Miami Beach gives us a glimpse of Lobbyist fees by requiring Lobbyists to report them. Here is what they are charging in 2011. Compare it to June 2010, last time I reported on their fees:
Danny Aaronson charged Club Madonna $400 an hour.
Rafael Andrade charged Sun & Fun for the Storefront Sign Ordinance $20,000 flat fee.
Charles Benson charged EDY and Lincoln Corner LLC $1,000 an hour.
Ron Book said he didn't get paid a fee to lobby for Mike Dee, CEO Miami Dolphins.
Jonathan Cardello got an $805,080 flat fee working for South Beach Heights.
David Custin gets $5,000 a quarter working for Choice Environmental Services.
Lucia Dougherty charged 1319 LLC $675 an hour.
Robert Goodman charges Art Basel $84,000 a year.
Neisen Kasdin charges between $400 and $580 an hour for his 17 clients.
Michael Larkin charged his 12 clients in the mid $400.
Brian May charged Imperial Parking a $22,500 flat fee.
Dusty Melton charged General Hauling Services $1,000 a month.
Jimmy Morales charged Patina Restaurant Group $400 an hour.
Alexander Tachmes Charged his 39 clients mostly in the $400 - $450 range.
The fees seem to be in the same range as last year. I don't think Lobbyists are feeling the downturn one bit, do you?
No, Book just gets comp'd at Dolphins games and free passes to the owner's box.
Yet another great story. This information is truly startling.
What is the benefit of knowing the fees being paid by private firms for representation before different governing bodies? This type of disclosure is a form of marketing for lobbyists. Other than satisfying idle curiosity, this disclosure does nothing more than provide market information to private firms who are interested in hiring representatives. What proof is there that some of this disclosed information is even true? It could be pure exaggeration to attract more clients.
Wow. I can't believe how much some of these lobbyists are paid. One guy has 39 clients?
Can't a private citizen just approach the government on their own?
Some of the lobbyists listed are landuse or commercial lawyers who obviously have expertise, others have absolutley no legal or commercial background and only are lobbyists because they were campaign managers for Mayors or Commissioners before whom they appear. I will not be personal, but check these names on google and see who has NO LEGAL DEGREE, NEVER PRACTICED LAW and WHOSE ONLY BUSINESS IS BEING A CAMPAIGN MANAGER.
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