Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Few Words About Marquez and Braman. By Geniusofdespair

Natacha Seijas did a tit-for-tat search of Miami Herald's Myriam Marquez's public records and came up wrong. The problem was not that the name was spelled differently. Often I find records misspelled. Here is the key for all you sleuths: YOU MUST COMPARE SIGNATURES before you assume it is the person. That is where the vile one went wrong, and that is what I do to be accurate (very time consuming).

Second: Norman Braman, I support your recall, reported today in the Herald, of County Commissioners but I don't want the wrong Commissioners caught in your web. Sally Heyman and Denis Moss would be a mistake. I am willing to hand them over if it will get Natacha Seijas and Dorrin Rolle but your recall would leave little Joe Martinez, Javier Souto and Pepe Le Pew in office. Cast a broader net please. And, Al Diaz of the Miami Herald what a fantastic photo of Norman Braman, I can't afford it, but I borrowed a peek.


Anonymous said...

The Recall would include Sorenson as she voted for the increase.

Anonymous said...

The thing is, when real estate rebounds a bit, that number can go down again. We are never going to get a lower tax bill. Come on, this is government.

Focus should be more on who's taking a hair cut and who's getting a raise, not in trying to extinguish the fire in the barn. Those embers have been burning for a long time. This is no surprise.

the Jolly Antichrist said...

How much will Norm's Taxes go down in Indian Creek if the millage is flat?

miaexile said...

The %1% county budget trim is a spit in the face of all taxpayers. I don't have a problem with a higher property tax bill for the right reasons,but those right reasons do not include 800.00 monthly car allowances or 400K salary for a county manager or inept managment of the airport expansion or ...the list is endless.

Anonymous said...

maybe the vote should be do we want a home rule charter or not? That should take away the county commission power.

Anonymous said...

Burgess should get a 25% decrease in salary and penalized for every cost over run on every county funded project. Oh, I'm sure the Marlin's have a cushy job waiting for him in 2012! Or, maybe he can move to France and work with the company doing the ridiculous tunnel. Moss' wife should have nothing to do with the airport - talk about MAJOR and eternal over budget, change order ridden and time delays......

Yep, the list of cuts (in my opinion) could more that cover the current deficit without raising the millage, but that's just my version of common sense - the County Commission rarely looks like they have any of that either!

CATO said...

Using US bearue of labor Statistics own calculator if you input the 1993 Miami DADE County budget of 2.4 Billion in Todays dollars that would get you 3.6 Billion if you ad on for population the umber would hover around 5 billion how did we get to 7.3 Billion? ALL OF THEM MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS NEED TO GO? My dog on acid could do a better job.

Anonymous said...

I will fight you to keep my 6K Jordan
"It has to, has to be stirred up, you know You got to keep it controversial" Moss with laughter lots of laughter it is very amusing to these commissioners, who can never balance the budget without controversy, we have this much money coming in we have this much going out......
Speaking about Myriam Marquez's property taxes...."Those are the people that, ah obviously would like to see us UH!, not be fair to the rest of the community" Seijas
The Majority of tax payers will see a raise in taxes???
"It has to, has to be stirred up, you know You got to keep it controversial" Moss with laughter lots of laughter it is very amusing to these commissioners, who can never balance the budget without controversy, we have this much money coming in we have this much going out......

There was no number crunching no presentation for the community to see????
Just alot of talk of their CBOs and finding funding for them.....!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hnQ29jA38vF9-wsDBDA08TEx9fQ_cgQwN3E6B8JFDe3dHDxNzHwMDfKMzAwMjPNDjQIDTY2MDTmIDucJB9-PWD5A1wAEcDfT-P_NxU_YLcCIMsE0dFAK-UR2c!/dl3/d3/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/

Geniusofdespair said...

Do you really think someone is going to use that link? Come on, just tell them where to go. No dumb links that are too long that don't work on MAC's by the way.

Anonymous said...

