BTW, I called Katy Sorenson's office yesterday. They said Commissioner Sorenson is NOT endorsing any candidate at this time. Some of the candidates are saying things like Katy wanted me in the race, etc. She supported every candidate who entered the race, but she is not endorsing ANYONE at this time, so stop with the crap candidates, don't mislead voters. Stand on your own two feet.
Where to begin on this one.....
What & where are these 2,000 jobs? The residential moretorum was very limited in scope and dealt with townhouses & number of single family homes per acre.
The Senior Center she talks about using "all grants" isn't true. Impact fees were transferred to finish the project.
Her nose is going to get longer each day she opens her mouth.
I think this photo and statement imply present tense, and that is most certainly "false advertising" in my book.
Lynda is not working on anything with Commissioner Sorensen and hasn't for a long time since she was booted out as Mayor of Homestead.
In my opinion, she was probably one of the worst Mayors Homestead has had. I do not believe she really understood policy and made snap decisions without thinking long term.
Her support in deep South Dade is deplorable, but I guess she's working in the North end of the District, selling herself to unsuspecting voters who may buy the BS she's selling. And, it's all smoke & mirrors.
Poor Katy.
This is classic Bell, mislead and misdirect.
Just because you endorsed flinn doesn't ,mean now you should ignore things she has done in the past for her community. Flinn misused his office logo and nobody said a thing. Katy and Lynda have been friends and they are from the same tree. Instead of calling her to verify an endorsement, endorse her openly and do the right thing for Miami, not your pals...this is like a Mafia blog.
You said:
reader: " Instead of calling her to verify an endorsement, endorse her openly and do the right thing for Miami, not your pals...this is like a Mafia blog."
This doesn't make sense. I already endorsed and Lynda came in at the bottom. Katy will not endorse at this time. Besides Katy would not endorse Lynda most likely. So I have a mafia blog because I fact checked?
poor katy
Double poor katy, last anon!
As to "...do the right thing for Miami..." Ummm, this is Miami Dade County, not Miami! And, in order to do the right thing, it's appropriate to call a candidate out who sends a mailer out like the one posted, which is misleading and provides no back up to exactly what the "morotoriam" affected; "2,000 jobs created"; "14% reduction in in the size of government", etc.
Show us the proof of these statements and that you are in fact "....working together..."
If Piedra and Bell were the only two candidates left, I'd pick Piedra! That's how bad Bell is in my book!
Albert Harum-Alvarez has also been using the "Katy wants me" BS. He's been telling people Katy begged him to run, which I doubt. His philosophy is not in sink with Sorenson. He's a Republican, Katy is a Dem; He, like Bell, thinks abortion should be illegal, Katy supports choice; He, like Bell, is right of the Pope, Katy is a liberal. About the only thing upon which they agree is not moving the UDB and who knows if he will keep that pledge. I think both Bell and Harum-Alvarez should stop playing the Katy card.
Dont forget to tell good ol' Gene Flinn to cool it, as well.
Flinn NEVER misses an opportunity to put a picture of Commissioner Sorenson on his campaign Facebook page. So much so that to the uniformed person, they could conclude that Katy was a member of Palmetto Bay's Village Council!
He also tweeters like crazy (which is good) but also never misses a chance to put Katy's name on his tweets.
Genius told the candidates that they "should stand on their own 2 feet."
That's good advice for all the candidates - including Flinn!
This is typical Lynda Bell. Those who have never worked directly with her think she is wonderful. The truth is that she is petty, vindictive and has no problem lying when it suits her purpose. Beware.
Roly - the tweets and facebook posts are relevant by Flinn and Sorenson when they are working together. Last week they were on pictured together on the cover of the Cutler Bay News for the story on the groundbreaking for the Old Cutler bike path. I am sure neither choose the photo for that cover.
They have actually worked together on many issues. The County library in Palmetto Bay is one example. The Commissioner is working with the Mayor on greening the village hall. There has been plenty of interaction between the two.
Flinn is also oft photographed with Pinecrest Mayor Lerner and Cutler Bay Mayor Vrooman and many other local, County, State and Federal officials who all work together.
