Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Message to People Who Disagree With Us. By Geniusofdespair

What people most like to write in comments to us, when they don't like what we blog about, is "Get A Life."

First: We never publish anyone that says "Get a Life" so you are wasting your time putting up your comment.

Second: We both are enjoying our lives.

Third: The person reading what we write should "Get a Life." Why are they wasting time reading blog drivel?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you don't post that blather

Anonymous said...

Maybe when all this current crap is said and done, I'll unleash a few guest commentaries.

Keep it up.


Geniusofdespair said...

Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Don't pay attention to these poo-poo-heads, Genius. They're nothing that a bunch of creeps protesting because we're stepping on their toes! Tell them to go get a cold shower. The absentee ballots investigation continues, we'll let you know any new info!

Anonymous said...

Word is, the Clerk Certified the petitions against Seijas today,

Anonymous said...

Ok, forget the posts that tell you to get a life. What about those that generally disagree with your point of view? Your diatribes are not always the general consensus and although I appreciate your fine journalistic abilities, aren't you all about free speach? Let the posts get in. I promise, I will keep my thoughts of you two personally to myself. Bet this doesn't make it either.

Geniusofdespair said...

If you use the word diatribes you are offending me -- bitter and abusive speech -- I find that against my only blog guideline: don't insult the blogger. I don't write diatribes, so that insults me.