According to the Ricker Report and Miami Today, Former Miami City Manager Carlos Migoya said he is considering taking the job vacated by Enedia Roldan. I wonder what George Burgess thinks of his competition? Out of the two, I vote for Migoya. He would stand up to Governor Deadhead Scott and the County Commissioners. Burgess would just try to broker a deal...as always.
Apparently in Miami Dade County, you need NO hospital experience to run a hospital empire.
While I agree that the PHT needs a skilled health care administrator, if the choice is between Migoya and Burgess, then Migoya should win running away. He has actual business (P&L) experience while Burgess is a lifelong dissembler.
Bo Boulenger at Baptist would take names and kick butt and then Jackson would be top notch and well run
I didn't have much of an opinion about Jackson until I recently needed medical care my primary couldn't provide. I figured I'd give Jackson a chance, since after all, UM is a key resource with a growing reputation for advanced treatment and skilled doctors. But I have to say: everything at Jackson was DIFFICULT and time consuming. It is not that the people aren't perfectly nice. Example: it was just so burdensome getting through to anyone on the phone. And then, the robo calls come back. It took me forty five minutes to reach anyone on the phone who could help me with a pre-op service. Fortunately I'm not in a critical care situation and after a lot of thought, I'm taking my business/problem, elsewhere.
I certainly hope that we get an experienced hospital administrator. We keep making the same mistakes over and over again by placing political-oriented people in highly technical leadership roles and the end result is always failure. No amount of liking a person will subsitute for years of academic training and experiential learning in the field. We are in crisis mode, need someone who can run at a high level from the get-go and have no time to teach the basics to someone new to the field. If these people want a job there, give them one. But none are qualified to be CEO. To hire either of them sends a signal to everyone from wall street to the feds, to professionals in the field, to the people who work there, to the voters, and to the clients, that we are not serious and only interested in controlling the distribution of money that comes there. Again, we will be the laughing stock of the nation.
I am no fan of Georgieboy, but why in the world would you think that Migoya is a good choice?
He did absolutely nothing to help Miami, just followed the Mayors marching orders and turned a blind eye to a fraudulent budget.
When he did have an issue with Commissioners last fall , he quit.
He wouldn't stand a chance with VNS.
Genius, in Miami -- when applying for any job -- you don't need any experience. All you need is the RIGHT FRIENDS!
We have a bush-league small-town mentality. Controlling this way is very obvious. Sophisticated operatives will always hire the best talent. It is the best assurance they have to maintain control. The best talent will insure the operation is well-run and that every I is dotted and every T crossed, keep the organization out of trouble, and please many stakeholders. We seem to be incapable of learning from bad experiences.
Because he is a better choice than Burgess, I don't like Burgess deal making. It sucks. He has been doing it since he has been Manager.
Well, if Scott gets into the mix, there will be a person of his picking.
Burgess was deal making when he was a department head and honed the skill at the school board. He became a master of dancing under Alvarez's tutorship.
Scott could do away with public hospitals...
Migoya stopped many bad deals while city manager even the ones supported by Regalado.
Not only is George Burgess an unqualified incompetent, if the PHT hired him, they would be forced to take all his incompetent cronies (Glazer-Moon, Torriente, et al) without competition and at outrageous salaries.
Migoya spent a year at the City of Miami and he did force the unions to make some temporary concessions the deep rooted problems are far from over. Far from over. Migoya kept almost all the criminals on the City payroll. In fact, he promoted a few.
Migoya allowed the two broke museums to start taking land on waterfront Bicentennial Park. That decision might end up costing the taxpayers over $1 BILLION.
Migoya failed at the City of Miami. He is unqualified to lead the PHT. Mr. Businessman Migoya clearly has aquired the taste for Government and cannot let go.
I like the one comment regarding Bo Boulenger at Baptist. He would take no prisoners, well, perhaps only at Ward D. He has the experience.
Is there any way to bring Lee Huntley back to Miami? He was the prior CEO at Baptist. I think he moved on to Tennesee.
Does any of this matter? I thought Gov Scott was going to do away with public hopsitals, moving all those indigents and gun shot victims to YOUR area hospitals. Don't worry the Gov has a plan to get Medicare to pay for all this.
Miyoga did a great job at the City of Miami. He broke the unions by declaring an economic crisis and forcing the unions to take concessions. That's exactly what is needed at JMH.
Yeah Paulie, Migoya did a great job at Miami. That cesspool is certainly cleaned up. "Mission accomplished"? I'd say not. He simply bailed out before the mess got worse. BTW, the unions are still there.
Just what we need at the PHT, another government retread. I say bring in someone from Baptist Health. One of he best employers in South Florida both in success and as a great place to work.
The bonus is that no one from Baptist has ever had to take the 5th.
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