Steve Marin is also generous. He gave to Javier Souto, Ronda Vangates, Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall and Raquel Regalado. While looking at school board campaign reports I found one odd thing in Marta Perez's campaign report. She had under event food, $1,000 to the Pretzel Factory, located at a residential apartment building in Aventura...Hmmm. I went to the website to see what the cost was for a party tray of pretzels--no prices. I would think $1,000 buys a hell of a lot of pretzels. Very odd, for instance why wasn't the bill $1,243.94, how could it be a round number? And, why was it lumped in with end of campaign donations? Richard Rudow of Aventura has a tie to the address and the corporation.

Both Marta and Sally Heyman transferred excess money from their campaign accounts to their office accounts (about $10,000 each). Why does that bother me?
It bothers you because that is not the purpose of the funds, to give staff perks.
That $1,000 for pretzel's is more than "odd." I think you happened upon something that could be unethical.
Is this the beginning of the pretzel caper that takes down Marta Perez?
The $1,000 could also be something benign. And the round number doesn't bother me. Sometimes people who own restaurants, etc., deliver or bring food to fundraising events. They don't always give receipts for exact amounts, especially because for some it's not part of their regular business to do trays or party food. Or if they host an event at their restuarant they just continue to serve or bring out
whatever it is that people are eating and then just guesstimate the value of the food. And it's also hard to determine whether to use the retail value of the food (knowing some things might not be on regular menu) or what ingredients/cooking expenses are.
Although $1,000 for pretzels does seem a bit excessive.
Are Campaign consultants necesary? Yes and No, yes if they know what they are doing and can help the candidate save time, money and organize a coherent and effective campaign. No if they charge a ton of money and ripp off the campaign.
Taddeo got ripped and so did Jose Felix Diaz, since he won it won't hurt as much. But keep in mind that candidates aren't ussually spending their own doe.
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