How does continuing tax reductions benefit the economy? Republicans are screaming over the deficit and the debt, how do you reduce either by lowering taxes? Republicans respond with "it creates jobs." My response: you have not been paying attention. That approach didn't work for Reagan and it has NEVER worked. Trickle down economics DOES NOT WORK!!! Those tax breaks that have been in effect since approximately 2003(?), where are all the jobs that policy should have created?
The record of jobs creation during the W administration is dismal, in fact, the 8 years of total republican rule were the worst economic disaster since the great depression. The top 1% of the wealthiest Americans increased their wealth exponentially while the middle class was stagnant, jobs were sent overseas, new jobs created were lower paying service jobs. The doubling of health care insurance payments sucked up more of the middle class's income, so they actually lost ground in their economic well-being. The middle class shrunk while the top wealthiest Americans amassed fortunes, NOTHING TRICKLED DOWN. For example, Norman Braman's worth went from less than a billion in 2009 to $1.5 billion (Forbes Magazine) in one year during the worst of economic times for the rest of us.
I was completely opposed to the Bush bailout of the financial industry, they should have let those giant bloodsuckers fail. We would have seen an economic disaster as bad as the depression, but at least the dumbed down, fox noise sycophants would have gotten it through their thick heads that Republican economic policies FAIL:
Corporations are NOT your friends. They are necessary evils that need to be regulated. The evidence, if you bother to look somewhere other than Fox or Rush, is CLEAR. You need to get your head out of Rupert Murdoch's ass and maybe you would see the light, but I hold out no hope for you.
The economic stimulus slowed the job loss hemorrhage and much of the money has not yet been spent. The budget deficits are caused in large part by the COST of TWO USELESS WARS started by Dick Cheney to bring Halliburton from the brink of bankruptcy. Combine that with the LARGEST EXPANSION of government entitlements and corporate giveaway, the Bush/Republican Medicare prescription drug program, and we will have HUGE deficits for some time to come since the Republicans FAILED to provide for a way to pay for the reckless and unprecedented spending and tax cuts.
You call the dems "tax and spend" -- well the republicans are "spend, spend, spend and give tax cuts to your rich friends."
And if you think for one minute that Tuesday was a referendum on democrat economic policy, you are deluded.
I listen to you and your ilk, I hear the visceral hatred of Pres. Obama, I've seen all of the insulting, demeaning, racist emails. I go on conservative blogs and websites of conservative publications like the American Spectator, the Weekly Standard and the tea party websites, i read the comments and posts. From the moment that man took office the Fox noise machine and the republican leadership took off like rockets to bring that man down with a ruthless, racist, fear mongering campaign of the most vile, wretched and sometime laughable accusations, smears, lies and distortions of the truth. It far surpassed what they did to Clinton. The corporate dollars poured in to help destroy a good, decent man who has in his heart only desire to do good for the country. But Fox and the Repugnantcans were out to destroy him. And here is the message they sent loud and clear to the small minded, brainwashed and dumb down part of America that thinks Sarah Palin is the great republican hope.
"Be afraid, the African marxist fraud of a black president only got elected through massive fraud by that black organization ACORN and now he is in power, all he is going to do is expand entitlements to all of the lazy black people on welfare." As vile and repulsive as that message is, that is EXACTLY what FOX and the repubs planned to put across to Americans to destroy this President and forever brand the Democrats as the party of black welfare recipients who want socialism so they can sit at home a do nothing while white America works to support them, or keep them in prison.
You know it, and what is more sad, you believe it, along with millions of sad, pathetic and deluded Americans. I have NEVER been so ashamed of my country. I have have not seen such divisiveness since Viet Nam. No matter what this President does, you and your ilk will not rest until he is destroyed, or impeached or both.
The Republicans have controlled Congress since 1994 and the White House for 8 long miserable years. While useless wars raged where hundreds of thousands were killed, while defense contractors ran wild and robbed us blind, while Dick Cheney got richer by the minute on the backs of the American taxpayers, while the national debt doubled and the deficits soared, while they rescinded pay-go and turned the Clinton budget surpluses into huge deficits, and the middle class shrunk, and the healthcare premiums doubled, you and your kind glided through with nary a concern or harsh word or a peep of protest. Where was the tea party? Where was the outrage? Where were the crowds gathering in Washington to make their voices heard and demand a change of course?
