Friday, January 28, 2011

Miami Dade County Commissioners: always be wasting taxpayers' time ... by guest blogger

Yesterday, Miami-Dade County Commissioners were scheduled to vote on an application to yet again push the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) onto valuable agricultural lands. The Homestead Speedway is seeking the county’s blessing to move the boundary to allow for overflow parking, construction of a 6,000 square-foot concession kitchen, a “fan experience area” to highlight their sponsors, and 12,000 additional spectator seats to be built over the next decade. The project will take place in close proximity to the Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands (BBCW) project, and within an aquifer recharge area.

The transmittal hearing didn’t play out as planned, although plenty of citizens wasted their time waiting to see if they would have a chance to offer objections in public testimony. Though planning staff prepared all appropriate documents several months ago, Commissioners’ offices were first provided with the application paperwork less than 24 hours before the hearing was set to begin. Ill-equipped and angered by this process failure, Commissioners were unable to make any decision. Chairman Martinez was "forced" to reschedule the hearing for a later date. (Something that he takes obvious pleasure in doing; sticking it to citizens.)

Commissioner Heyman expressed her disappointment with the process, stating: “Ironically, with something as incredibly important as moving the UDB, there isn’t timely information. Talk about a missed opportunity.” From the other side's point of view, it wasn't a missed opportunity: it was an opportunity taken to frustrate the will of voters.

Hold the Line members are waiting for news of the rescheduled hearing date. Perhaps this extended timeline will allow the Commissioners to see this application for what it really is – yet another sorry excuse to push sprawl development even though there is no demand. This is how they beat the public into submission.
Type the rest of the post here


Anonymous said...

I'd be watching this application very closly for a whole bunch of reasons.

There's another CDMP amendment in the wings along Speedway Blvd. to the North.

This is a monster waiting to happen. It's not about a "fan experience".

The text amendment would theoretically allow a further breach outstide the UDB to the East.

This entire area could become one big commercial project from the Speedway along Speedway Blvd. north to SW 288th.

This is not the only application in the fire right now in that Ag area.

Anonymous said...

The Homestead Raceway has been such a great success ... Indy is abandoning the track. Maybe Homestead and M-D County should make something profitable happen at these money holes (like the baseball stadium)or just write the jerks a blank check. It is a joke. Joke! The scumbags don't need to "expand" the Raceway: what they want is to change the zoning. It's like beating a dog just to show who is boss.

Geniusofdespair said...

Another in the pipeline? I only hope it is Lynda Bell's enemy, developer Wayne Rosen or else it will get her rubber stamp. It will be interesting to see she and Natacha in lockstep on UDB votes.

Anonymous said...

GoD - Rosen is no long Bell's enemy. VNS gave him his marching orders a long time ago.

This entire area (East of the Turnpike in Homestead/Deep South Dade) is Rosen's et al's play ground.

And, this is all going to end up encroaching on the HARB.

Remember HABDI? Alger has been behind loosening development in the Park of Commerce against the wishes of HARB.

I see what's about to happen here, and anyone down here who knows or has lived that HABDI fight can see where this is all going.

A portion of the Speedway Ap is in a HARB crash zone. SW 288th is directly there.

HARB = Homestead Air Reserve Base

It's not hard to follow the bouncing ball. And Alger is up to his ears in this, though you won't see or hear from him.

Anonymous said...

The Florida Chamber of Commerce is trying to eliminate growth management altogether in Tallahassee this session. Really bad stuff happening. Call your state legislators now to object.

Geniusofdespair said...

Rosen gave multiple thousands to a PAC helping Flynn and a second PAC helping Bateman. I fear she is not as forgiving of him as you say. I think she will vote opposite of whatever he wants.

Anonymous said...

I remember way too many zoning hearings at the BCC when there were too many protestors, the applicant would always ask and receive a deferal.

As sad as this sounds, and because I've been at this such a long time, I've come to expect the BCC to basically defer anything - at least once.

Making two trips to the BCC on one item is not fun, but they're so arrogant (well, most of them), they could care less, though they'll say on the record they do.

It's very sad, and no, please don't tell me to "vote them out", they're there for life unless they're taken away in handcuff's or resign, or under a serious investigation!

Rolle was an anomoly in my book.

Anonymous said...

But, GoD, this particular application doesn't involve Rosen. Approving it will help him a great deal with the surrounding area.

Lynda loves this Speedway and gets great photo ops there. She'll approve anything for them, even if Rosen is a direct beneficiary in the future, which he probably will be.

Anonymous said...

The money that ends up changing hands on official campaign reports is chump change. It's the kind of money to them, that to you is sitting in your change jar. I'm with the anon above who says that VNS gave Rosen his marching orders. He might have opposed Bell then, but all is fair in love or war. You'll see. Bell will vote with the developers. How is Katy doing with her good governance project? Finding lots of good government types I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Bell never forgives or forgets. She would take anyones money with a big fake smile and then go out of her way not to vote for something even if it had merit. Just my observation.

Anonymous said...

Is Ryan Bugress still working at the raceway?

Anonymous said...

Most of the attempts to move the UDB have been scary, but it didn't seem like this one was too bad. And it was probably a missed opportunity for the Speedway folks since not so many people showed up (how many ?!?!) And wasn't the attorney for the applicant pissed off that the County screwed up, demanding the County foot the re-advertising bill???