The article today in the Miami Herald about Pepe 'Le Pew' Diaz will go exactly nowhere. Yes he makes a wad of money from an airport contractor and the contractor, U.S. Construction, has gotten rich with a bonanza of airport contracts since hiring Miami Dade County Commissioner Pepe Diaz. And, did I mention that Pepe "...served as chairman or vice chairman of the County Commission's committee overseeing Miami International Airport" during the same time this company hitched onto the airport gravy-train? Read the article, it is pretty disgusting, even mentions his last two bosses who are in jail, but the last few lines of the article made me sickest because you see the character of this guy revealed:
Last spring, commissioners considered asking voters to boost their salaries to $92,000 -- a number derived from a state population formula -- while restricting themselves from holding a second job. The panel ultimately rejected the idea. Diaz vigorously opposed any limits on outside work, saying that $92,000 ``is not a true salary. I don't think it's right, I really don't,'' said Diaz. ``You are going to limit yourself to a salary that is not fitting to the office you are holding.''
WHAT???? This guy is so pompous he should wear a crown. U.S. Senators -- important officeholders not self-important officeholders -- only make $169,300. First he is unfit for this 'local' office he holds and guess what Pepe, second: It is 'fitting' that you only make $6,000 a year in the insignificant 'local' office you hold so dear with your iron grip. Most of your constituents don't even know who you are.
I like what this poster said about Pepe Le Pew on my YouTube video of him voting against banning assault weapons:
Jose Pepe Diaz is truly what is wrong with Miami politics a more self serving disaster is hard to find.
However in the history of Miami politics REGARDLESS of how self serving and/or corrupt a politico might be he/she ALWAYS gets reelected till the day the FBI carts them away.
In a real non banana republic city this guy would have been kicked out or in jail.
He held meetings at his office for U.S. Construction for aviation officials and that is not wrong? You don't have to SAY things out loud. That tells them all a strong message just meeting there.
I guess Robert Meyers over at Ethics is too busy scheduling lunches with his assistant (Miami Spice covers up the stench of Miami corruption) to ever actually do anything, unless is so far down the rung that there is no consequence. And what about Kathy Fernandez Rundle? I wonder if she gets discounts at the Brito store at MIA?
I don't know what the solution is to the salary issue. I have very mixed feelings ... if you are Lynda Bell and not working, then 92k is a lot of money... If you are an interior designer and you have to give up an income of 250K to take a 92k salary, then you are not going to run for office if you can't work in your trade.
What about a moderate salary and rule that says you cannot work in a field that directly or indirectly bids for county work? IE: you could be a school teacher, or own a bakery or be a probate attorney or whatever... as long as your business associations were not permitted to bid or obtain any county contracts...
I always thought it was strange that Moss had to be told that his wife should not be negotiating the contracts he voted on for the airport... And how Pepe ever thought meeting at his office is okay and rhwn got away with it is insane. I bet Southwell at aviation is throwing up this morning after that article.
Last anon, the Herald quotes Bell as being a "property manager", so I think that qualifies for a job, even though she's not licensed by the DBPR to be one, that's what she told them, and no retraction stating they misquoted her ever countered her own statements.
Just pointing out the facts.
In regard to Moss/Diaz - well, nothing was done when Moss' wife was approving contracts voted on by the BCC. Now the arms length Diaz stuff is nothing new inside County Hall.
In regard to the comment by "M", well, let's face it, who had control of the BCC - the Cuban/American's. There's no race baiting there, that's what the make up is. Just listen to Souto on any given BCC day.
Fernandez Rundle is the lap dog of the BCC, she'll never do anything in regard to them - ever. She needs their campaign donors. We can try to vote her out, just like Diaz/Souto/Martinez/Seijas/ et al, but it won't happen because there's just too much money going to their campaign coffers.
The ethics department is permanently neutered and there's not much more to say in regard to secretary chasing/drinking on the job heads of departments.
Ms. Fernandez Rundle is doing the swearing of the Board at the LBA Luncheon this week.
I need to respond to the anon who keeps throwing at the feet of "Cubans".
Chicago - I bet the Cubans are responsible for whatever corruption goes on there.
New York - See above
New Orleans - See above
Washington D.C. - See above
Let's get local:
Opalocka - Must be the Cubans
Homestead - Must be the Cubans
Broward County - Must be the Cubans
Palm Beach County (4 commissioners indicted in 5 years) - Not 1 of them Cuban.
Joe Gersten - not a Cuban
Barbara Carey-Shuler - not a Cuban
James Burke - not a Cuban
Michelle Spence-Jones - not a Cuban
Miller Dawkins - not a Cuban
Larry Hawkins - not a Cuban
Bruce Kaplan - not a Cuban
Alex Dauod - not a Cuban
Johnny Winton - not a Cuban
M, but you're making my point in regard to Fernandez Rundle not going after some members of the BCC! I don't think you meant to, in fact, I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to!
In any event, have a good day.
I'll keep praying to the
prosecutor fairy that most of the BCC is taken away in handcuff's like in Broward and Palm Beach, where they hold meetings among thenselves in jail cells.
We could only get so lucky in Miami Dade!
I'm yet to find one single post here that really cares about 100% truth. there is partial truth.
Cuban are good people, there is good and bad.
In all races there is good and bad.
to make you happy/mad, even amongst Democrats there is good and bad.
I like to think that there is no bad Republicans, but I will be a Democrat if I say that.
Corruption is not a Cuban thing.
in addition to the above list
- the City of North Miami
- the city of North Miami Beach
- City of Florida City
- City of South Miami
- Palmetto Bay
Just to name a few.
Plus, what did Commissioner Diaz Violate, unfortunately this is the law of this county.
A department Director is living with a woman for more than ten years and he is giving her business. , it stinks but it is not a violation
We need to do what Broward and Palm Beach just did, amend the charter ...
Palmetto Bay is just fine, thank you very much! You can strike them from your list.
Johnny Winton got a bad rap at the airport- he didn't beat up cops, they beat him up. He doesn't belong on that list, except for the business deal he did with the mayor Cuban and the city manager Cuban
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