Friday, October 08, 2010

Someone Please Tell This Guy That Palmetto Bay Government Only Has Non-Partisan Races. By Geniusofdespair

Apparently he needs a Definition: Jim Arazia, running in Palmetto Bay, listen up -- NONPARTISAN (Webster's) free from party affiliation, bias, or designation.

I wrote all the stuff in YELLOW on his campaign literature. Who is he running against, Shelley Stanczyk? Met her, nice lady. Everything this Jim guy put on this flyer would make me NOT WANT TO VOTE FOR HIM.


Anonymous said...

Have you seen his FB page....What a character. From what I've read, the millage in Palmetto Bay is unchanged from last year and is at about 2.44. Ummm, maybe he can take his "fiscal conservatism" to Miami Springs! They need his help there. And, you're not supposed to mentioned party affiliation in ads for non partisian races - just saying.

Anonymous said...

This guy ran last time based on when are they going to build a village hall and a dog park. Now, he's saying he'd never spend any money if elected. Which is it? He doesn't participate in public forums, so I guess he just tells everyone what he thinks they want to hear.

There are two good, non-crazy candidates running for Palmetto Bay mayor (Stanczyk and England), so hopefully one of them will win.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness... this is the same yahoo who said elect a conservative MAN ~~~ not if I have to be the winning vote.

England said the other evening at the forum that he wants to weaken the zoning codes... Great... I am not going there either.


Anonymous said...

"Super high tides flood in along the lowest pathways first. But voters still can't find their way to differentiate between political fortunes above or below water."

good try.

Anonymous said...

Philosophical anonymous - Say what? Please explain.

GOP Landslide said...

Why would you claim that his ad is illegal? Nonpartisan simply means that party affiliation isnt noted on the ballot. It does not mean the candidates don't have a party affiliation. Doesn't this candidate have the right to point out the differences between him and the other candidates? Do you believe in the first amendment and freedom of speech?

Sassy Peacock said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I think that it is the law that a candidate has to follow. Or else you are breaking the law, hence illegal.

Personally, I would rather my vote go to a candidate who follows the law when they are campaigning.


GOP Landslide said...

You THINK it is a law? You THINK? Please stop thinking. No such law exists. If the first amendment doesn't apply to campaign literature, it doesn't apply anywhere. Freedom of speech: Get used to it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Araiza, please tell us your CPA number. Is it "null and void"? Hmmm, lose your license?

Anonymous said...

This guy will tell anything to anyone to get a vote. One neighbor told me she just put his sign up in her yard to get him and his wife off her doorstep. Her husband took it down after coming home from work, not wanting any sign in their yard. The Candidate and her husband came back within a day and confronted them as to what happened to their sign. She told them it must have been stolen as she was afraid to admit that they took it down due to their anger. Another sign was placed to avoid confrontation. It sits there to this day. She is not voting for him.

Anonymous said...

I think you meant The Candidate and "his wife" came back within a day ... or maybe not.

Anonymous said...

@GOP Landslide - Jim Araiza is NOT a Republican. He can call himself whatever he wants, but he has never supported the party. He may be REGISTERED as a Republican, but he certainly has no credible service to the party.

He also cost Julio Robaina any chance he had in the State Senate seat. Many of Julio's Palmetto Bay supporters backed off him after hearing Jim Araiza brag that he was supported by Robaina for Mayor. Not a smart move by Robaina to align allow that tag. That cost Robaina big time in an area that came out strong for him in 2002 for the House District 117 seat. Araiza is not loyal. The party will find that out. Araiza is only interested in Araiza.

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes the man will be CANNOT advertise your party affiliation in a NON-partisan race. It is illegal to put it on your campaign literature. I know --- I don't just think it...

Anonymous said...

@GOP Landslide:

Don't be a numbnut.

I was being cautious... I KNOW what it means for something not to be legal and I know how to look things up on a website.

Additionally, Genius would have not posted it here if it was not factual.

To the anon with regards to Jim not being a republican: He strikes me as someone closer to a regressive or authoritarian personality. He doesn't see any progress in his Palmetto Bay town and he is ignorant in his dealings with women.

His mailer that stated "vote for a conservative man" is NOT my cup of tea. What a snotty thing to say
to the women voters in Palmetto Bay... he probably calls his wife the "little woman". Wait he recently called her a "wheelman". He can't even acknowledge her publicly her without denying her femininity. He must be a real pleasure to live with.


Anonymous said...

Nice comments. If only Mr. Araiza would attend a forum and give truthful answers rather than soundbites through a paid campaign brochure. Anonymous above does hit more than a few points; he appears to objectify women, especially his wife. He fails to acknowledge the facts of his own town. He is certainly not a Republican. He appears to be an anarchist.

In reality, I think he is merely a political opportunist who is weak, will say anything to get election and, if he ever did, would be quite surprised that he would actually be held accountable for fulfilling his promoted policies of anarchism.

There is another discussed belief that he is not quite in touch with reality, that this is all some type of game to him and his wife (or "wheelman").