I am sure all are proud of their respective accomplishments. Each have plenty of accomplishments separate from each other.
The issue is whether the photos posted on facebook and twitter are posted when current or if he pulls them from an archive. Current makes it newsworthy. Pulling them from an archive would be different.
To be fair, I think only the Rabbi and Piedra have yet to use a photo with Katy or mention their service relationship with her at a forum. BTW, both Piedra and Rabbi Mormorstein are fine gentleman and are genuine in their concerned for our community.
C'mon people, everybody tries to get as much "gravitas" from the popular politician who's retiring as they can.
Some people take more advantage than others. If you hear Albert Harum talk, you'd think that Katy was his political "Yoda." Flinn takes just a little too many pictures with Katy and let's face it, there are no pictures of Taddeo and Sorenson together because she probably never met her until she decided to run to succeed her.
Yea, that's real "passion" for ya.
Let's put things in perspective and let's not overeact over ONE picture and focus on the issues.
We're not going to get better than Katy Sorenson.
Yes, Flinn is the sitting Mayor and as such, he has the advantage of having more interaction with current, elected leaders than current, non-elected candidates. And he's taking advantage of this very fact - anybody that does not believe this is naive enough to vote for Taddeo of all people.
But with all due respect, everybody is making such a big deal over just ONE picture of Lynda Bell with Katy Sorenson - when there are several candidates that overuse Katy's image.
Genius is right when he said that candidates should stand on their own two feet but, please let's put things in perspective here.
Flinn better get off his keister and combat the BS Bell is spreading ( about her record)in his own backyard or he will find himself on the sidelines of the runoff election.
Eugene doesn't have to do anything to combat the Bell BS. He can stand on his own record as a two term (8 yr) mayor, with a great environmental policy, and who really does work currently with Commissioner Sorensen. He has every right to post pic's of things he's doing "now" in our District.
Bell, on the other hand, can't win honestly. She hasn't worked with Sorenson much and they're like polar opposites. Bell was elected to Mayor once - and served two years!
Yes, she is a good campaigner, but this District is too educated and will not elect her. In fact, the more she takes pot shots at other candidates or keeps up these misleading mailings, it will implode her campaign down the toilet.
Bell is the Queen of "Misleading Mailers!" She is doing it now, she has done it in the last two Mayoral campaigns,one to her benefit, the other to her detriment. People, DON'T buy into it! She was even called out during the last election when she stated she had the Chief of Police of Homestead endorsed her when, in fact, he did not give her permission to use his name. I know that she has had some trouble with campaign signs staying in yards, probably becausein the instances I know about from personal friends, she "assumes" support and places signs where she had them during her mayoral campaign when, in fact, they don't really support her. Some people fear to buck her so they don't say anything and let it happen to them. The real confirmation of support will come on election day, here's hoping justice will be served!
Thank you Mr. Wayne Rosen.
I hope you're geeting your money's worth with Mayor Waldman, I mean Baitman. Enjoy your spoils now...
speaking of campaign signs - candidates please read, the medians along US 1, utility easements, vacant property & certain farm fields: Please remove your campaign signs. As to the Farm fields, Bell is the worst offender and some of the Farmers have complained or just took her signs down, Taddeo is the worst of the Median & Easement offenders!
How come the mailer caption doesn't say former mayor Lynda Bell?
I don't know about the Redland area, but Bell and Albert are peppering public right away in Palmetto Bay and the US1-Falls area.
Could Katy look anymore unhappy?
I have to say that after reviewing the campaign finance reports from all the candidates, I was really surprised at some of the results.
I can understand why Bell's report comes up short - Apparently, everybody hates her. She's no longer the incumbent for close to a year. We all know where Taddeo and Piedra's $$$ is coming from - raising about $174,000 between the 2 in just 3 months or less? C'mon, can we all spell "special interests?"
But what really is striking is the fact that although Flinn has been in this race (I think) longer than anyone else and folks - he HAS BEEN out there campaigning, he has the least amount of $$$ raised.
