Saturday, April 02, 2011

Our Guest Blogger Makes the Miami Herald Opinion Page. By Geniusofdespair

I couldn't find it in the Herald online but our guest blog by Sergio is in the print version of the Miami Herald on the opinion page. Congrats Sergio. I have a part 3 from him which will be printed next week.

If you have a thoughtful guest blog, it does get play here at Eye On Miami.


Anonymous said...

Good work Sergio!

Tony Garcia said...

You should correct the date for the PTP 1/2 cent tax mentioned in his post. It was voted on in 2002, not 1997.

Anonymous said...

So if it's something picked up by the corporate mouthpiece, a.k.a. The Miami Herald, then it's a "thoughtful guest blog". The powers that be have you nicely trained Genius in your own mind.

Geniusofdespair said...

I called our author thoughtful before the Miami Herald picked it up...You putz:

"If you want to see his remedy for fixing some of the county problems, please be sure to hit read more, he has obviously given this a lot of thought:"

I don't agree with some of Sergio's fixes, but I wanted to give him a voice and apparently the Herald did too. He is a genuine person trying to make a difference. Maybe rather than being so negative, you can think of something that would be helpful rather than attacking the messengers.

Anonymous said...

I thought ad hominum attack was beneath you Genius in your own mind but you've proven me wrong. You've taken posts down for less than hurling insults like "You putz".

I attack only puffed up self-important messengers with delusions about the influence they have over events. If your blog threatened any real change it would be shut down.

Geniusofdespair said...

Look what you said? Read it. We have one rule on this blog, it ain't good spelling, it isn't good grammar , it isn't don't curse. The rule is: don't attack the bloggers. What did you do? You attacked the bloggers.

sergio said...

Sergio said: Tony Garcia is partially correct. The first time a half a penny sales tax was increase to help Jackson Memorial was in 1991, and the second time that the half a penny sales tax was increased was in 2003 for A major transportation project. I made a mistake by saying it was in 1999 instead of 2003. I was going from memory. I apologize for the error. I recommend you ALL read part three of my analysis on what is wrong in Miami Dade County with some suggestions of what should be done to correct it.I do not have all the answers, but when you see that we pay millions of dollars for miles of pipelines that are never laid down, or millions of dollars for low income houses that are never built ,and for thousands of palm trees that are never planted, then you begin to wonder, who else should be fired, besides the MAYOR and some County commissioners. For 20 years the County Commissioners have been blowing your tax dollars, like drunken sailors. There are more scandals that will come out soon, and you all need to look at the big picture, my error of 1999 instead of 2003 is not relevant. What is relevant is the fact that billions of your tax payers money has been wasted over the past 20 years by our Government leaders. I hope you all read part-three of my report on WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY GOVERNMENT.

milly herrera, hialeah said...

Several 'Herald reporters have been given information on a few varied topics involving Hialeah politics, but none have been printed in recent times. Some of what's written appears as free public relations articles that benefit the established government(i.e., the mayor who is not running for control of the county.

WAKE UP CITIZENS of Miami-Dade County! The 'Herald might be bought and an investigation by the state attorney's office should be demanded.