To celebrate the recall vote tomorrow I decided to take a look back at my favorites photos of Vile Natacha from the Eye on Miami archives:

Hit read more to see the rest....

...and the infamous Miami New Times image - Natacha as the wicked witch of the west...

And from Harry Emilio-Gottlieb

This was my first post about Natacha Seijas:
Monday, November 06, 2006
Natacha Seijas - Vile Miami Dade County Commissioner
Natacha Seijas is a particularly vile and sour woman who is a County Commissioner in Miami Dade County. She is built like a bloated fire plug and has a furrow of frown lines etched on either side of her mouth. She has contempt for people in general and even the manatees can’t escape her crappy disposition. She said: “I am not a lover of manatees, as far as I am concerned they are from Cuba, which was our original animal, and I am glad they are here [but] I want to know how big that herd is because if that herd is way too big it is time to find something else to do with it.”
If I had to rate hateful people: This woman tops the list. And what happens to people who are mean and vile and sour: They get promoted of course!
I don't support what decisions she's made and don't like her conduct as a commissioner, but I don't support recalls and I think this is a little catty.
For a county commissioner who has run roughshod over the county for 18 years, to be "a little catty" doesnt quite do justice to her terrible reign as queen of mean.
I can take the heat of catty after a few hundred posts on her.
You all MUST remember to VOTE on March 15! Tomorrow! It's only a day away!
Great picture retrospective. The only thing I can add is the green witch on the cover of Miami New Times during her first recall. Get it right this time district 13. Just think Seijas and Murphy; 2 for the price of one.
Genius you are having waaaay too much fun.
Natacha is the herd from Cuba, not the manatees.
I saw this woman chowing down at ChicosII in West Hialeah back in the day.
She was hunched over her meal at a back table, glowering at passers-by.
I asked a friend who that evil looking woman was and he said "that's 'Gorda' from the Hialeah City Council."
The face has haunted me since.
I will be visiting the manatees tomorrow to give them the good news. Their "dictator" will be thrown to the wolves and they won't have to worry about her anymore.
I have heard motivational speakers talk about how one's thoughts and attitude are reflected in one's appearance. Natacha Seijas is the best example of how a negative attitude creates a negative appearance.
Yes but by any standard she has been incredibly successful. It just goes to show, the golden rule trumps Tony Robbins.
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