As a Republican I am going to vote for the more moderate in the primary...I never thought I would EVER say this in a million years...Bill McCollum. Yes McCollum as a moderate is a stretch but the Republicans have moved so far to the right he actually is the best choice for Governor on the Republican ticket. Rick Scott is even to the right of Rubio -- they both are down-right bad to the core for Florida.
God forbid that Alex Sink should lose in the General Election, I can live with McCollum for the reasons outlined in the Miami Herald Recommendation this morning -- all issues extremely important to me:
"Contrary to the GOP majority in the Legislature, Mr. McCollum wants to reauthorize the Department of Community Affairs and even strengthen its ability to prevent more sprawl. This is a welcome commitment from a Republican gubernatorial candidate. Mr. McCollum also wants to make water conservation a hallmark of his administration, something that gets little attention from other statewide candidates.
Mr. McCollum pledges his full support for continuing Everglades restoration. He's long opposed drilling off the coast of Florida, while Mr. Scott supports it."
You sold me Miami Herald. I am not endorsing him, just voting for him. If they don't reauthorize the DCA - All hell will break lose in Florida, we need a governor to veto the evil legislature trying to dismantle the Department of Community Affairs. He also cast a cabinet vote over a year ago against the Lowe's Big Box Store on the wrong side of the UDB Line near the Everglades. That was a very good thing.
McCollum is the Cauliflower BTW, I will just hold me nose and be done with it.
You are giving cauliflower a horrible name!
You know, I have had fire roasted cauliflower, it it isn't half bad.
Scott spoke at the Rep Party Dinner here on Saturday night...now its clear why his handlers do not let him speak to editorial boards, etc. He was simply awful. The man is lost, what a horrible speaker.
Folks have to look past the glossy flyers and TV ads.
You used to be able to get mashed cauliflower at Ruby Tuesday's as a substitute for mashed potatoes. It was great for a low carb diet.
I don't know how you are doing this vote.
I am so scared of Scott's money, I have to do my part.
I can't comment on guest post by weRwatching, but I just wanted to say thanks to you, and to GoD, for helping clear up my confusion btwn land use/zoning, county issues, etc. Hope it helped others as well.
I think you all are doing a good and needed thing here on this blog.
Scott is very scary. Who in their right mind spends upwards of $25 million, maybe even %50 million, for a $100+ a year job which he says he will not collect, and to put up with the attacks and the media scrutiny and questions and second guessing. Something here does not add up. 2+2 is not adding up to 4 with Scott and his campaign.
In addition, the massive HCA Medicaire fraud is just to massive. How can a person (the top person in the Company) not know what was happening for all of those years? Is Scott that stupid, or worse is he that devious? To think that they-Scott and his Company- were able to rip off American taxpayers, and the most noble segment of our society, our elderly, and get off Scott free(pun intended), is as repulsive and repugnant as it gets.
Scott looks like a mortician in a horror film that does weird things to dead bodies. Of course one should never go with first impressions. I'm sure he's much worse!
I like this little daydream I had where Scott in the race is thru Democratic divine intervention to ensure Sink wins in the general election.
Havent we had enough from these profesional politicians like Bill McCollum. He has been around the State of Florida for years getting nothing done for the Citizens of Florida. Its guy's like him that have one thing on their minds and that get elected and re-elected so they sell thier souls for Corporate donations. The time for change is now, send Bill McCollum and his corporate buddies home.
If your were to choose a Governor for your state would you choose
A- A Lawyer who is the only non balsero who defrauded Medicare and Medicaid to the tune of Billions and is using it to screw us yet again.
B- A Lawyer who has run for office and been involved in politics so long Nike is actually thinking of naming a shoe after him.
C- A Lawyer who wants very much wants to be a carrier politician.
D- A Lawyer spawned by a career politician who owes about as much money as scott has spent on his campaign
E- A four legged beast that licks his nuts, chases his tail and fetches a stick.
Count me in for E
Just saw the TV debate and Mc was way better than Scott.
"E" isn't running.
Did I mention "E" eats his own crap and humps anything thats remotely warm?
G.O.D. I'll vote for one of those other guys that don't have a snowballs chance in Hialeah like John Wayne Smith that way I can sleep at night.
I have to agree with Sgt. York. McCollum is always on the lookout for the latest opportunity to run for another office, while doing nothing during his tenure in the post he was elected to. Same applies to MOST of our state legislators. McCollum is old and musty and needs to retire.
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