He may be amusing to observe, but don't give this candidate any momentum as he would tear apart any local stability.

My opinion is to be careful with him when he is at your door.

Anonymous said...

I was willing to give this guy a fair chance but for ten years all he's done is criticize. I hate when people show up to criticize at the end of a process. Why not do something positive, start something up and actually make a contribution to the Village? He runs for a hobby, blatantly lies, spreads false information and cancels participation in public forums (just minutes before) so that the truth never has a chance to come out. His latest stunt is to say that he won't take a salary for four year! What a joke. It just makes it harder on the two viable candidates in the race.

Anonymous said...

I was there the other night. England wants to rubber stamp zoning, said he thought Palmer should have been approved for everything they wanted. I guess he's the developers' candidate. All his friends are developers so he's the man for them. Who gets to build the first hi-rise on US1 I wonder?

Palmetto Bay Voter said...

In answer to Araiza forgoing a salary if elected.

My father taught me early in life that anything for free is worth about the same.

Palmetto Bay Voter said...

And where would Araiza apply the $24,000 per year?
Give it back to the residents?
Let's see, if you divide that by the 8431 households in the village and divide it by 12 months - I calculate that is about 24 cents that we will get returned to each household per month. Each household in the village has an average of 3.1 residents per household, soooooo let me see, that is about 8 cents I can tell my family that he will give to each of us monthly. Sounds like a great plan!!!

Palmetto Bay Voter said...

I guess Araiza thinks only wealthy residents should run for Mayor.
I'm sure there are many intellect and experienced residents in Palmetto Bay that would make excellent mayors that might be on fixed incomes.
The $24,000 salary probably barely covers all of the added expenses that a new mayor would need to spend out of their own pocket. Expenses like a new wardrobe, dry cleaning, auto expenses, local transportation expenses, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, etc.
Araiza's plan on forgoing a salary is elitist.

Anonymous said...

To Palmetto Bay Voter:

Araiza's plan on forgoing a salary is more than elitist. Part of the reason for the County Commission dysfunction is the failure to pay a fair salary thus limiting the pool of candidates to crooks, those who are born or married into wealth and the retired/well-pensioned. Araiza is obviously a status quo type of person, not a reformer. He obviously wants to make sure that those who work for a living or who have children cannot serve.

Make no mistake about it. He appears to want to use this salary as some type of slush fund to fund his cronies like the Jane Forman Tennis Academy, a special interest, a village vendor who has a sweetheart deal with the city (He lists service to one of her corporations in his campaign info). I am sure he will spend on his good friend's, Frank G, football league. This is an organization, by the way, which had to be sued and an injunction issued against them just recently to force them to allow a kid to play.

Make no mistake about it, I believe that Mr. Araiza has plans in place to reward his friends and this is all part of saying what is needed to get elected. Sounds great and populist, but the devil is always in the details.

Anonymous said...

Genius, is this:

"All his friends are developers"

really a verifiable statement? I seem to remember seeing Peter England very involved in local organizations such as the Deering Estate and his church. Surely, all his friends there are not developers. In fact, saying that one private school should be allowed to have a few more students doesn't exactly seem like massive development either. Stanczyk is the one who is all for letting people build additions, pools, and sheds right up to their property lines as if Palmetto Bay was Hialeah.

Geniusofdespair said...

Some dopey anonymous person says all his friends are developers is a meaningless statement that no one pays any attention is just as meaningless as you putting in he has friends at his church or he does volunteer work. No one really cares... You know why?

This post IS NOT ABOUT HIM!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oops... maybe they are trying to make it about another candidate...

The guy that this blog is not about has his own issues... He believes in a property owner doing whatever they want after they buy a property... He and the other male candidate that bothered to come to Mayor's Forum the other night stated that they liked the concept of property rights that included "the right of highest and best use" - well, sweeties, my 1/2 acre residential property would be better used as a 5 story apartment building rather than my simple single family home!

However...The guy (Jimbo)whom we are blogging about never has come to the community forums for the mayor's race... He has missed 4 of them! I guess he doesn't want us to know what he is about.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that he wants to be the fiscally conservative man. When the "Dog Park" was built he asked for a $1 million dollar allocation and then complained when they spent less which was still too much for my taste. Why do we need a dog park? We have yards. He claimed for years that his wife is the one who built the park Now I hear he says it was a frivolous waste of money. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Just in case you missed the fact that there is more than one candidate running for Mayor of Palmetto Bay. England has been makeing such a negative fuss about his fellow residents and their issues. For him it's supposedly about empowering the Churches when it's really all about the money he will control to make his friends richers. Yes richer. They are the property owners on US1 who he will subsidize with his Community Redevelopment Agency. Subsidize their purchase of more land and use Eminent Domain to get the coice pieces, just take the property, then subsidize building the towers. I am forseeing a condo canyon in Palmetto Bay in about a 1 1/2 years and taxes rising 100% to pay for his folly. Good luck to you in Palmetto Bay.
By the way, check out
That article tells you everything you need to know about someone who "serves the people" with government money.