Monday, November 15, 2010

Mayor Alvarez on Michael Putney Show. By Geniusofdespair

You all know I like the Mayor. He did too many things I like for me to ever support the recall against him. He is his own worst enemy sometimes. I don't think he did himself justice on the Michael Putney show. He started out strong when talking about the budget but he lost me when he went overboard defending overtime. It got a little ridiculous when he started getting into the enormous amount of hours some folks work. I personally wouldn't want an emergency worker working on me after 18 hours on the job. It is too much time at work. I think 24 hours was even mentioned, but I am not sure.

I kept thinking as the Mayor spoke, why not just hire another person and spread the wealth? Why not put someone new to work at a lower salary, when people need jobs, rather than giving overtime at a higher rate to a higher salaried employee? I will never get this overtime stuff, sorry Mr. Mayor: Does not compute especially if overtime adds to pension costs like it does in the city of Miami. I still like you though and thank you for the veto on the petition gathering legislation (which was overridden) and the multiple vetoes on moving the UDB line (which also were overridden). It is the over-riding Commissioners who need to be recalled.


Rick said...

Why not put someone new to work at a lower salary, when people need jobs, rather than giving overtime at a higher rate to a higher salaried employee?

Because when you figure out what that new hire will cost in medical benefits and pension, it's much more cost efficient to pay an exiting employee OT.

Plus, the tax payers would never go for an expansion of the workforce, no matter what they are paid. All they see and understand is numbers.


Anonymous said...

You forget one thing Rick - we pay higher pensions for 30 years based on that overtime. New employees can get 401 k plans.

Anonymous said...

Mayor is a product of Miami Dade County System (which resembles a bowel movement).
Mayor thinks that being Mayor means representing all the employees of Miami Dade County Government. He still doesn't get the part where he represents the rest of the citizenry.
I think as a person and department director he's ok but as mayor he's mostly clueless, recall mayor, Bruno, Natacha, Moss, Edomonson, and Jordan.

Anonymous said...

Well, well! Nobody is perfect! I always suspected that someday, you would confess to something that would be in opposition to my principles, so here: What "many things" has this man done that you wouldn't support a recall? I can think of a few -- but important -- things he's done that have made me dislike him... DEEPLY!

Anonymous said...

With County employees in slack jobs
what would be wrong with cross training to other positions and taking on other responsibility???
Overtime pay needs close scrutiny
and posted Weekly.


stater of the obvious said...

"Because when you figure out what that new hire will cost in medical benefits and pension, it's much more cost efficient to pay an exiting employee OT."

Too many assumptions...
At some level of overtime, it is cheaper to hire an employee. This level of overtime is lower when you consider the pension issued raised in other comments. Also, the ability to hire part-time personnel (limited benefits, lower salary) makes that 'break-even' level even lower.

Anonymous said...

It's Called Interns....
Part-timers get no Benefits.....
But in the County Part-timers work 39.99 hours and are considered Part Time????

Anonymous said...

Overtime does not add to pension cost in the the City of Miami. In the city of miami overtime does not effect an employees pension.
