Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reid Report: 7 Reason Rick Scott is Bad For Florida. By Geniusofdespair

Read the Reid Report's 7 Reasons Rick Scott is Bad for Florida. She calls her column on him: "Menace to Society."

My favorite from her report:

"1. He doesn’t understand the difference between campaigning and governing.

Scott unveiled his budget plan at a tea party gathering. And while that might make Florida’s tea party activists feel important, the election is over. Scott is going to have to come to terms with the fact that while he didn’t win a majority of Floridians’ support, he is stuck governing everybody, including people who are not part of the tea party movement. By unveiling his plans at a highly partisan gathering that represents perhaps a third of Floridians at best, Scott revealed that he’s more interested in positioning himself ideologically than in behaving as a statesman."


CATO said...

I'm no Fan of Rick Scott and the fact he chose a church to announce a state budget is somewhat troubling.

That said, Ms. Reid is wrong on a few points and her lack of economic understanding becomes apparent when she states "So Scott’s plan to grow jobs starts by cutting nearly 10,000 jobs, and his plan to close the budget gap starts with slashing state revenues."

Cutting unproductive government jobs (the number is much higher than 10,000) and leaving the money in the hands of those that earned it and the companies that hire them is a positive thing unless you of course you subscribe to failed socialist economic theories.

I do agree with some points Ms. Reid makes, for instance I don't think Scott gets how governance works but I don't think thats all bad. I'm a bit tired of the usual suspects who know all to well how "things work."

As for corrections the US jails more people per capita than China (Comuunist China), so perhaps we should take a look at the books and see how many NON -violent offenses we can either take off the books or not throw people in jail for.

All that said, I'm not on the same page of the Scott book when it comes to favoring business in utility rate cuts ( cuts should be equal across the board, why should we subsisize corporate energy) or turning Florida into a police state in order to weed out a few "Illegals" who are probably working and paying taxes. Besides where would we put them once he shinks DOC?

Anonymous said...

He is a "bull in a china shop" and has no understanding of government. Reid provides my thoughts exactly on the budget meeting with Tea-party people. He has a warped sense of what governing is about. Soon he will meet the cold stark reality of governing. . .

Anonymous said...

I can think of a lot more than 7 reasons he's a disater for the state!

CATO said...

With all the budget deficits and taxpyers being bilked for as long as I can remember perhaps a"bull
in a China Shop" is not a bad thing, whether this Bull is the right one considering his history remains to be seen.
I will wait at least to the end of this session before passing judgement either way.

Geniusofdespair said...

60 or 70 times pleading the fifth come on Cato! Honesty should be number one at all times.

CATO said...

I don't want to even seem to be defending Scott's prior actions I didn't even vote for him (or Sink) but as I said I will not pass judgement until after his first legislative session. All thee who are without a smidgen of dishonesty may cast the first stone, wasn't that you who said that G.O.D. or some kin folk of yours?
Governments been fat dumb and happy for too long a Bull in A China Shop might do it some good.NOT SAYING RS is that BULL.

Anonymous said...

"without smidgen of dishonesty..."....errr pleading the 5th 75 times for ripping off Medicare (i.e, the taxpayer) to the tune of billions is more than a smidgen for my tastes. Admit it, Rick Scott's a scumbag (you'll feel better).

CATO said...

Last Anon please learn how to read and comprehend, I at no time defended Mr. Scott and his prior behavior all I said is I am witholding judgement of his performance as Gubner until after the legislative session, though I will not hold my breath. A great number of our elected officials are scumbags (both Ds and Rs) thats why we are in this mess to begin with.

"No Mans Life Liberty or Property are safe while the legislature is in session"
Samuel Clemens

Geniusofdespair said...

I want to know, who is writing the Cato comment posts on Scott --is it the dog or the person?

CATO said...

It ain't easy pounding on the keyboard with paws, going out to play fetch and get some Alpo before the price goes up.