in Tallahassee where decades of protections for Floridians are about to be wrecked in what is best described as a Frankenstein Omnibus Bill. Here, the radicals have proxies that serve for your birth certificate. Proxies like the US Environmental Protection Agency.

This week, district federal judge Alan Gold issued another stinging rebuke to Florida in a ruling as a result of a legal case brought in 2005 by a small environmental group for which I volunteer, Friends of the Everglades, and the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians. After years of study and analysis of competing claims, Judge Gold's ruling unequivocally demonstrates that Florida has been a bad steward of resources of national importance-- the people's Everglades-- for twenty five years. Specifically, radicals in the legislature are determined to rewrite the definition of pollution in order to allow polluters to keep polluting our waters and land at the expense of taxpayers. During your speech to graduates of Miami Dade College on Friday, you will encourage young men and women facing the challenges of a new economic order that can no longer count on debt to paper over years of bad decision making that mainly served to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few. It is also imperative that you speak the truth about what is happening in states like Florida, where legislatures continue to shift the costs of business-as-usual onto the backs of future taxpayers. Thank you for supporting the EPA, standing up to Florida and the polluters.

I hope you find words to offer us hope because these are serious times. Please recognize that many of our carnival barkers also wear expensive suits, polished shoes, and sport neat haircuts and American flags in their lapels.


Geniusofdespair said...

Why did Obama take so long to prove his birth. He could have done it right away instead of letting it fester.

Geniusofdespair said...

AnthonyVOP SOB you have been banned from positing...

Anonymous said...

Like the rest of us, Obama had no idea that the radical right would gain so much traction with a segment of the public doing the birther thing. He had to do something. Now the true colors come out.

Good article Alan. Let's hope for the best from Obama on Friday and in general. He's all we've got at this point.