Benedict Kuehne is the lead attorney representing Miami Voice (PAC leading the recall of Natacha Seijas) and Kendall Coffey is the lead attorney hired by Vile Natacha Seijas' PAC. The hearing is set for February 7th at 5pm and will be heard by Judge Amy Steele Donner. I hope Kuehne prevails, sorry Kendall you picked the wrong side this time. (Hit on image to enlarge it.)
Please contribute to Miami Voice.
Your best enhanced photo ever.
The lawyers usually do not pick their clients; clients pick the lawyers. Although Kuehne may have volunteered for this gig for the press. He apparently invited media to his first deposition. Hopefully he has his heart in this one so no one goes to jail.
Coffey could have chosen not to take the case, especially since his wife is a high ranking county attorney and the county is the defendant in the case. And the Plaintiff's subject represents the county (Seijas). No one could fault him for NOT taking the case.
Great photo but you forgot to include the source of Bens powers, the bowtie.
It's the old ganga coming together to rescue VNS! Coffey was the logical choice, remember Elian? Political consultant, Armando Gutierrez is a VNS insider -- and his wife is her advertising agency -- and we all know that Sergio Pino uses Gutierrez & Wife for his little "pet campaigns"... so what's new? Not a damn thing. I hope the outcome is a victory for Ben, because that'll mean that it's our victory!
Okay- I have been deleting comments about the various lawyers. I would appreciate it if you didn't trash these guys here. They are all doing their job --except the one lapdog who has an agenda (not pictured) and we all know who he is.
And we all know who feeds the lapdog at night. MDG.
This is the funniest photo, wait till it get around the legal community. Other attorneys are going to rib these two forever.
That's a mighty big sword Ben is wielding.
5 PM is when the court hearing starts? Who scheduled that? Is this an open to the public event that someone is trying to turn into a (even bigger than already) media circus?
5 pm was the Judge's idea she has another trial going on earlier in the day.
The Courtroom: a fitting venue for today's public policy gladiators.
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