Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Soundtrack on My Rick Scott Doesn't Blink Video. By Geniusofdespair

I think with this new soundtrack you can really focus on Rick Scott's Crazy reptilian eyes. Scary. I only counted 2 blinks. 15 to 26 blinks in 60 seconds is the average.


Malagodi said...

How do you get to Tammany Hall?
Practice, practice, practice.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the same thing... he has these weird eyes, too opened...looks demented in a way.
I also though G.Bush had beady a mouse.

Anonymous said...

you would think that with all of his zillions, he would have found a better plastic surgeon to do his eyes. This looks like a botched-eye job... cut too much upper eyelid and too much botox for his crowfeet has paralized his blinking ability.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Nancy Pelosi blinks way too much. Maybe it's a Democrat/Republican thing?

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding -- from people who've experienced such encounters -- that aliens don't blink. I also think that aliens probably have the ability to hypnotize people without making them aware that they have fallen under a spell. Judging by the reaction of the government, when Scott was merely fined $1.7 billion for defrauding Medicare, I must conclude that Rick Scott must be an alien. There's no other explanation for his lack of common sense -- a human condition -- in deciding to run for our highest state office.

youbetcha' said...

ouuu. The plastic surgery post creeps me out.