Ding dong, the witch is on life support. I am told Jordan, Bell and Seijas voted against the dual date. The other 10 threw her under the bus.
On another front, Natacha tried to bully Commissioner Monestime at the Committee meeting the other day and Francisco Alvarado details the whole deal over at Miami New Times.
Do you really think that Bell is anything other than Seijas' 'mini-me'? SHe is a pupet. She still travels with her advisors which really were put in place to pull her strings and let her know when she can speak. The fun of the Republican Party is watching them march in lockstep. The Republicans, unlike the Dems, have the shadow control of the Republican Party puppet masters. Fall out of line and you fall out of power. Bell has a title, but no authority. Don't waste your time meeting with her, go to the head.
I wonder who is pulling Mayor Julio Robina's strings? Seijas? That is what we need, another figure head at the actual head of County Government.
OK all - now is the time to stand and be counted. Vennessa Brito and her peeps have done all the heavy lifting to date, but you now have the chance, the duty, to close the deal. Bring it home recall election day.
Unless you like having something to rant about on this blog, it is the time to put up and donate, participate! Certainly everyone here can cough up a few bucks and pitch in with some phone back time, some door-to-dorr time and help with the campaign.
Or just S-T-F-U in the future if you don't put out some real effort at this point.
How do I vote, can I do mail-in for recall ballots?
Mail in??? Nooooooooo I think Seijas is handling the mail in AB campaign. That is why we need a concerted effort of GOTV (That's Get-out-the-vote). We need a truthsquad out there monitoring the AB cesspools. There is a lot of room for some special ops for the defensive efforts. We need to be prepared to address the expected misinformation and defamatory campaign that the Seijas dark forces will engage in.
Yes, its not time to retreat thinking hte battle is won, to the contrary, as Sarah Palin woould say, its time to reload. And its time to conclude the unfished business. Time to take back County Government. This should have been done long ago. Let's put Seijas in the political (not blood) crosshairs and do it the American way which is at the ballot box. God bless America.
Thank you Eye On Miami for keeping the community informed. I hope more people read this blog to find out what is going on in Miami-Dade County.
HEy, Anonymous above, not to be a jerk, but ....
Yes we thank the Eye for keep us informed, but what is needed is action to follow the call to arms. What we do to promote a successful March 15 will defeine whether we are truly engaged and ready to take back Miami-Dade or simply passive, irrelevant moaners.
Please do your part. Sign up and participate. Donate.
March 15th is my birthday. Getting rid of Vile Ms. Seijas would be a great gift, indeed.
"It will haunt you." I suppose that to mean, Miguel De Grandy and the Pino Posse who are the ghosts that haunt. They try to be behind the scenes. This election is going to flush them out. When will Hialeah voters see the light?
If I were Miami Voice, I'd be hiring someone or asking someone
(or two or more) to volunteer to watch the AB's. That's where this is going to come down to.
I'd also be looking for poll watchers to register and volunteer (who speak Spanish) inside the polls during early voting in Hialeah and on the actual election day.
So what did Jordan and Bell do then? They voted against the recall. Lynda will really enjoy that piece of mail next campaign.
Lynda is just clueless in County Hall along with her staff. She's a puppet to Seijas, and did her best to say as little as possible and vote along with the Vile one. I guess she's hoping no one watches or pays attention.
We're still waiting for those "Jobs" and the Union busting - which isn't going to happen in my life time.
I'm hoping Bell moves to Tallahassee - soon! We need a real Commissioner in Dist. 8. We have enough incompetence and special interest Commissioners already, we don't need another one.
Bell has her eye on the Rivera seat which will soon be empty
Robaina and Natasha are tied at the hip! The grand plan is to have Robaina as County Mayor, and either Natasha, or Steve Bovo replacing Natasha on the Commission. That cannot happen if we want an honest, efficient and transparent government.
I gave my donation to Miami Voice!
Maybe Seijas can work for convicted felon Peter Schnebly or be the Director of the Dade County Farm Bureau! Or, maybe she can move to Hudstead and serve on the Council!
Does anyone know what happened to the other resolutions that were on the agenda today regarding either holding an election for Mayor if Alvarez is recalled or the other ones regarding the Commission Chairman taking over?
Bell may be clueless but with the right machinery behind you, anything is possible. To prove it, I have two words for you: Sarah Palin. (speaking of clueless)
Hmm, wasn't Bell campaigning as being "fiscally responsible." How is it fiscally responsible to have two separate elections? And I know she was trying to distance herself from the commissioners who voted for a tax increase.
Hope Seijas gets voted out and takes evil Bell down with her.
It is a big mistake not to have a huge absentee ballot campaign. We have clearly seen on this site, that many races were won or lost in absentee ballot campaigns. To have any chance to win is to have a big push here!
Channel 4's report on what happened today: http://miami.cbslocal.com/2011/01/13/miami-dade-commission-to-set-date-for-alvarez-seijas-recall-election/
Once we dump Natacha, we can then dump her nepotism trail. Natacha's daughter Justina made $106,378 in FY 2009-10 as a Division Director in the Aviation Department. Natacha's other daughter, Luisa Millan, works as the Division Chief for Professional Services in the Office of Capital Improvements (the multi-billion dollar GOB bond program). Luisa did better than Justina in raking in the cash, making $151,351 off the county in FY 2009-10. Of course, neither job was advertised to public and no one else was allowed to compete.
Wow! Every once in a blue moon, Frank Alvarado reminds me of the old times at New Times! Very good, Frank!
Bell won by 363 votes, a recall will be great for her as well.
Jordan does not care because she has a great support in her area.
Bell is taking instructions from Natasha's chief of staff and from Natasha's best friend who was Lynda's campaign Manager.
Bell COS (skinny) is a toy in their hands.
Can county employees donate to Miami voice without fear of being fired?
Maybe they have a family member willing to give...
The donations will be published in reports... better to have your spouse do it if they have different name....
Otherwise, Be afraid if you work there or if your close family does. But, remember nepotism doesn't count in the building if you are a commissioner or mayor.
You can be sure, the manatees are dancing a slow dance of joy.
Cant believe the vile one has children much less feeding at the public trough. her daughter's government salaries are outrageous. cant wait to see her gone.
I will be voting No to recall Alvarez, and yes to recall Seijas.
I removed a vendetta comment post..
I noticed in this blog, the only way a comment can be posted is only if you are attacking Natasha, Joe, Pepe and Bell!!
when will you ever allow the other point of view?
I do not like some of the same people you do not like, and I'm on your side on politics. But the world in not black and white.
This is not a public blog... those of us who blog understand that a private blog is subject to editorial control of the blog owners.
It is what it is.
If you don't enjoy playing in this sandbox, there is always another one elsewhere. Similar media issue with shock radio or TV news... if you don't like the content, don't dial the channel.
Anonymous, if you can dispute facts with other facts, I'm pretty sure they'll be posted. As long as they stand up.
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