Johanna Fadis is now Senior Policy Analyst for Lynda Bell. She was fired from her job in Homestead amid a scandal over a romantic text from her boss, Former Homestead City Manager Mike Shehadeh:
"I have a problem!! I can not entertain another woman in my mind beside you. I'm deeply in love with you girl. I'm getting deeper and deeper into it!"
Also on staff is Sandra Silvestre, Executive Assistant, also a fired Homstead Government staffer.
ah. Is Eddie the one with the white stripe across his forehead due to Lynda sunburns? He was passing out Republican slate cards along with Lynda palm cards during the election.
Ah, yes, met Eddie while campaigning for Flinn. He was polite enough (He wasn't one of the ones actively lying about Flinn's record -- at least, not in English) and didn't really work all that hard, for someone who was going to be getting a plushy job out of this. I'd say he approached one voter out of four. Let's see if she keeps him.
The other two -- well, I guess Lynda thinks anyone who left the City of Homestead in disgrace can't be all bad.
Actually, Mike sounds like a romantic type of guy. :o)
Not such a big deal except he needs to learn about public records requests and a time and place for everything. Other that, I think his words were poetic.
Eddie Borrego is/was aide to Sen. Charles LeMieux. Others are Homesteadites. Lois Jones appears to be given a staffer position for her working to deliver the African American community vote. I doubt there will be much centrist policy from this office judging by strong Republican staff being assembled.
I would suspect that we would all have a great time by making quarterly public records requests for the e-mails and text messages involving Johanna Fadis. The stuff of dime store romance novels.
Yeeee - hawwwwww
I must have missed the advertisement of these County positions. I assume that all applied after an open and transparent hiring process.
Which aide do I contact to discuss the MDX toll issues as it affects Kendall?
Eddie Borrego has an enlarged photgraph. I trust this is not a comment on his rather large figure. Nice guy, he should serve COMMISSIONER LYNDA BELL well.
Is it close enough to the New Year to start making predictions? Lynda Bell will run for Senator Nelson's Senate seat in 2012.
Enlarged photograph...?? It was on line like this. Didn't photoshop him.
Faddis, Jones, & Sylvestre? This is the ship of fools (among others) that kept Homestead in turmoil and chaos for two years during Bell's term as mayor.
This is good news. There is so little horsepower and experience here that Bell will crash and burn within twelve months. We will be spared the right-wing, republican, right-to-life, and evangelical posturing and will have the basis for a recall election.
Bell believes that she can run a major County District like she ran Homestead. This is a train wreck. Sit back and enjoy the show!
I must have missed the advertisement of these County positions. I assume that all applied after an open and transparent hiring process.
Which aide do I contact to discuss the MDX toll issues as it affects Kendall?
These are not county positions,commission and mayors staff are free of advertising for the position. They are political appointees and do not have the same job protections as rank and file.
Try Joanne. She may have driven on the expressway at some point. The rest of them probably don't get north of Cutler Ridge.
Ding bat Bell and her staff will give me hours of amusement, though her decisions during Commission meetings will give us years of grief and un doing.
I watched her today - and, again, I couldn't understand a word she was saying! I don't know if it's too fast talking or just purposefull, probably both!
"Is it close enough to the New Year to start making predictions? Lynda Bell will run for Senator Nelson's Senate seat in 2012."
Let's hope so. She'd lose, and then we'd be rid of her.
Not really.. You don't have to resign to run for a federal position.
One practice Bell had while Mayor in Homestead was to "find jobs" for those loyal to her, or to "reward" them in their line of work for being loyal...so one can learn much about the future by looking at the past. Of course she will do the same, regardless if there are more qualified people out there for the job or not! Is there no doubt that she is a "politician" through and through? Yet she continued to rant in the campaign how Gene Flinn was THE "politician" in this race, that she was the "outsider"...she is the master of deflection, ladies and gentlemen, and this is just the beginning.
That Lois Jones is a piece of work, you can call her ONB x2. Talk about scaring people away and alienating the citizens when you may repectfully disagree on an issue or represent another point of view other than her own. District 8 is going to get a good taste of what Homestead had to live with for 2 years and folks, and quite frankly it SUCKS!
"Not really. You don't have to resign to run for a federal position."
Yeah, and she might win. I mean, who would have thought she'd win THIS seat, that the people of a district that includes Pinecrest would elect a hillbilly?
Pretty diverse minority staff, Jamaican, Asian, Hispanic, Mexican and females. Of course only the regressives would show their intolerance of diversity. Name calling now you qualify for posting comments on this blog.
How did it all go so wrong on November 2? I think you're looking at why it did.lol
I told ya before and I'm tellin' ya again, DO NOT underestimate Lynda Bell. She could ride the Palin wave a looong way in two years. She got a taste of power and perks in Homestead and there aint no goin' back. The genie is out of the bottle. I agree,in my opinion, she is barely above trailer trash, will lie to get elected and surrounds herself with emasculated men and manly women HOWEVER, she IS the commissioner. Need I say more ?!
The county is a very complex government but its politics is more complex by a factor of 100. None of these folks has any experience downtown, which means a steep learning curve. County staff will run rings around these folks.
Yes, fellow Anon, the The county is a very complex government and its politics is more complex by a factor of 100. Lynda Bell has to go with these people, even where none of have any experience downtown because she cannot hire anyone smarter than her, so her pool of (lack of) talent is quite limited. Let's hope that County staff will run rings around these folks to somewhat keep them in check.
next on the agenda, Give She-Hatta a job (former city mgr under the Bell council) He was loging into porn sites while on his city computer during work hours. and i am sure that Bell will allow him to keep doing the same.
Her second priority will be to find a job for her Daughter who was fired under disgrace from HPD after she got drunk and threatned a crowd of people with her service revolver, super bowl weeked 2010.
Lynda knows who to keep close, the ones that owe her and would do anything for her.
Am amazed... everyone in this blog pretends to be smarter than commissioner Bell.
Let just tell you "She is the Commissioner and you are not"
If Bateman was their choice to replace Lynda, you know what type of people they are "White trash"
As for her staff, they are top of the line, just drown in your own hate.
Good Luck haters
"As for her staff, they are top of the line"
Yeah, they sound it. What a charming term "white trash" is, not racist at all.
Like, I would ever want to be commissioner...not power hungry. Wanting to be commissioner doesn't make you smart. Just look at who we have.
good one Genius :-)
Eddie Borrego is a great asset to Lynda Bell's staff and I know he will do a great job.
Am amazed... everyone in this blog pretends to be smarter than commissioner Bell.
Who says we have to pretend to be??
Eddie was lucky, he was searching for a candidate to hire him... he landed on the right spot, kinda like a cake walk.
yea just like a cake walk, but he ate all the cake!
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