If we do away with the Home Rule Charter, the commissioners will get BIG salary increases. The state sets commissioner salaries based on a formula. It seems I read they would get around $90,000/year. With a home rule charter, the people get to set their salaries. What the commissioners keep asking us for is the state salary without giving up our home rule charter; talk about having it all. I say recall them all!

Anonymous said...

Genius, Will do better......

Try to Copy and Paste into your browser window,
these links instead:


Copy & Paste into your Address window:

then at the top of the page click on Government....
Then Look to the right see Webcast watch meetings below this click on Go to the Webcast Guide....


YOU NEED FIREFOX web browser FOR MACs to view videos...
or you can download the mp3 audio
Do not know how to down load vids without watching the whole meeting......anyone????

Anonymous said...

City of South Miami, Miami Dade County, & some Local Government meetings can now be seen on
AT&T U-verse TV....
Channel 99, On Remote press OK ,
On the Remote Press Menu, scroll down and highlight Govt Educ and Public Access
On Remote Press OK,
On Remote Press OK again,
Highlight Miami Dade Government...
and Press OK......
Highlight Miami Dade Tv
Press OK.....

George Orwell said...

CATO's fair game now right?

Why do you want to live in 1993?

The year after Andrew? The only money coming into the county was from sales tax surplus from everyone having to rebuild their homes.

County services SUCKED. Parks were non-existent. The roads were practically third-world. There were like four libraries in the whole County, outside the ones operated by the cities. Code enforcement? HA!

You really want to go back to that? Well, you might get your wish the way things are going.

Anonymous said...

The Braman threat has short term value but lacks punch because recalls never work.

He should spend his money to educate voters YEAR ROUND on the stupid, wasteful votes each commissioner makes every month. Put the video clips and transcripts up on the web so that candidates can easily download and use the information.

Mr. Braman: Fund a watchdog group that can hire ex-county budget staff to explain the tricks Burgess uses to fool the commission.

Recalls are a fool's errand but real oversight can play an important role.

Anonymous said...

Does it not seem rather strange that both the City of Miami and Miami Dade County seem to suffer from the nearly exact same problems. Both governments have major budget problems and both are raising our taxes and raising fees and the new money maker,soon to be on every traffic pole, The New Red Light Cameras. Both lack leadership at all major levels of government. Both governments elected offical's major voteing bloc are Cuban-Americans, they decide who gets elected in both the City and County. Its safe to say that the experiment of blending a Latin style run government here in Miami has failed. Cuban_Americans are super people , great family values, hard workers and excell in everything. How come you all can't run a government. Look at the past former Cuban-American Commissioners who have been arrested and convicted for stealing money or other criminal activty. You Cuban-American should be a shamed of yourselfs for continueing to re-elect the same cast of unqualified elected officals at both levels of governments. Until the Cuba-American voteing bloc changes in the next 10 to 15 years its going to be business as usual in the Banana Republic's we love so much............

CATO said...

George Orwell as I remember 1993 (and I was here as well as in 1984) houses weren't burning to the ground due to lack of fire protection, lawless gangs did not rule the streets, traffic lights worked, streets were paved and SoBe was coming into its own (before selling out to Target and Fridays etc etc).

Last Anon are Cubans the only one with poor political taste? Let me see Richard Daley, Huey Kingfish Long and Boss Tweed, where they elected by Cubans? Marion Barry yeah right he won because all the Cuban crackheads in DC voted for him. How many elected officials has good time Charlie removed from office in Florida? How many are Cuban? Stop pandering and just say it your Cuban neighbors chickens, and loud salsa music are driving you nuts.

Anonymous said...

