One of the most intriguing questions to emerge from Tuesday's election results was: Who is Mike McCalister?
"The third wheel in the hotly contested Republican primary for governor took a whopping 10 percent of the vote -- whopping because he didn't run a single advertisement, barely registered in any poll and spent less than $8,000 on his campaign. The answer: a spoiler."
Don't think so, he was the ONLY choice Miami Herald. I voted for McCalister because McCullough did a right hand turn at the end. Even though I think he would help the Everglades, I couldn't vote for him after that. Left with no choice I went to McCalister's website. There was nothing highly objectionable on the first page so I voted for him. Besides, it looked like he was just trying to sell his book with his candidacy. In contrast, I did the same for Rubio's opponents. Their websites were very scary, crap about health care, immigration, restoring bible values, etc. I did not vote for anyone in the Senate as there was no choice, the other two were actually worse than Stop-O-Marco Rubio. Yep. This is one of the guys that was running against Rubio, William Escoffery:

I also voted for one of the other guys in the senate race. I thought it was a vote against Rubio.
I voted for Ferre! I got so tired of the mudslinging, it was the only thing I could do.
I did too. That is a 10% message that will tell the other side what they can count on.
On the 8th day G.O.D. Abstained. And all was well with the world.
G.O.D. on what day did you create candidates? I think you might want to revisit that day. In the very unlikely case George Carlin is up their with you you may want to consult him.
I voted for Maurice Ferre. He is FOR Amendment 4 and therefore, my kind of guy! He had no chance from the getgo, but he stood up for what is right.
Your protection time is almost up Cato -- September 1st you are on your own again. Didn't Jesus say something give on to Ceasar what is Ceasars? Don't tread on creationism especially when it comes to politicians.
I voted for Maurice Ferre too -- shame on the TV media for not giving him any coverage - they always represented the race between Meek and Greene as a 2 man race -- now on to make Charlie Crist the next Senator from Florida! btw, who would've thunk it - Frederica Wilson beat the #$!* out of everyone in the congressional race to fill Meeks' seat -- she musta had the union vote, no? nothing like more tired old blood in Congress...and if you live in county district 2 --- do all you can to support Jean Monestime!
Did Jesus say anything? I have a friend named cesar and I ain't giving him shit!
G.O.D. I thought that was you in the pic with the full white beard and hat. I was always told G.O.D. was an old white guy with a white beard but I never thought I'd live to see your picture.
I'm sure September 1st can't come fast enough fot you.
Votes for McAlister, and Ferre, and other minor candidates are frequently counterproductive, depending on the closeness of the race. McAlister had no shot at winning, so if his supporters preferred McCollum to Scott, then they screwed themselves. A shift of 10% of the vote would mean McCollum is the GOP nominee instead of the untrustworthy Scott. A vote for Ferre didn't matter given the margin of victory. (And Ferre? Really? He is becoming the Harold Stassen of Florida politics!)
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