You see, that is what reveals you people for what you are. If what really ate at you about this President and Congress was their economic policies, you would have spent the last 10 years being outraged. But only when the black guy shows up do you suddenly jump off your assess and cry "the sky is falling" like a bunch of chicken littles.
Yes it looks like you and your kind have brought the President to his knees, hope you are proud.
You go girl!
I echo many of your sentiments... and yet still, I do allow for the fact that I worked for and voted for a man who has not delivered ethically. He accomplished much. The large ticket items on his list a sorely lacking... and his lack of leadership (or inexcusably corrupt leadership) on the BP Gulf of Mx atrocity ... I am not working for or voting for him again. And that hurts. Badly.
Can't we all just get along? Read Fred Grimm today: "Moderation? It's dead, killed by angry voters"
All presidents get f***ked with. It's because they're president, not because they're black.
The disingenuousness of this incompetent president and his merry band of men; who are in way over their heads, is how quick they are to play the race card when they're getting beat up for being what they are...incompetent parvenus. Good intentions and pure motives don't get the job done- expert exertion of raw power does. If you think otherwise, you're deluding yourself.
How easy it is to look back through rose colored glasses at the Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II presidencies and liken them to a weekend stroll through the park with respect to partisanship. What a joke! It's always been this way, and it will continue to be this way until the end of time.
It just stings more when your party just got their ass kicked.
Get a grip,I'm tired of blind partisan rants on both sides, that same America you are so ashamed of elected Obama and Allen West.
Race is not the issue. Quoting the Clinton Campaign ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID.
Unfortunately politicians fron niether party will truly solve this because it requires facing economic reality and selling it to voters.
For Example
When Social Security was instituted in 1936 the average lifespan was 65 and retirement age was 65 so by actuarial principles todays retirement age for social security should be about 76. (This will cause riots at the early bird specials)
Medicare people are living longer and requiring more care so a $2,000deductible is not much to ask.
Yes two wars is two too many but Barack really hasn't done things much different than W
Remember everything government gives you is taken from you in one way or another at an exorbitant price (by force).
Eventually government should get out of retirement and healthcare biz we'll all be better off for it.
Ms Z-Woman:
Now you know 2 of our regulars, David and Cato. I suspect God loves them, me - not so much when they go off. I only like fun Cato. David...well he is another story.
You two really don't think race is a factor? Hmmm.
I didn't vote for Bush or Obama not because of the color of their skin, or the texture of their hair but because I suspected they both would find more ways to steal my money, and they have.
Another suggestion on how to save $ on Social Security and Medicare would be to stop benefits at age 95after which a solution akin to Logan's Run or Soylent Green should be an option.
Just Kidding....
Do you know if there are undermployment benefits;-) ?
Why don't you apply for benefits for Cato?
You actually bring up a very worthwhile issue.
A number of scholars and "think tanks" have studied many cases where hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent on various procedures to prolong peoples lives, that are either so old that some question what kind of quality of life are we prolonging, or examples of medicaide paying for "Pap Smears" on 90 year old women in advanced stages of Alzheimers or Parkinsons.
Should the government spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep me alive for an extra 2 years when I'm in my 90s?
Race is always a factor, even when the president is white. The so called minorities (hispanic, black, asian, women, etc.) would be a huge majority if they worked together. And they all think the man is trying to keep his foot on their neck.
Now when someone is critical of the president, it must be because he's black. ALL presidents are a target, and it doesn't matter their color.
If some of the vitriol is race based, it's not OK, but it goes with the territory.
JFK took a lot of shyte because he was Catholic, Bush II because many mistook his awkwardness in public as stupidity, Clinton for his womanizing, Carter for malaise, Ford for being a geek; on and on and on.
With Obama, race is just the easiest thing to pick on...but they all get picked on. Let's get over it.
"Should the government spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep me alive for an extra 2 years when I'm in my 90s?"
Good question M but the answer is not a simple one. The government should not decide you and your family should...OOOOOPS I forgot they taxed and regulated you and your family to the point that you must rely on the governments "largess." So I guess it is up to them.
I take it you are not 90 or close to it but when you get there your thinking on this may change, but with the government in control what you think won't really matter.
I remember being ten when Logan's Run came out and thinking 30 was ancient.
Glad we are now having a conversation about eugenics/sarcasm. This is how things got kicked off in the 1930's in Europe.
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