Miami Voice has filed a motion to have Natacha Seijas' suit, trying to stop her recall, dismissed. Below is the motion. Stephen Cody, her attorney, is trying to subpoena phone and email records of petition gatherers
according to the Miami Herald. Not very happy about that, since I am a petition gatherer. John DeLeon, former president of the Miami-Dade ACLU, said that Cody's legal actions would have a chilling effect on people exercising their right to petition their government. I am chilled, I am as cool as a cucumber.

Congratulations Genius, you're part of the Seijas witch hunt. Cody is a light weight but if Seijas gets Fernandez-Rundle involved you are in for lots of fun. I was a collector for the first Seijas recall. I endured almost 4 hours of grilling by the Public Corruption Unit for exercising my civic right. Fernendez-Rundle oversaw the witch hunt at the behest of Seijas. I had never been the subject of a police investigation and it was pretty aweful, although the officers were respectful it was stressful. I do not understand how one fat pig of a commissioner can command such power. Try filing a complaint against her and see how far it goes. I give Alvarez credit for letting the process go forward without seeking revenge on the petitioners. Unfortunately for you, Seijas is a dirty street fighter.Maybe that explains how one of Miami-Dade's worst commissioners is still sitting on the dais.
A word to the wise; take a tape recorder and record every deposition/interrogation for your own records. Who knows, it may come in useful.
We all see it is time for Fernandez Rundle to go, but more need to see it, too.
This legal action is an encroachment upon our privacy as citizens and is an attempt to disable the right of citizens to remove an elected official should the need arise.
Cody must be relentlessly fought at every quarter and this action must be stopped. We are observing the machinery of government directed against the interests of private citizens.
Instead of allowing the electorate to decide who governs them, we have legal action which threatens basic rights, and further, institutional meddling in the democratic process.
This is the beginning of a disturbing and dangerous trend.
Not the Beginning of, Just Business as Usual...
Now We are realizing we do not live in a true Democracy, we are no better than the rest of the world??? Judges are Appointed....Or not even given a second thought when voted for.....
Remember Your Vote Does Not Count when it goes to the Courts....
"Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), is the landmark United States Supreme Court decision that effectively resolved the 2000 presidential election in favor of George W. Bush. Only eight days earlier, the United States Supreme Court had unanimously decided the closely related case of Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board, 531 U.S. 70 (2000), and only three days earlier, had preliminarily halted the recount that was occurring in Florida." -
Recall Fernandez Rundle for gross incompetence and not protecting the interests of the citizens!
I'm so sick of these commissioners abusing their positions. I'm further sick that our County Attorney has to defend the BCC, in particular Seijas, but say it's not a conflict of interest.
Wake up Dade! We've lost our democracy and it's only going to get worse.
I have another issue with all of this. Seijas also retained Kendall Coffey. Isn't he married to Asst. County Attorney Joanie Armstrong Coffey (or something like that) who makes over $200,00 a year according to the recent County salary expose? Isn't this a conflict as well? How do these politicians get away with this crap?
Is it time for 60 minutes, or some other investigative national newscast? A little sunshine wouldn't hurt would it?
Maybe Gimenez will step up again and try. He gave an interview to CNBC (I think it was them) about the Marlins fiasco. We need someone with the connections to these National News groups and get this noticed. The corruption is just too rampant to ignore.
Unfortunately some Cubans have learned too much from Fidel Castro and Natacha is his star pupil.
Exactly. She commandeered the Hialeah police to illegally arrest petition gatherers the first time around. No comment, no charges by the State Attorney who instead did exactly the opposite: levy a fierce brutal campaign against petition gatherers. This time, it is no different. All that is lacking are monitors on every block in her district, enforcing her will and spying.
Hialeah politics at its BEST!!
