I didn't photoshop the pig into the picture. Natacha actually put it there herself, at the end of the meeting she said it was for good luck. A pig? It sure fits her. On the two resolutions that
Carlos Gimenez put up that I reported on January 7th, the first was moved by Commissioner Jean Monestime but there was no second. The term limit one just sort of died. Jordan said it should be tied to salary increases. I just caught the tail end of the discussion if anyone watched, give us a rundown.
I found this on the last post but it fits here:
Anonymous said...
I just watched VNS, who seems to be in mumble mode, with a toy pig in front of her (a manatee would have been more appropriate) table Gimenez' two Charter amendments, moving as fast as she could to make sure they never see the light of day again. This goes back to Martinez who put her in charge of this committee. Jordan and Sosa both suck too! I hate when they play dumb, which they seem to be doing on this issue, then when Monestine was trying to do something in Dist. 2, Jordan and VNS both wanted to sound like sane words of wisdom - but really bullying him to do what they wanted. I was afraid Monestine couldn't stand up to some of these Commissioners.
Thanks, I was just going to copy and paste that here! You're the best!
There was also a discussion about laying the items on the table, as opposed to just voting them down. Seemed they wanted to take the route that would make it harder for Gimenez to bring them back. Amazing. They truly believe the people are not watching them as they do this...
VNS did give Monestime 750K from her affordable housing GOB windfall. So thats not all bad. As she said "the need in your district os far greater..."
The pig is so bizarre even for her.
That kid, Monestime does NOT have it. He has set himself up to be run over by that Board. Its been hard watching him.
District 2 has by far the toughest constituents to please. You actually need a very serious and tough Commissioner to represent that group. I supported Monestime for "Change" but now having some concerns with his passive nature. VNS money was a message to him that she now owns him.
What a mess...
With the headline you put for this story, I expected to see a photo of Lynda Bell
Keep up the good work, your reporting is spot on as always... One side note though, the link to the two resolutions is broken, forwards you to http:///
I fixed the link thank you for reporting it.
Recall Election Set! March 15, both Alvarez and Seijas.
Alvarez is preparing a lawsuit, that will allege "irregularities" with the petitions. Seijas already has one in the process. Depending on what happens in the courts, things could still change, but, absent that, March 15 for both!
What do you all have against pigs and manatees? What did they do to you? So unfair to lump them in the same category as VNS.
Why is the pig wearing glasses?
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