These notes were written in February so some of these bills might be heading down the pike already. They say "the business community is engaged in a feeding frenzy" and that bills that hurt people are being presented as job killers. Let me clue you in, you don't want to curb court awards. You may someday be injured badly by the negligence of others. (Hit on images to read them)
We have the lawyers mad as hell now--(at least read the first paragraph). The unions are already there and every environmental group in Florida is up in what are we going to do with them all? I say: We need an action!
Just a few comments: First, the "legal system" itself is not under seige -- its just the tort system that is facing changes that are beneficial to defendants rather than plaintiffs. And the changes here are small potatoes -- there will still be profitable trial lawyers after this Session.
Second, its "peddled" here, not "pedaled".
Third, while I appreciate the call to arms, I really dislike the overuse of "attack" or "seige" or "destroy" to describe the effect or motives of the opponents' positions. It shows a disdain for real argument and a cheap attribution of bad faith to your opponents. Our political discourse deserves better.
Otherwise, thanks for a great blog!
I changed the word...thanks. On a blog we have about 5 or 10 seconds if we are lucky to engage the reader. Hyperbole rules. Shrill? Yes. But we are successful on this blog. You have to be over the top or you are left on the bottom. I am not a writer but somehow I get people to read 7 days a week. Amazing isn't it?
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