Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Alvarez-Seijas Recall a Citizen Revolution? By Geniusofdespair

An El Nuevo Herald reporter thinks charter changes will be coming, not just the recall. Hope so but I am not holding my breath for REAL change. In any event, I like Daniel Shoer's Roth's prediction on the outcome of the "Ides of March" election that County Commissioners have set. (You do remember "Beware of the Ides of March"? If not read the article):

"Just as Caesar's death unleashed two civil wars that marked the end of the Roman Republic, the referendum against Alvarez and Seijas will unleash other citizen movements."


Anonymous said...

Once the Dade County public gets the bit in their teeth from a successful recall of Alvarez and Seijas, the golden castle on NW 1st Street will be torn asunder by reform. We have borne the abuse far too long.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Gimenez has already rasied 150 grand....

Look at the report for his ECO.