Pepe can't seem to keep out of the newspaper lately. He is editorialized today in the Miami Herald:
"The phenomenal rise of U.S. Construction as a contractor at Miami International Airport since it hired Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz in 2008 should raise ethical questions. And once more point to the obvious answer: the need for charter reform.
U.S. Construction had never had an airport contract until after hiring Mr. Diaz, who is vice chair of the County Commission’s airport and seaport committee and thus a key player on contracting decisions. True, there had been no big MIA contracts for several years, and U.S. Construction has not done a bad job.
Nevertheless, perceptions matter. U.S. Construction has pulled nearly three dozen building permits at MIA, according to Miami Herald staff writers Matthew Haggman’s and Martha Brannigan’s Nov. 28 report."
Double duh.
Oh Please stop complianing just start a business that can do business wth the county and hire a commissioner for $150K a year and you'll be rich beyond your wildest dreams.
Charter is up for review in 2012 we should keep the pressure on for real reform till then, a charter reform petition would require about 120K signatures (which means about 160k for good measure).
The current recall sends a clear message. people are tired of getting screwed sans vaseline.
I want to be kissed.
The innocence of our citizens never ceases to amaze me. Does Cato really believe that $150k does the job? Besides, other than Pepe -- who is pocketing a lot more than that measly amount -- there are many involved in this fairly new money making machine, called US Construction. The Herald opnion is a monument to idiocy, and those who commented are in lah-lah land, as well. Do they really believe that changing the charter is going to change anything? My God, something as unimportant as "the charter" wouldn't stop the bunch of thieves that manage to get themselves elected to this sewer, called the Miami-Dade County Commission. Open up your eyes, people! Nothing can stop these thieves, from Carlos Alvarez down to the last commissioner, and that includes EVERYONE!
Check it out!!
This Is How You Do It!!!
I am convinced that Pepe is a cheap whore, the De Cespedes bought him for under 100K a year. If there had been more they would have squealed to save their hides and Pepe would be in jail.
He's not greedy and he's not dumb but maybe one day he'll get carried away with his abilty and get busted.
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