She was born in Liberty City and went to Edison middle and senior high school. After completing her BA in Communications at the University of South Florida she turned to news reporting, hosting a public radio talk show, “Community Pulsations,” on WLRN and promoting causes she cared about: quality education, race relations, the environment, government accountability.
Returning to Liberty City to raise her family, she created and led programs at Florida Audubon Society to motivate and empower inner city youth to become environmental stewards. I spent a lot of time with her during her stint with Audubon.
Alison is now the CEO of Belafonte TACOLCY Center. It has provided a safe haven for thousands of children and youth. TACOLCY help struggling families stay together, troubled youth turn their lives around, unite fathers with their kids among other good programs.
If I lived in the City of Miami, I would vote for my friend Alison and I am glad the Miami Herald gave her their recommendation. She knows the community, she has paid her dues and she is ready to lead. I hope the people in the district give her their votes.
If any District in the City of Miami needs someone to work full time plus to correct so many problems its District 5. A new District Commissioner, someone who is honest and has a vision for the District. Not someone who is in the race only for their own greed, as we have seen in the past. The past District 5 Commissioners have either been arrested or involved in kick backs with developers and other government agencies. Just look at Commissioner
Dunn,he seems to have a problem being honest so lets dump this crook, before he gets his hands on more of out tax payers money. I see where a Alison Austin could be the type of citizen who understands what is needed in her District and get something done for the folks in District 5. If any Disrtict in the City of Miami needs help its District 5. However, if the people of District 5 elect a individual who has been involved in questionable past dealing with individuals involved in criminal activity, and we are well aware of who these individuals are. If one of these individuals get elected, we dont want to hear you all crying nobody cares about District 5. Its time to do the right thing District 5 voters, the rest of the citizens of Miami and Miami Dade are watching.
Let's hope honesty and grass roots wins over special interest, absentee ballot driven victories.
Richard Dunn lied to the city and the commission: first he promised not to run if appointed and then he decides to run and his colleagues on the dais agree to allow him to run. WTF is going on?
Dunn and the commission in general are bad news. Begin to stop this craziness: dump Dunn.
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