Thank goodness that Vile Natacha Seijas's plan to call Jean Monestime "Her Haitian Friend" instead of by his name was thwarted by Chairman Moss. Already she wants to treat Monestime differently than any other County Commissioner. He has a hard road ahead.
Can you imagine a citizen coming up to the mike to speak calling a Commissioner, My Black Friend, My White Friend or My Hispanic Friend? They would be lectured on disrespect by the Commissioner addressed.
Arrogance is the drug of those filled with false pride and insecurity.
Can you imagine the fallout if he had said he would refer to her as his "Cuban friend" there would have been mock outrage on the Spanish language radio calling for his head on a platter.
How about Monestime calling her, his fat freind?
I say Jean should just call her " hey you"
But if he said that, both Bell and Seijas would answer.
He should address her, "My Latina Lunatic".
She can't pronounce his name?
The CHAIR has to tell her to be respectful enough of her fellow commissioners to at least learn their name.
She doesn't know that on her own? That is a second back-handed insult.
This is where it would be very temping to go off on the issue of why can't she speak or prononounce English after being her for decades. Because in the culture here, she does not have to speak the language of her host country. Note that host is sometimes used in the context of describing a parasite which fits her.
In other County News, Roldan is gone: http://cbs4.com/local/eneida.roldan.jmh.2.2019419.html
If there was ever a reason for term limits is spelled SEIJAS.
I wonder how Ms. Bell is doing now that Seijas picked her chief of staff for her.
Thank goodness that he plays nice with Seijas' boy-toy. Maybe the guys can commiserate over beers about their bosses.
Language Fixated anon, I despise Natacha as much as the anybody on this Blog, but her english is not that bad (at least compared to Souto's) and Monestime is french, she has no problem with pronounciation she just took a jab at him because he beat her buddy Rolle.
Well, there are a lot of slurs out there that I don't appreciate. We were eating at the Latin American Cafe the other day and they have a breakfast called the "Gringo". I found it offensive. If I had a breakfast place and I had something called the "Spic", I would be shut down. Now, I would never do that, mind you, because I am a polite and respectful person. "Gringo" is a dirty word, folks. Don't use it. Seijas' comments show her ignorance and lack of cultural sophistication.
The language thing was secondary, meant more as a path to the parasite reference.
It reminds me when Joe Biden during the primary called Obama a "clean and articulate black"
It does say joking. So who doesn't know Ingles? Por Favor!!!
Some things are just not a joke...they are a jab.
I see that it did not take Seijas to long untill she jumped into the Jackson Mermorial Hospital's mess. Lets she how much damage she will cause. All I know it that if the County Commission gets involved in running Jackson watch out. A real Public Health Trust, indpendent of the County Commission is the way to start fixing Jackson's problems.
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