To Cato: Your "dog on acid would do a better job" because your dog wouldn’t be inside the pockets of many rational-selfishness-posses that, UNFORTUNATELY, prowl around each and every politician within the state of Florida.
About Norman Braman: I am totally disillusioned about his power to recall anything -- and that includes his own memory. I was professionally involved with his campaign against the "Alex Le Pew half-penny tax", but that was a different Braman than the facsimile we now see urging the masses to revolt. This Braman happens to be in the hands of the wrong unemployed politicians, who hope to use him and his money to gain rightful employment back. Remember he's given Marco Rubio and Miguel Diaz de la Portilla $10,000, respectively. That alone doesn't inspire trust in me.

Geniusofdespair said...

That is Pepe Le Pew -- don't take Diaz's nickname. Yes Cato is fair game and so is his acid taking dog.

Geniusofdespair said...

And I remember 93. There were plenty of parks, libraries, roads were fine, the port looked the same...we must be living in a parallel universe or you lived in sprawl land.

Anonymous said...

Aw, Genius, I identified Alex with the most notorious skunk in carton history when you published the news that he had paired with Miguel DDLP -- designated at the time as Miguelito Pussycat, in honor of Pepe's paramour, Penelope Pussycat. So, it's a question of who called whom what, and when. Nevertheless, I will defer to you -- because I feel that Pepe, the man from Cancun, is as much a skunk as Alex, although not a greater one. And I will identify Alex with a simple skunk. Coming to think about it, I like this designation far better. [Amazing how Mickey’s initials sound more like an anti-bed bug spray?]

CATO said...

G.O.D. I lived in the cradle of hedonism known as South Beach. But my comment was NOT centered around where I lived I just don't see the "end of days" prediction by some folks if the budget is significantly reduced today ( a billion or two).

I picked 1993 because that was the year we went to 13 commissioners with the promise of better government, what we got was not better but definetly more expensive.

Today I live in a non descript suburban home in what I once called the boonies (Westchester Area) and will pay just a hair shy of 6k in property taxes, I see comparable homes in other counties (with polic/fire and infrastructure) paying 3 to 4K on something similar.

The 1993 budget was also rife with waste and malfeasance so maybe just tightening things up a bit would have rendered better service for less, like its mostly done in the competitive private sector (or you end up in BK not the fast food place either).

I am happy to report that my dog has quit taking hits of acid, his methadone treatment is going well and I am weaning him of his bong in preparation for his run for county mayor after the Braman recall.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa...

So now we're going to run down a list of Cuban elected officials who were arrested, and/or convicted, for public corruption related activity?

Let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?

Joe Gerstien (not a Cuban)
Bruce Kaplan (Not a Cuban)
James Burke (Not a Cuban)
Alex Dauod (Not a Cuban)
Larry Hawkins (Not a Cuban)
Miller Dawkins (Not a Cuban)
Art Teele (Not a Cuban)
Michelle Spence Jones (Not a Cuban)
Johnny Winton (Not a Cuban)
Any number of the Broward County Commissioners, or Broward County School Board, or Tamarac City Commission (No Cubans)
4 Members of the Palm Beach County Commission arrested in last 3 years (None Cuban)
The Homestaed Cuty Commission, which you all constantly rave about (How many Cubans there?)
I don't think there were any Cubans in the Ol' "Pork Chop Gang".

Oh, but this corruption thing must be linked back to the old Cuban Migration.


Anonymous said...

CBO's are a huge problem along with the Office of Community and Economic Development. The OCED has not performed like it was meant to be, doling out grants/loans to so many not qualified but polically connected. That entire department should be cut. In regard to the CBO's, they expensive to administrate and I truly believe they should really be limited in scope to public safety like Crime Watch (which has taken a tremendous hit, while Crime goes up, assisting the elderly/handicapped/poor with meals/transportation. The rest of it is just give aways to the polically connected with our tax dollars to further assure the same bad commissioners keep getting re elected.

Anonymous said...

Does married to a Cuban count?

Anonymous said...

Previous anon said: Mr. Braman: Fund a watchdog group that can hire ex-county budget staff to explain the tricks Burgess uses to fool the commission.

Like this. Mr. Braman, are you following this blog?