Apparently there was a windfall of $100,000 to one company, Communications Solutions from the pubs this election cycle. The address given for Communications Solutions in the expense report is an apartment building. In Sunbiz Communications Solutions, Inc. is Scott Perkins in Orange Park, Florida. Communications Solutions Enterprises, LLC is Dorothy Perry in Miami Beach. There is no address matching the 37th Avenue address for any corporation in Sunbiz (corporate search site). Those Republicans are so sneaky. I looked at the 200 people that live in the building and the names were meaningless to me as I don't know any Republican movers and shakers. (Found out later: It is gal pal of David Rivera - Esther Nuhfer who lives at that address.)
Dark Horse Strategies, the canvasser, is Emiliano Antunez who is doing business at 782 NW 42nd Avenue, #447. I know Dark Horse as they had been sending EOM press releases about Paul Crespo in his campaign against David Rivera. Dark Horse sent me a great YouTube link to show what a scuz that David Rivera is. Watch this video about what Rivera did to Crespo.
At the time, Rivera was the head of the Miami Dade Republican Party.
The Pubs got $30,000 from Florida Crystals and $25,000 from Sem-Chi Rice, which I suspect is owned by a sugar company (rice is an alternate less profitable crop). They gave a bogus address, I found the real one in Sunbiz, Suite 200 on Clematis Street, West Palm.
Anyway, I am losing interest with trying to decipher hidden crap with this last election. All I can say is elections suck and they are totally not fair anymore...if they ever were. The more I look at them, the seedier they become.
"Democracy" is a lie. Thanks, State of Florida for helping reinforce that point.
Why isn't this a felony offense, with 10-15 mandatory if you are discovered doing it?
Communication Solutions is a actually Esther Nufer and Cire Andino. Keep looking. You'll find the connection
oh Cire Cire Cire.
I'm sure all of you would be more comfortable living in a different country that holds less corruption-filled elections. I hear they have pretty good ones in Iran, North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Venezuela, Afghanistan, and China. It's terrible being here. This country really sucks. Why not give them a shot, American haters?
Yes, we all know how she communicates.
Genius, I am very dissapointed that your research is so sloopy.
Communication Solution is found in SunBiz as:
Florida Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number P04000112662
FEI/EIN Number 113724543
Date Filed 08/02/2004
State FL
Event Date Filed 04/06/2009
Event Effective Date NONE
Principal Address
2665 SW 37 AVENUE
MIAMI FL 33133
Changed 02/19/2007
Mailing Address
PO BOX 143657
Changed 05/11/2009
Registered Agent Name & Address
15431 SW 302ND STREET
HOMESTEAD FL 33033-3524 US
Address Changed: 02/19/2007
This is money in the pocket David Rivera.
SAO and FBI should be on the money trail.
When will you be investigating how the Democrats spend their money?
All corruption should be investigated.
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