I don't claim to know the issues around Luis Posada Carriles like I should, but apparently Congressman David Rivera is on top of it, as I saw in a
video posted on MambiWatch. The Blog also said wannabe County Mayor Hialeah Julio (Robaina) is also a
Carriles supporter and posts a photo to prove it. Is that good or

bad to support him, depends on your point of view. HOWEVER, if someone is under arrest facing trial, maybe it is better to lay low if you are in public office because you should abide by the rules of law if you are a lawmaker. That is not even taking into account the more serious charges he is accused of in some other countries...countries that shall remain nameless. The video was shot December 30, 2010 according to MambiWatch (translation by Mambiwatch,
if you speak Spanish I suggest you watch the video yourself).
See the Young Turks...
A congressman hugging a terrorist wanted in Venezuela and Cuba for killing people is unsightly. What are we in for? The other Cuba-haters in office in South Florida smartly stayed away, respecting ALL their constituents. How could Rivera think this is a good thing for him to do?
Posada - Carriles's case is a dificult one, he was tried twice in Venezuela for airline bombing and found not Guilty but held over during the appeal, he escaped during the appeal process and "monkey" Morales later said that he himself was responsible for the bombing.
Posada Carriles has been tied to Havana hotel bombings amongst other things, always keep in mind that Mr. Carriles at one point was trained and used by the U.S. Government but ran into trouble when he decided to freelance.
One man's terrorist is anothers freedom fighter. The Brits thought Washington, Jefferson Adams etal were a bunch of terrorist rable raousers, we call them founding fathers. Go Figure
last anon Venezuala and Cuba are hardly cradles of justice more akin to a kangarro court system.
Thanks for the mention Genius,
You made a comment that I wanted to quickly respond to. Whether it is good or bad to support Posada.
I've examined the whole local controversy in Miami around Posada, and it is clear to me that Posada not only symbolizes a culture of violence for exile militants, but he also represents an enduring politics of force without democracy.
Thus, if you support Posada, and his history is clear to all, then you support the use of force in politics, be it violent or coercive, but always with disdain for what the public thinks.
That's Posada and his supporters.
WHAT THE HELL IS SO DAMN SURPRISING? The Republican Party ideologues espouse terrorism, and so does its new branch: The Tea Party! Haven't you hard it from the lips of Sarah Palin, the new Repubican-Tea Partier maverick? They want their members "ARMED AND READY." When it comes to terrorism, no matter what the ethnic group. IT'S TERRORISM!
Was it he who Set off a Pipe Bomb back in the 80s, something to do with CUBA, at a garage of a home, that i was sitting directly across the street from waiting for my bus to middle school?????
Anon #4. You are a huge part of the problem here. This is one of the most Assinine comments I've read on this blog. You are a smuck!!!!!!!
The hug reminds me of the Obama-Crist embrace. Most people would see this hug negatively in the Rivera district and around the country. Only the hard-line people would see this as a positive photo op for David Rivera. I believe this will also hurt Mayor Julio Robaina with at least 40% of Miami Dade's population. They said Jimmy Morales wasn't Cuban enough. Julio Robaina is too Cuban for the rest of us.
Calle Ocho watch was removed for threatening speech.
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