Thursday, March 31, 2011

Apple Store: your employees disappoint. By Geniusofdespair

When you think of Apple Stores you think of smart nerds staffing it. They might be smart on gadgets and software but not on Florida politics. Few had any idea who Rick Scott was. Some couldn't answer who the Governor was and most of the one I surveyed didn't vote. I have been taking weekly classes at the Apple Store and have been drilling my instructors on politics. I said to one, what do you care about and he said "music."

What a mega disappointment - smart young people not voting. Probably they are 'green' and because of their apathy we have one of the most ungreen governors in the U.S. Did I tell you my vegan niece studying ecology didn't vote? Heartbreaking.


Anonymous said...

It Is An Apple Store Not A Political Science School....
What is the Average Voter Turn out????
The Real Americans say that Politics Are No Good......

Anonymous said...

It's not so much apathy, as just being tired of the crappy choices. I'm 29, vote in every election, and truly dislike my choices.

If you vote for a nonhispanic in local politics, you lose. If you vote for a democrat, you lose. If you vote for intelligent ballot measures, you lose.

South Park had it right that a choice between a giant douche and turd sandwich isn't really a choice at all. We shouldn't have to vote for the least offensive candidate every time.

Just wait until Robaina wins the County Mayor election. Perfect crap storm.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention that when you do vote for something, like the high-speed rail or redistricting, the politicians figure out a way to override the vote. There's no way that the schools will be able to keep the class-size amendment next year with the budget cuts.

Many of our young voters grew up knowing that Al Gore won the election in Florida, but Bush took the state anyway. This started the path to where we are today. Life if easier if you stop paying attention. Can't wait for dementia.


Anonymous said...

I am in my 20's and a avid reader of your blog. I can tell you that I do see most of my peers don't vote regularly, and if they do vote, they will vote based on soundbites (mostly). Quite sad.

Geniusofdespair said...

Please educate your friends on the importance of voting.

Anonymous said...

To the 20 year old -

You are awesome. Thanks for being involved.

Anonymous said...

We get rid of the political system and let the Courts decide, Gore vs Bush, Wiscon vs Unions, Ohio vs Unions, Rick Scott vs Merit Pay, etc.....
Our Votes Do Not Count example Rick Scott and Merit Pay......
If Not then Vote for None of The Above on the Ballot and start the process over again.....
Richard Pryor - Brewsters Millions Movie

Anonymous said...

Being an Apple Store employee for over 5 years I can say that not many know much about politics. I always try and inform but alas only so much can get across this generation I am in.

Also, I have been an avid reader for years!

Geniusofdespair said...

Thank you so much for trying to make our community better by staying informed young reader. If your fellow employee's knew what was going on I am sure they would be horrified. Anything you do to educate them is a plus. Put yourself among those that do unsung good deeds.

Anonymous said...

Next time you are at a political debate, make sure to ask the candidates about the benefits of OS10 vs. Windows 7.

Caridad said...

You don't get it. We already admit most of the politicians know little about anything. An educated person/voter who lives in a State ( Apple staff) should know something as simple as who the governor is. Being a one-dimensional person will keep you in one job. Do you think Bill Gates cares about politics? Bigtime! We are assuming Apple store employees are educated. Maybe not if you are one.