Remaining cool as a cucumber is good advice. After the disaster in Arizona yesterday, it might be a good idea for everyone to calm down. VNS has done exactly what she did when Pizzi helped us go after her last time - hired lawyers and got prosecutors involved. There was a recall election last time, we lost, and some people went to jail. The truth is, VNS won her seat by a wide margin in a certified election. Let's just run a good candidate against her next time. This madness has to stop.
alvarez intends to resign before the election. he has no intention of allowing the people to vote him out of his seat. maybe VNS should think hard about the door.
actually, if I were alvarez i would allow them to vote me out... then then could claim voter fraud or something... or at least he could say he tried to do right but the end the his republicans, yellow shirts were angry and he was voted out because of politics.
The angry political climate is the direct result of creeps in office: Joe pepe NAtacha. Democracy? Only according to de greedy.
Kendall Coffey is co-counsel for Seijas. His wife, Joni Armstrong Coffey, is an Assistant County Attorney (level 3) who took home $287,164 as her county salary in the last fiscal year. So why is the husband of a senior county attorney allowed to privately represent a county commissioner who is challenging county election procedures? Wouldn't you assume a husband and wife would be sharing information with each other? Can anyone else see a conflict of interest here?
Last anon, yes, that's why I wrote the post about it this morning. It's unbelievable what's happening in the County and no one with any power to investigate does anything. VNS uses the PBA and the Hialeah Police to harass citizens in the last recall, and will use them again this round, in addition to the serious conflict I see with Coffey. Fernandez Rundle is probably getting subpeona's ready to harass the citizens on behalf of Seijas but she wouldn't dare go after any of the Commissioner's who help raise money to keep her in office and her off their backs!
If the recall campaign did everything right, then any potential witness should have nothing to hide. But if they didn't, if they failed to follow the Charter and Recall Ordinance exactly, then the effort deserves to fail. The collectors who went to jail last time were impersonating Elections Department employees telling old voters they had to sign to keep from getting purged from the voter rolls. They were fraudsters and deserved to go to jail. The question is did any collector, including Nancy Lee, commit fraud? We will see.
Neither Harvey Ruvin or Kathy Fernandez-Rundle can be recalled. They are state constitutional officers, not County Charter officials.
Stay "cool as a cucumber," you have no idea what "those" people --and if you don't know who, you're a bigger innocent -- will do to make the life of those who oppose them a LIVING HELL! These indviduals have both, influence and money, and they have a reach that you can't even fathom. So, yeah, keep on laughing, you're on the right track. In the meantime, I want NOTHING to do with them.
I think it's hilarious that people think Seijas' PAC filed suit because they think the petitioners did anything wrong. If you haven't read her suit, you should. Her PAC doesn't claim anything against the petition gathering process, but the certification of petitions by the clerk. Her attorneys are claiming one thing while looking for another - that's why they've filed suit. I REALLY don't think Miami Voice has anything to hide. In fact, I think Seijas' PAC is desperately hoping that they do so that they can do something. Nothing can save her though. People actually want her OUT....truly madly deeply.
As a participant in the last Seijas recall, I would like to correct the statement that said some of the petitioners went to jail. No one went to jail. After six months investigation by the State Attorney’s office at a cost estimated at over $ 100,000 one petition solicitor pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor of falsely stating the facts to obtain signatures and got a suspended sentence, and the notary pleaded guilty to notarizing four petition sheets (out of over 400) incorrectly and lost her license and received a suspended sentence. All members of the committee though were put under the pressure of a criminal investigation. Was the investigation political? You bet it was. Commissioner Seijas threatened the State Attorney politically by the implied if not stated threat of running a viable candidate against her. A case can be made that the State Attorney’s office should be appointed and not elected.
Miami Voice needs a better lawyer than Michael Pizzi. A party that is intervening, that is asking to come into a case when it was not an original party, can't file a motion to dismiss. That's been the law since the 1930's in Florida. Plus, if all Miami Voice wants to do is ask for a dismissal, they probably won't be allowed into the case. I agree that Cody's a lightweight, but Pizzi's not even a featherweight!
They filed a motion to intervene because Cody has subpeoned the petition circulators yet filed against Miami-Dade County...??? Doesn't compute does it?
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