Sunday, August 01, 2010

More methane coming out of the butts of Fox News than the Siberian permafrost ... by gimleteye

The US Congress can't get climate change legislation to the floor. What is being discussed is far from steps needed to put the brakes on the speeding, driverless train. Yes it is true, none of the world's polluters are closer to reversing C02 emissions, but the failure of US leadership and primarily the GOP that continues to defend prerogatives of the oil, gas and coal industries, is revolting. Then, there are the charlatans at Fox News who spread stupidity; morons like Glenn Beck who spin paranoid, infectious diseased logic to rally some sort of Tea Party to embrace GOP "values". Russian wilderness is on fire. The idiots who drove and filmed through this video remind me of the melting Siberian permafrost that could tripwire climate haywire. For the time being, the gas coming out of Fox News is more lethal.

1 comment:

Here Be Monsters, again. said...

Oh RAHR! well writ, well done. That video is awesome....