There may be a lot of love for Flinn on this blog and the Herald likes him (sometimes, that's not a good thing) but for an incumbent Mayor that HAS BEEN re-elected twice, I don't see the "love" coming from anywhere else.
In response to the blogger that mentioned why her mailer doesn't say "former" mayor, GOOD QUESTION! And don't think for a second that this wasn't intentional. It is all about "perception" with Bell, and if she can lead people to assume she is a current mayor, all the better! She still uses her "Mayor" propaganda campaigning and on her facebook page she misleads this way as well. This woman has more nerve...it is all about winning, trust is left in the dust!
Flinn probably isn't taking special interest funds. The community can only raise so much - special interests can go far. I don't put much weight in to who didn't raise that much, I do look at who raised the most and how. That to me, is more alarming.
The Chief did endorse Bell but the PBA rank and file did not chief Rolle knows who covers his butt.
Do you know what's really annoying?
Taddeo rarely tweets but when she does, its about EVERYTHING other than ANYTHING having to do with County issues or District 8 for that matter.
She just tweeted the fact that Kagan won confirmation to the U.S. Senate.
MEMO to Annette: You're not running for Congress THIS year, you're running for the C O U N T Y C O M M I S S I O N!
Let me make it easier for you - its the local government Congress. Does that help you any? I sure hope so.
Look at loans to the campaigns almost all the candidates loaned themselves money
Yes, and your point is...?
What about loaning me some money?
I'll put it to better use than some tacky plastic yard sign with a digitally enhanced candidate foto or a colorful mailer with a lot of smiling imbeciles on them.
These Eight Candidates are the equivalent of having 300 cable channels and nothing worth watching.
Well there's at least Playboy Channel where much like politics someone always gets screwed.
To the questioner about "love" maybe
Flinn hasn't voted the way of the people who give the big bucks - lobbyists, developers and huge corporate entities.
I agree totally with the last poster. Special interest money always comes with one condition - do as we say...or else.
Maybe that's the reason the only 2 people who served in office in this Commission race are so far behind the other candidates in terms of campaign cash.
One may be denied this Commission seat because of his honesty and the other one lost her job because she stood up to special interests -she did her job.
Pitty, good help is very hard to find these days.
A Florida State Elections Division complaint was filed against Lynda Bell and accepted by the Division for falsely claiming in an election mailer that she received the Homestead Police Chief's endorsement in Homestead's 2009 election.
In reference to Albert, he has worked on environmental issues and fought overdevelopment as an activist in the neighborhood for twenty years. I've found that he really cannot be characterized--or maybe I should say caricatured--as a candidate from the right or from the left as some would like to. The point is that Albert has been in the trenches working on issues in the community for a long time and he has gained broad support from his neighbors and from other activists who have fought with him on overdevelopment. Additionally, unlike most of the other candidates Albert does not have contributions from lobbyists, land use attorneys, or real estate developers. So as far as standing up to pressure to hold the UDB line or on any other issue, Albert is the candidate who will have the independence to stand firm.
Don't annoy me on my vacation with untrue claims...
Some clarifications...
Katy did not "beg" me to run, and I never said that she did. She called me before her announcement and encouraged me to consider running, and I thank her for her kind advice since then. I know she placed at least one other call before she announced.
Yes, Katy and I have worked together over 12 years. Yes, Katy and I have differences, for instance, on fiscal issues. And yes, we have worked together to Hold The Line for those 12 years. I believe this is longer than any other candidate running. Recently, I've been working to make it easier to build in the RIGHT places in this county, which I think is just as important as stopping building in the WRONG places. Katy has supported my efforts, organizing meetings with the Building Department and others.
I don't think that Katy's defining quality is her party affiliation. There are other Democrats on the commission who are NOT like Katy. Katy is steadfast, determined, patient and persistent. She holds firmly to ideals that are county-wide in scope. This is what has made her the conscience of the commission.
I believe her successor needs the same qualities. It would be great if we started looking past the photo ops, past counting how many times someone says Katy's name, and started looking at the life history of the candidates for the qualities that define them.
We'll be having some good conversations over ice cream tomorrow at our Ice Cream Social. Join us by signing up today at http://electAlbert.com. Click the Ice Cream Social button at right. Thanks to Genius and gimleteye for the chance to chime in!
