These are the kind of donations I DON'T usually like. But in this case, because the money was used to unseat Miami Dade County Commissioner Dorrin Rolle, I am making an exception. Norman Braman gave 13 contributions to the Monestime campaign through various companies, most at the same address. The contributions totaled $6,500. Marty Margulies Gave Jean $250.
I guess besides recalling the Mayor, you have to say Norman Braman had a hand in unseating Dorrin Rolle.

Speaking of Mayor Alvarez, I am not happy with his attitude of late. He said something like he is going to scrutinize all the petitions (that is from Natacha's playbook) that were delivered Friday to Elections. Braman collected more than twice as many signatures (112,000) as is needed to do the recall. Scrutinize all you want, it won't help Mr. Mayor, half will not be thrown out. Then Mayor Alvarez is doing this lawsuit, fighting the recall on a technicality, to try to stop the petitions from being counted. Apparently, a deputy clerk signed the approval of the original form of the petition and not the clerk himself. Weak. Face the will of the people head-on Mr. Mayor, otherwise even if you win, you still lose. The people are too angry to let you circumvent their will. You are in a hole. stop digging.
In an odd twist, when the County Commission made the petition process harder for the people in November 2006, the Mayor vetoed their legislation and the Commission then did an override of Alvarez's veto. This is one of the many good things the Mayor did for us. Too bad the things he did that people don't like have over-shadowed the many good things he has done on our behalf.
The lesson that should be learned by all politicians: Don't get a billionaire (Braman with 1.5 billion ranks 269 Richest in the U.S.) mad at you.
Braman is a bully with a big wallet. No one should let him win if we want democracy to work.
Too late. He won. The money from the Marlins was the last straw. The people aren't coming back. The Mayor should not have listened to Burgess that was his undoing.
Democracy doesn't work.
Alvarez shows his true arrogance everytime he opens his mouth lately, a typical cop mentality of I am not wrong and you are. You are right about Braman, too. The recall is a personal thing. Nothing will change except the faces. True reform will come only through a citizens initiative to radically change the Charter, NOT some committee loaded with lobbyists. The things we could do with Bramans money put to good use for a charter initiative boggles the mind.
I am now thinking we should do away with the home rule charter if the recalls don't work.
The last hail-Mary for the mayor is for him to get his word out on Spanish language radio. That is the only place he can go to reach the constituents that believe he should be recalled.
Genius - be patient, your boy won't let you down. He just has to go through the motions. Literally!
the home rule charter is our saving grace from the state gov't that is run by the rest of the state, that's not the direction to go. I say let's elect Norman to be our next mayor, he seems to know the who, what, where, when and how of everything and how the County should be run. I think a man with a lot of money should only bully people if he is willing to step in and get himself elected Mayor.
He would be the worst mayor...arrogant right wing fanatic.
exactly, I agree. to put yourself out there and get elected is difficult. Even more difficult is the role of the one who actually is elected.
Isn't our democratic process nullified when a rich man sitting on the hill gets his way just because he has a lot of money?
the problem is that on a county wide vote, the mayor will lose.. and that's too bad. but the recall for each commissioner is within each district only... these are the people that elected them in the first place. so we'll be stuck with no mayor and the same commissioners.
Here's a question for Genius, why doesn't the commission (aka the legislative body) write their own budget if the Mayor's proposal was so bad? That's their job isn't it? Oh wait, they don't want responsibility, they just want to throw stones.
The commissioners actually are not throwing stones at the Mayor--the angry voters are. The commissioners got what they wanted in the budget or they wouldn't have approved it.
That photo of Alvarez would look great in mime paint...
to your point Genius, I disagree that the commissioners are not throwing stones. that's not the talk about town from some.
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