If you don't think Albert's Winery is not a special interest/lobbyist, then you haven't seen Peter in action. He did not get those land use changes for the winery by sitting on the side-lines - he was very attached to commissioner moss and mayor penelas. There had to be legislation written for the winery and recent changes to the ordinance.
So what ? Other than the "little " tainted food criminal problem Peter and his wife had, they had a vision and got involved to bring about an ordinance to allow the winery. If you do not agree with a winery or other out of the box agri business being allowed, that is your business but to get it done they had to make friends on the commission. We are ALL our own little special interest. Get the F over it. BTW, I know Peter and his wife and do not care for them personally so dont call me a sympathizer
Sure, what's a little "felony" betweem friends, right?
I mean, its just a little "felony," right?
The only thing scarier than Lynda Bell winning a seat on the commission is Lynda Bell coming back to Homestead and running for Mayor again. ( Well, OK, Sarah Palin being president is more scary) So damned if we do, damned if we dont. Homestead is screwed wither way, whether its Commissioner Bell, Mayor Bell or Mayor Bateman.
I guess the above poster didn't get his/her way with the Warren, Bell or Bateman Administrations.
Time to move on, dude.
At least Bell did not sell out to the highest bidder... she just had a problem with her personality....not that the Batester is anything great when you get under his skin or he has a few drinks, so they say.
With Sorenson you always knew exactly what you were going to get. Now we're going to get Jekyll and Hyde? Which Gene Flinn will show up for work?
Dear District 8 Citizen,
I have serious concerns about the endorsements made by the Miami Herald or the Unions of candidates for District 8’s Commissioner, and if they are really believable. I researched all the candidates and I also checked to see if they were vetted by these institutions before they endorsed any of them. I’m sorry to say that none of them were.
On March 11, 2009 the Mayor and the Palmetto Bay Village Council resolved to authorize the Village Manager to purchase property in the amount of $ 4.1M to build a Village Hall, based on the lowest appraisal excluding attorney’s fees and closing costs.
The property was the former site of “Neighborhood Supermarket” from the 1950’s that has been vacant for some time and seriously deteriorated. The lowest appraisal was $3.2M for the land and $900,000 for the old structure and parking lot.
As I see it, here is the problem. The existing structure was a liability not an asset; never the less they paid $900,000 dollars for a building and parking lot that needed to be demolished, and on top pay for its demolition. They could have had negotiated the price of the land and deducted the cost of the existing structure, especially considering the fact that at the time of this purchase, nobody was buying anything creating a definite Buyer’s Market. Never the less they went ahead with the purchase and paid at least $1M in tax money unnecessarily.
The Miami Herald endorsed Mayor Flinn, did the Miami Herald really know about this? Did The Miami Herald care to find out? And if they knew would they have supported him?
My concern is that County Commissioners are trusted to budget wisely, and knowing of million-dollar purchases like the one I described, I cannot trust Mayor Flinn to make the sound decisions in this regard or even to choose the right consultants as a Commissioner for District 8 on behalf of us, his constituents.
Regarding the other candidates and the Teacher’s Union’s endorsement of Annette Tadeo, as far as I know the Teacher’s Union, did not meet with any other candidates. So, what did the Teacher’s Union based their endorsement on?
I believe that their endorsement has not been seriously considered. I hold the Teacher’s Union and any other Unions to a higher standard. Why? Because I want to believe that the Unions are responsible for their members well being and that they have the right representation. So, why would the Unions endorse a candidate without serious consideration, a candidate for a post that has to deal with the budget, the future of the district and by extension the whole county?
Are we to continue the same old politics where I will support you if you support me? Take the quid pro quo above a candidate that will seriously and responsibly exercise the post of Commissioner for the good of all the community, including the Unions? Why would any Union squander their capital this way?
The politicians that work this way sell their future support to any one, and in the future the highest bidder gets their support.
For all of the above, I consider The Miami Herald and the Unions endorsements of the District 8’s candidate for Commissioner of no value whatsoever.
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